Naviga Subscriber Guide section For New Users title Navigating the Disc :PHYSSIZE statusMsg "BackTrack " && section & "." btnDn sysLockscreen btnUp popSection (objectfrompoint( ) <> goSection useLeave mouseEnter buttonDown buttonStillDown mouseLeave buttonUp mouseEnter statusMsg BackTrack to section mouseLeave statusMsg buttonDown btnDn buttonStillDown btnUp popSection buttonUp btnUp goSection For New Users :PHYSSIZE statusMsg "BackTrack " && dept & "." btnDn sysLockscreen btnUp popDept (objectfrompoint( ) <> goDept useLeave mouseEnter buttonDown buttonStillDown mouseLeave buttonUp mouseEnter statusMsg BackTrack to mouseLeave statusMsg buttonDown btnDn buttonStillDown btnUp FpopDept buttonUp btnUp goDept Subscriber Guide In addition to the resources and information published through-out the magazine, there are thousands of directories and files to explore on this CD ROM. The NautilusCD Disc Index is the standalone application that makes it possible to do so. Click the Tools button found on the bottom of each page to open the Tools Palette, then select Index (as highlighted, above). Search for any subject or item on the disc. Open it. Copy it to your hard drive. Print it. Or access the Index Help files for assistance (and more complete instructions). Scroll through the Index at File or Directory level; see what's in each listing plus its path name and basic information such as type and size. Often there's a full description with important information on registration, upgrades and more. Explore! The Index provides a world of capabilities not available in the magazine. :PHYSSIZE Navi0101 :PHYSSIZE Navi0102 Page 83 of 94 Customer Service Subscriber Guide section Customer Service title About NautilusCD Customer Service :PHYSSIZE mediaExt mediaExt statusMsg "BackTrack " && section & "." btnDn sysLockscreen btnUp popSection (objectfrompoint( ) <> goSection useLeave mouseEnter buttonDown buttonStillDown mouseLeave buttonUp mouseEnter statusMsg BackTrack to section mouseLeave statusMsg buttonDown btnDn buttonStillDown btnUp popSection buttonUp btnUp goSection Customer Service :PHYSSIZE statusMsg "BackTrack " && dept & "." btnDn sysLockscreen btnUp popDept (objectfrompoint( ) <> goDept useLeave mouseEnter buttonDown buttonStillDown mouseLeave buttonUp mouseEnter statusMsg BackTrack to mouseLeave statusMsg buttonDown btnDn buttonStillDown btnUp FpopDept buttonUp btnUp goDept Subscriber Guide Our Customer Service team is available to help you with all aspects of NautilusCD: They'll activate, renew and answer questions about your subscription, send your Subscriber Identification number (SI) to you, receive and process your orders for NautilusCD-related products, answer your technical support problems and more. The following information is important for you to know. Please take a moment to become familiar with it, then give Customer Service a call if you have any questions. They'll be happy to assist you. Cust0106 ption Here's information on when and how you can reach Customer Service representatives. popupText omediaExt, omediaLength, odisplaySize buttonUp buttonUp popupText mediaExt mediaLength displaySize hlepText Open form... helpText Display extended text. statusMsg ohelpText btnDn() ouseEnter mouseLeave mouseEnter buttondown mouseEnter statusMsg helpText mouseLeave statusMsg buttondown btnDn :PHYSSIZE helpText Display extended text. SUBGUIDE\SERVICES\CUST_SVC.DOC Cust0107 ption Use your Subscriber Identification number (SI) when contacting Customer Service. popupText omediaExt, omediaLength, odisplaySize buttonUp buttonUp popupText mediaExt mediaLength displaySize hlepText Open form... helpText Display extended text. statusMsg ohelpText btnDn() ouseEnter mouseLeave mouseEnter buttondown mouseEnter statusMsg helpText mouseLeave statusMsg buttondown btnDn :PHYSSIZE helpText Display extended text. SUBGUIDE\SERVICES\SI.DOC Cust0108 ption Cust0105 Cust0109 ption We offer our mailing list to carefully-screened organizations. Here's info you should know. popupText omediaExt, omediaLength, odisplaySize buttonUp buttonUp popupText mediaExt mediaLength displaySize hlepText Open form... helpText Display extended text. statusMsg ohelpText btnDn() ouseEnter mouseLeave mouseEnter buttondown mouseEnter statusMsg helpText mouseLeave statusMsg buttondown btnDn :PHYSSIZE helpText Display extended text. mediaExt SUBGUIDE\SERVICES\MAILLIST.DOC :PHYSSIZE Cust0104 !:PHYSSIZE Technical Support reps have information about errata in the magazine. Learn more here. popupText omediaExt, omediaLength, odisplaySize buttonUp buttonUp popupText mediaExt mediaLength displaySize J$hlepText Open form... 8$p$helpText Display extended text. statusMsg ohelpText btnDn() ouseEnter mouseLeave mouseEnter buttondown mouseEnter statusMsg helpText mouseLeave statusMsg buttondown btnDn &:PHYSSIZE &helpText Display extended text. &mediaExt SUBGUIDE\SERVICES\ERRATA\VOL4_2.DOC 'articleList CustSv,Publis,Connec &>'articleNames About NautilusCD Customer Service,Publish on NautilusCD,Connect with NautilusCD 'articlePages 84,85,86 Page 84 of 94 Publis Subscriber Guide section Customer Service title Publish on NautilusCD :PHYSSIZE mediaExt statusMsg "BackTrack " && section & "." btnDn sysLockscreen btnUp popSection (objectfrompoint( ) <> goSection useLeave mouseEnter buttonDown buttonStillDown mouseLeave buttonUp mouseEnter statusMsg BackTrack to section mouseLeave statusMsg buttonDown btnDn buttonStillDown btnUp popSection buttonUp btnUp goSection Customer Service :PHYSSIZE statusMsg "BackTrack " && dept & "." btnDn sysLockscreen btnUp popDept (objectfrompoint( ) <> goDept useLeave mouseEnter buttonDown buttonStillDown mouseLeave buttonUp mouseEnter statusMsg BackTrack to mouseLeave statusMsg buttonDown btnDn buttonStillDown btnUp FpopDept buttonUp btnUp goDept Subscriber Guide NautilusCD is a convergence of media--computers, TV and periodicals--enabling subscribers to explore and publish information as never before. Many subscribers submit digital video or audio statements on topics they feel passionate about. Others send software, photos, information, reviews and examples of their work and their perspectives. We invite you to take advantage of this new medium and share your work with multimedia enthusiasts worldwide. We simply need a signed submission form from you; access it in the following folder. :PHYSSIZE Publ0101 :PHYSSIZE Publ0102 Publ0106 ption Publishing guidelines, submission form, copyright information and more Folder popupFolder omediaExt, omediaLength, odisplaySize buttonUp buttonUp popupFolder mediaExt mediaLength displaySize Folder hlepText Open Index... Folder statusMsg ohelpText btnDn() ouseEnter mouseLeave mouseEnter buttondown mouseEnter statusMsg helpText mouseLeave statusMsg buttondown btnDn :PHYSSIZE 4200,1500 helpText Access disc files from Index. startPos 6855,1350 SUBGUIDE\PUBLISH mediaLength SUBGUIDE\PUBLISH\SUBMIT.WRI Page 85 of 94 Connec Subscriber Guide section Customer Service title Connect with NautilusCD :PHYSSIZE mediaExt statusMsg "BackTrack " && section & "." btnDn sysLockscreen btnUp popSection (objectfrompoint( ) <> goSection useLeave mouseEnter buttonDown buttonStillDown mouseLeave buttonUp mouseEnter statusMsg BackTrack to section mouseLeave statusMsg buttonDown btnDn buttonStillDown btnUp popSection buttonUp btnUp goSection Customer Service :PHYSSIZE statusMsg "BackTrack " && dept & "." btnDn sysLockscreen btnUp popDept (objectfrompoint( ) <> goDept useLeave mouseEnter buttonDown buttonStillDown mouseLeave buttonUp mouseEnter statusMsg BackTrack to mouseLeave statusMsg buttonDown btnDn buttonStillDown btnUp FpopDept buttonUp btnUp goDept Subscriber Guide Built into every NautilusCD disc is an electronic communications package we call Link. With it --and your modem--you can connect with NautilusCD to send a subscription form, send comments or suggestions to the editors, seek technical support or order products. You can open Link from the Tools Palette by clicking the Tools button at the bottom of any page, or from the Startup screen. Many subscribers regularly send Link messages with comments and suggestions. We read every one, often making content decisions and even magazine enhancements because of them. Each month we select a few to publish as Letters to the Editor. Turn the page to see this issue's collection, then send in your own. :PHYSSIZE Conn0101 :PHYSSIZE Conn0102 Conn0106 ption How to Link comments to (and receive messages from) the NautilusCD Team. popupText omediaExt, omediaLength, odisplaySize buttonUp buttonUp popupText mediaExt mediaLength displaySize hlepText Open form... helpText Display extended text. statusMsg ohelpText btnDn() ouseEnter mouseLeave mouseEnter buttondown mouseEnter statusMsg helpText mouseLeave statusMsg buttondown btnDn :PHYSSIZE helpText Display extended text. SUBGUIDE\SERVICES\LINK.DOC Page 86 of 94 Letters to NautilusCD Subscriber Guide section Letters to NautilusCD title Letters to NautilusCD :PHYSSIZE Lett0102 :PHYSSIZE statusMsg "BackTrack " && dept & "." btnDn sysLockscreen btnUp popDept (objectfrompoint( ) <> goDept useLeave mouseEnter buttonDown buttonStillDown mouseLeave buttonUp mouseEnter statusMsg BackTrack to mouseLeave statusMsg buttonDown btnDn buttonStillDown btnUp FpopDept buttonUp btnUp goDept Subscriber Guide Each month we receive hundreds of Link messages, phone calls, faxes and letters from subscribers. You ask questions, provide comments, seek help.... This section presents a number of editorial and technical letters plus answers from the NautilusCD Team, if appropriate. Don't be shy! Let us know what's on your mind. We look forward to hearing from you. Do you have a question or comment for the NautilusCD Team? Here's how you can reach us. Lett0106 ption Our phone numbers, address and other information popupText omediaExt, omediaLength, odisplaySize buttonUp buttonUp popupText mediaExt mediaLength displaySize hlepText Open form... helpText Display extended text. statusMsg ohelpText btnDn() ouseEnter mouseLeave mouseEnter buttondown mouseEnter statusMsg helpText mouseLeave statusMsg buttondown btnDn :PHYSSIZE helpText Display extended text. mediaExt SUBGUIDE\LETTERS\REACHNCD.DOC :PHYSSIZE Lett0103 Lett0107 We receive letters from around the world. articleList Letter Page 87 of 94 Letters to NautilusCD Letter02 Letter02 Subscriber Guide section Letters to NautilusCD title Letters to NautilusCD :PHYSSIZE statusMsg "BackTrack " && dept & "." btnDn sysLockscreen btnUp popDept (objectfrompoint( ) <> goDept useLeave mouseEnter buttonDown buttonStillDown mouseLeave buttonUp mouseEnter statusMsg BackTrack to mouseLeave statusMsg buttonDown btnDn buttonStillDown btnUp FpopDept buttonUp btnUp goDept Subscriber Guide EDITORIAL Q&A Roundtable Suggestions I thought the inclusion of audio quotes on the Experts Roundtable (The NautilusCD Focus on Educational Software, February 1994) was a wonderful format, and I hope you include it in the future. One suggestion though: If an expert spouts off a list of information, please paraphrase that list in a text file somewhere else on the page. It's not fair to expect parents to scribble notes down while listening to an audio file on recommended educational software. Jerry Ross Oak Park, Illinois Is it me or does the audio quality on the Experts Roundtable seem less than superior? In previous issues most interviews with industry pundits were conducted live on video or at least with a real microphone. It sounds like you recorded these interviews over telephone lines. Scott Parker Fullerton, California Lett0204 ption The NautilusCD staff responds to these users' comments. Audio popupAudio omediaExt, omediaLength, odisplaySize buttonUp buttonUp popupAudio mediaExt mediaLength displaySize Audio hlepText Open form... helpText Play audio. Audio statusMsg ohelpText btnDn() ouseEnter mouseLeave mouseEnter buttondown mouseEnter statusMsg helpText mouseLeave statusMsg buttondown btnDn :PHYSSIZE helpText Play audio. mediaExt SUBGUIDE\LETTERS\ROSSPARK.WAV mediaLength 22775 Page 88 of 94 Letter03 Subscriber Guide section Letters to NautilusCD title Letters to NautilusCD :PHYSSIZE statusMsg "BackTrack " && dept & "." btnDn sysLockscreen btnUp popDept (objectfrompoint( ) <> goDept useLeave mouseEnter buttonDown buttonStillDown mouseLeave buttonUp mouseEnter statusMsg BackTrack to mouseLeave statusMsg buttonDown btnDn buttonStillDown btnUp FpopDept buttonUp btnUp goDept Subscriber Guide Audio Editorial Q&A continued... Nautiloids of the World Unite! My personal suggestion for an update to Webster's: Nautiloid: 1. any of an ancient group of animals whose ancestors swam in the oceans hundreds of millions of years ago. 2. any of a group of animals--usually higher-order primates--who spend many hours each month using a CD-ROM-based multimedia magazine called NautilusCD. Edward Smith Houston, Texas Soundbites I greatly enjoyed Soundbites in the Entertainment department on the last NautilusCD. The humor was on target. Tom Larson Grand Rapids, Michigan Lett0304 ption The NautilusCD staff ruminates on the nature of its subscribers. popupAudio omediaExt, omediaLength, odisplaySize buttonUp buttonUp popupAudio mediaExt mediaLength displaySize Audio ^ hlepText Open form... helpText Play audio. Audio statusMsg ohelpText btnDn() ouseEnter mouseLeave mouseEnter buttondown mouseEnter statusMsg helpText mouseLeave statusMsg buttondown btnDn :PHYSSIZE helpText Play audio. mediaExt SUBGUIDE\LETTERS\SMITH.WAV mediaLength 14903 Page 89 of 94 Products & Services articleList ProdSv title Products & Services section Products & Services Subscriber Guide NAUTILUSCD PRODUCT DIRECTORY Browse through this catalog of NautilusCD spin-off products and storage resources.... Add to your CD ROM collection today! MINI-SUBSCRIPTION KITS are a great introduction to NautilusCD Mac or Windows editions. They include a current disc plus a coupon for two more issues. BACKPACS are sets of six back issue NautilusCD discs; each Backpac includes a special offer. HOT OFF THE PRESSES! * Backpac 6 for Mac NautilusCD Vol. 4-7 through Vol. 4-12 (July-December '93) * Backpac 4 for Windows NautilusCD Vol. 3-7 through Vol. 3-12 (July-December '93) Products & Services Subscriber Guide Page 90 of 94 Prod0101 , :PHYSSIZE Prod0102 :PHYSSIZE Prod0103 :PHYSSIZE Prod0106 Learn more about Backpacs. statusMsg "BackTrack " && dept & "." btnDn sysLockscreen btnUp popDept (objectfrompoint( ) <> goDept useLeave mouseEnter buttonDown buttonStillDown mouseLeave buttonUp mouseEnter statusMsg BackTrack to mouseLeave statusMsg buttonDown btnDn buttonStillDown btnUp FpopDept buttonUp btnUp goDept :PHYSSIZE Text badge popupText omediaExt, omediaLength, odisplaySize buttonUp buttonUp popupText mediaExt mediaLength displaySize mediaExt SUBGUIDE\PRODUCTS\BACKPACS.DOC Text badge helpText Display extended text. hlepText Open form Text badge statusMsg ohelpText btnDn() ouseEnter mouseLeave mouseEnter buttondown mouseEnter statusMsg helpText mouseLeave statusMsg buttondown btnDn helpText Display extended text. :PHYSSIZE ProdSv02 Subscriber Guide section Products & Services title Products & Services :PHYSSIZE mediaExt mediaExt statusMsg "BackTrack " && dept & "." btnDn sysLockscreen btnUp popDept (objectfrompoint( ) <> goDept useLeave mouseEnter buttonDown buttonStillDown mouseLeave buttonUp mouseEnter statusMsg BackTrack to mouseLeave statusMsg buttonDown btnDn buttonStillDown btnUp FpopDept buttonUp btnUp goDept Subscriber Guide NautilusCD Products & Services continued... OUR "BEST OF" COLLECTION BEST OF MIDI CONNECTION is a two-disc set containing more than 500 classical, ragtime and contemporary MIDI pieces for your noncommercial free use. BEST OF PHOTOGRAPHY provides over 100 photos in multiple formats for your noncommercial free use. Access underwater, nature and safari images as well as creative imagery on this two-disc set. BEST OF SOUND BYTES is for anyone involved with music or video production who needs music beds, long-form production music and sound effects. These files are also available for your noncommercial free use. :PHYSSIZE Prod0201 Prod0204 Sample image from Best of Photography Picture badge popupPicture omediaExt, omediaLength, odisplaySize buttonUp buttonUp ?popupPicture mediaExt mediaLength displaySize Picture badge hlepText Open form helpText Display picture. Picture badge statusMsg ohelpText btnDn() ouseEnter mouseLeave mouseEnter buttondown mouseEnter statusMsg helpText mouseLeave statusMsg buttondown btnDn :PHYSSIZE helpText Display picture. SUBGUIDE\PRODUCTS\PHOTO\BANFF28.DIB displaySize 648,488 Prod0205 ption Have only 5-seconds? Listen to this system sound sample from The Best of Sound Bytes. Audio popupAudio omediaExt, omediaLength, odisplaySize buttonUp buttonUp popupAudio mediaExt mediaLength displaySize Audio hlepText Open form... helpText Play audio. Audio statusMsg ohelpText btnDn() ouseEnter mouseLeave mouseEnter buttondown mouseEnter statusMsg helpText mouseLeave statusMsg buttondown btnDn :PHYSSIZE helpText Play audio. SUBGUIDE\PRODUCTS\SNDBYTES\MMB18_05.WAV mediaLength Prod0206 ption Here's a Bach Cello Sonata file, one of many MIDI selections on The Best of MIDI Connection set. popupMIDI omediaExt, omediaLength, odisplaySize buttonUp buttonUp popupMIDI mediaExt mediaLength displaySize hlepText Open form... helpText Play MIDI file. statusMsg ohelpText btnDn() ouseEnter mouseLeave mouseEnter buttondown mouseEnter statusMsg helpText mouseLeave statusMsg buttondown btnDn :PHYSSIZE helpText Play MIDI file. mediaExt SUBGUIDE\PRODUCTS\MIDI\SUITE4_4.MID mediaLength Page 91 of 94 ProdSv03 title Products & Services section Products & Services Subscriber Guide STORAGE OPTIONS Many NautilusCD subscribers have asked about ways to store CD ROMs. Here are three options we make available: * CD JEWEL BOXES: packages of 12 plastic cases (like audio CDs) * CD SLEEVES: individual plastic pouches for discs by the dozen * CD BINDERS: mini-notebook style storage for 12 discs NAUTILUS MOUSE PADS A blue Nautilus logo on a black mouse mat. Personalize this desk accessory by placing important phone numbers, to-do lists, your favorite photos or whatever you choose under its see-through cover. OR CALL NautilusCD CustomerService 800/637-3472 International 614/766-3165 to place your order today! NautilusCD Products & Services continued... Subscriber Guide Page 92 of 94 Prod0301 x :PHYSSIZE Prod0304 Use the enclosed order form to purchase NautilusCD discs and CD ROM-related products. statusMsg "BackTrack " && dept & "." btnDn sysLockscreen btnUp popDept (objectfrompoint( ) <> goDept useLeave mouseEnter buttonDown buttonStillDown mouseLeave buttonUp mouseEnter statusMsg BackTrack to mouseLeave statusMsg buttonDown btnDn buttonStillDown btnUp FpopDept buttonUp btnUp goDept :PHYSSIZE Folder popupFolder omediaExt, omediaLength, odisplaySize buttonUp buttonUp popupFolder mediaExt mediaLength displaySize mediaLength SUBGUIDE\PRODUCTS\CATALOG.WRI mediaExt SUBGUIDE\PRODUCTS Folder hlepText Open Index... Folder statusMsg ohelpText btnDn() ouseEnter mouseLeave mouseEnter buttondown mouseEnter statusMsg helpText mouseLeave statusMsg buttondown btnDn startPos 6855,1350 helpText Access disc files from Index. 4200,1500 :PHYSSIZE Subscribe or Renew articleList SubRen title Subscribe or Renew section Subscribe or Renew Subscriber Guide Do it today so you won't miss one issue of NautilusCD, The Multimedia Magazine on CD ROM. NautilusCD has been described as an extraordinary experience: delivering information for you and your computer in a way that combines--and takes advantage of--all media to communicate. The NautilusCD experience becomes even more extraordinary when you consider that it's multimedia in your mailbox every month! There's no better value in CD ROM software anywhere. And NautilusCD guarantees your continuing satisfaction. Subscribe or Renew your subscription to NautilusCD now! Subscriber Guide- Page 93 of 94 SubR0101 :PHYSSIZE SubR0103 :PHYSSIZE SubR0106 Fill out & Link (or print & fax) this form to subscribe or renew your subscription to NautilusCD. statusMsg "BackTrack " && dept & "." btnDn sysLockscreen btnUp popDept (objectfrompoint( ) <> goDept useLeave mouseEnter buttonDown buttonStillDown mouseLeave buttonUp mouseEnter statusMsg BackTrack to mouseLeave statusMsg buttonDown btnDn buttonStillDown btnUp FpopDept buttonUp btnUp goDept :PHYSSIZE openSub buttonUp buttonUp FopenSub helpText Open form. hlepText Open form... statusMsg ohelpText btnDn() ouseEnter mouseLeave mouseEnter buttondown mouseEnter statusMsg helpText mouseLeave statusMsg buttondown btnDn helpText Open form... :PHYSSIZE Article Listing title Article Listing Article Listing Page 94 of 94 LISTING :PHYSSIZE article listing oselectedTextLines goTopage buttonUp buttonUp NegoTopage Desktop Media 3 Music & Sound 4 Audio Tutorial Part 3: Making the Right Connections 4 Sound Bytes: Sounds for Games 7 MIDI Connection: Beethoven 9 Photography & Images 11 Randall Hyde: Take Me Out to the Ball Game 11 The Eyes Have It: Computer Imagery by Andrew Bac 14 Archive Photos 17 Desktop Publishing 19 DTP Power Tools 19 Multimedia 21 Digital Film Resources from Archive Films 21 Entertainment 22 Feature (Games & Diversions) 23 Playing on the Edge! 23 The New-Breed Designers Speak 24 Hot Multimedia CD ROM Games 31 Profile: The Miller Brothers, Creators of Myst 38 Performing Arts 45 Soundbites 45 Celestial Navigations 47 From Windham Hill 48 Education 49 Kids' Corner 50 Color Your World: Z & Z Color 50 Self-Help 51 Life Choices 51 Science Lab 53 Programs for Science Buffs 53 Reference Library 56 Psychology Corner 56 Industry Watch 59 Product News 60 Interactions: Learn to Speak Spanish 60 Hardware Spotlight: GameWave 32 Sound Card 62 Press Room 64 Product Directories 65 Multimedia PC Marketing Council 65 CD ROM Directory 66 ComputerWare 67 Software Demos 68 HighFive: Text Editors 71 Tools & Technical 74 Windows UnArchive 2.22 74 Anti-Virus Solutions 75 Subscriber Guide 78 For New users 79 How to Read a Multimedia Story 79 Moving Through the Magazine 81 Navigating the Disc 83 Customer Service 84 About NautilusCD Customer Service 84 Publish on NautilusCD 85 Connect with NautilusCD 86 Letters to NautilusCD 87 Products & Services 90 Subscribe or Renew 93 ComputerWare sectionPages 68,71,74,75 sectionNames Software Demos,HighFive,Tools && Tech,Anti-Virus Solutions sectionList Software Demos,HighFive,Tools & Tech,Anti-Virus Solutions title ComputerWare ComputerWare Computer Page 67 of 94 statusMsg "BackTrack " && dept & "." btnDn sysLockscreen btnUp popDept (objectfrompoint( ) <> goDept useLeave mouseEnter buttonDown buttonStillDown mouseLeave buttonUp mouseEnter statusMsg BackTrack to mouseLeave statusMsg buttonDown btnDn buttonStillDown btnUp FpopDept buttonUp btnUp goDept :PHYSSIZE COMPWARE :PHYSSIZE COMPWARE :PHYSSIZE Software Demos statusMsg "Go " && p& "." objDn() goToPage ( mouseLeave mouseEnter buttonDown buttonUp mouseEnter statusMsg Go to mouseLeave statusMsg buttonDown objDn buttonUp NegoToPage :PHYSSIZE HighFive statusMsg "Go " && p& "." objDn() goToPage ( mouseLeave mouseEnter buttonDown buttonUp mouseEnter statusMsg Go to mouseLeave statusMsg buttonDown objDn buttonUp NegoToPage :PHYSSIZE Tools & Tech statusMsg "Go " && p& "." objDn() goToPage ( mouseLeave mouseEnter buttonDown buttonUp mouseEnter statusMsg Go to mouseLeave statusMsg buttonDown objDn buttonUp NegoToPage !:PHYSSIZE Anti-Virus Solutions statusMsg "Go " && p& "." objDn() goToPage ( mouseLeave mouseEnter buttonDown buttonUp mouseEnter statusMsg Go to mouseLeave statusMsg buttonDown objDn buttonUp NegoToPage <':PHYSSIZE Software Demos articleList SwDemo title Software Demos section Software Demos ComputerWare MATINEE Using powerful new video compression technology, this screen saver brings television-quality images to your screen while maintaining the fun and interactive features of good entertainment software. Creating or changing a matinee movie is as easy as using a mouse. Make customized mini-movies by selecting from more than 250 full-color and black-and-white video clips. Simply drag and drop clips--in any order you choose--from the movie library to the movie film strip. There are no limits on the way clips can be displayed Software Demos Section Name, if 1st article ComputerW Page 68 of 94 SWDe0101 :PHYSSIZE SWDe0102 :PHYSSIZE SWDe0106 Install Matinee to your hard drive to try this new multimedia screen saver. statusMsg "BackTrack " && dept & "." btnDn sysLockscreen btnUp popDept (objectfrompoint( ) <> goDept useLeave mouseEnter buttonDown buttonStillDown mouseLeave buttonUp mouseEnter statusMsg BackTrack to mouseLeave statusMsg buttonDown btnDn buttonStillDown btnUp FpopDept buttonUp btnUp goDept :PHYSSIZE Folder popupFolder omediaExt, omediaLength, odisplaySize buttonUp buttonUp popupFolder mediaExt mediaLength displaySize mediaLength CompWare\Demos\MATINEE\INSTALLR\SETUP.EXE mediaExt CompWare\Demos\Matinee\INSTALLR Folder hlepText Open Index... Folder statusMsg ohelpText btnDn() ouseEnter mouseLeave mouseEnter buttondown mouseEnter statusMsg helpText mouseLeave statusMsg buttondown btnDn startPos 6855,1350 helpText Access disc files from Index. 4200,1500 :PHYSSIZE SWDemo02 ComputerWare section Software Demos title Software Demos :PHYSSIZE mediaExt statusMsg "BackTrack " && dept & "." btnDn sysLockscreen btnUp popDept (objectfrompoint( ) <> goDept useLeave mouseEnter buttonDown buttonStillDown mouseLeave buttonUp mouseEnter statusMsg BackTrack to mouseLeave statusMsg buttonDown btnDn buttonStillDown btnUp FpopDept buttonUp btnUp goDept Computer Software Demos continued... CC:MAIL MOBILE FOR WINDOWS With the growth of mobile computing many people are now only occasionally connected to a LAN. In the past this may have caused problems but now cc:Mail Mobile for Windows allows remote users to be as productive and have the same access to information as users connected to an enterprise-wide LAN. Features that differentiate Lotus cc:Mail Mobile for Windows include icon-based location profiles that can be changed with a click of the mouse, a message preview function that helps keep connect time to a minimum, and built-in assistance for handling the transition between mobile and LAN use and wide-area network communications support. :PHYSSIZE SWDe0201 SWDe0204 ption Unzip this file to your hard drive to take a tour of cc:Mail Mobile. Folder popupFolder omediaExt, omediaLength, odisplaySize buttonUp buttonUp popupFolder mediaExt mediaLength displaySize Folder hlepText Open Index... Folder statusMsg ohelpText btnDn() ouseEnter mouseLeave mouseEnter buttondown mouseEnter statusMsg helpText mouseLeave statusMsg buttondown btnDn :PHYSSIZE 4200,1500 helpText Access disc files from Index. startPos 6855,1350 CompWare\Demos\CCMAIL mediaLength CompWare\Demos\CCMAIL\CCMAIL.ZIP Page 69 of 94 SWDemo03 ComputerWare section Software Demos title Software Demos :PHYSSIZE mediaExt statusMsg "BackTrack " && dept & "." btnDn sysLockscreen btnUp popDept (objectfrompoint( ) <> goDept useLeave mouseEnter buttonDown buttonStillDown mouseLeave buttonUp mouseEnter statusMsg BackTrack to mouseLeave statusMsg buttonDown btnDn buttonStillDown btnUp FpopDept buttonUp btnUp goDept Computer Software Demos continued... LEADVIEW 3.0 Handle tough graphics easily with this image file management, compression and conversion system. Enhance your images with a full set of editing tools. You can blur, sharpen and average pixel colors as well as adjust the tone, hue, saturation, contrast and more. LEADVIEW helps take your pictures from scanner to your service bureau. It includes a full-featured paint program, TWAIN scanner support, screen capture abilities, compression and conversion features, and terminal software to send your pictures on when you've finished with them. Plus, the image management system includes a photo album to allow you to find images fast regardless of the format. :PHYSSIZE SWDe0301 SWDe0304 ption Find out how LEADVIEW can make using graphics easier. Folder popupFolder omediaExt, omediaLength, odisplaySize buttonUp buttonUp popupFolder mediaExt mediaLength displaySize Folder hlepText Open Index... Folder statusMsg ohelpText btnDn() ouseEnter mouseLeave mouseEnter buttondown mouseEnter statusMsg helpText mouseLeave statusMsg buttondown btnDn :PHYSSIZE 4200,1500 helpText Access disc files from Index. startPos 6855,1350 CompWare\Demos\LEADEVAL\INSTALLR mediaLength CompWare\Demos\LEADEVAL\INSTALLR\SETUP.EXE Page 70 of 94 HighFive ComputerWare section HighFive title HighFive: Text Editors :PHYSSIZE mediaExt statusMsg "BackTrack " && dept & "." btnDn sysLockscreen btnUp popDept (objectfrompoint( ) <> goDept useLeave mouseEnter buttonDown buttonStillDown mouseLeave buttonUp mouseEnter statusMsg BackTrack to mouseLeave statusMsg buttonDown btnDn buttonStillDown btnUp FpopDept buttonUp btnUp goDept Computer Each month NautilusCD chooses five shareware/freeware programs for your evaluation. Sometimes these programs will carry a theme, and sometimes they'll simply be a mixture of items the editors think will be helpful to you. We welcome your recommendations and we'll publish a column of user suggestions from time to time. Receive a NautilusCD souvenir if your suggestion is published! HighFive/Text Editors :PHYSSIZE High0101 High0106 ption Let us know about shareware and freeware programs you like. Here's how to reach us. popupText omediaExt, omediaLength, odisplaySize buttonUp buttonUp popupText mediaExt mediaLength displaySize hlepText Open form... helpText Display extended text. statusMsg ohelpText btnDn() ouseEnter mouseLeave mouseEnter buttondown mouseEnter statusMsg helpText mouseLeave statusMsg buttondown btnDn :PHYSSIZE helpText Display extended text. SUBGUIDE\NEWUSERS\LINK.DOC :PHYSSIZE High0103 articleList HighFi articleNames HighFive: Text Editors articlePages Page 71 of 94 HighFi02 ComputerWare section HighFive title HighFive: Text Editors :PHYSSIZE mediaExt statusMsg "BackTrack " && dept & "." btnDn sysLockscreen btnUp popDept (objectfrompoint( ) <> goDept useLeave mouseEnter buttonDown buttonStillDown mouseLeave buttonUp mouseEnter statusMsg BackTrack to mouseLeave statusMsg buttonDown btnDn buttonStillDown btnUp FpopDept buttonUp btnUp goDept Computer HighFive continued... Everyone needs a text editor. Whether you want to create a program, type a project for school or write a letter, text editors make things easier. This month try a selection of text editors we think are pretty good. MEGA EDIT Mega Edit is a powerful ASCII text editor written for Windows 3.0/3.1. It is designed specifically to facilitate complex editing tasks involving multiple and/or large files, where such tasks would be difficult or impossible with other editors. BEDIT This powerful text editor for Windows offers a variety of features including support for macros. :PHYSSIZE High0201 :PHYSSIZE High0202 :PHYSSIZE High0203 High0204 ption Use Mega Edit to edit large or multiple text files. Folder popupFolder omediaExt, omediaLength, odisplaySize buttonUp buttonUp popupFolder mediaExt mediaLength displaySize Folder hlepText Open Index... Folder statusMsg ohelpText btnDn() ouseEnter mouseLeave mouseEnter buttondown mouseEnter statusMsg helpText mouseLeave statusMsg buttondown btnDn :PHYSSIZE 4200,1500 helpText Access disc files from Index. startPos 6855,1350 mediaExt CompWare\HIGHFIVE\BEDIT CompWare\HIGHFIVE\MEGAED mediaLength CompWare\HIGHFIVE\MEGAED\MEGAEDIT.EXE High0205 ption Use this full-featured text editor for all your writing needs. Folder popupFolder omediaExt, omediaLength, odisplaySize buttonUp buttonUp popupFolder mediaExt mediaLength displaySize Folder hlepText Open Index... Folder statusMsg ohelpText btnDn() ouseEnter mouseLeave mouseEnter buttondown mouseEnter statusMsg helpText mouseLeave statusMsg buttondown btnDn %:PHYSSIZE 4200,1500 %helpText Access disc files from Index. &startPos 6855,1350 &mediaLength CompWare\HIGHFIVE\BEDIT\SETUP.EXE Page 72 of 94 HighFi03 ComputerWare section HighFive title HighFive: Text Editors :PHYSSIZE mediaExt mediaExt statusMsg "BackTrack " && dept & "." btnDn sysLockscreen btnUp popDept (objectfrompoint( ) <> goDept useLeave mouseEnter buttonDown buttonStillDown mouseLeave buttonUp mouseEnter statusMsg BackTrack to mouseLeave statusMsg buttonDown btnDn buttonStillDown btnUp FpopDept buttonUp btnUp goDept Computer HighFive continued... NOTEBOOK This text editor does everything many commercial word processors do, and it's quick and easy to use. TEXT MANAGER Text Manager offers full control of features via a tool bar and allows you to open multiple documents. EDITEUR This text editor allows you to use a single command to print all open texts, search and replace, or convert tabs in all open text files with a single command. In addition, it allows you to open several files in one dialog box and to delete files in Open and Save As... dialog boxes. :PHYSSIZE High0301 High0304 ption Use this text processing program to dash off a quick letter or make notes to yourself. Folder popupFolder omediaExt, omediaLength, odisplaySize buttonUp buttonUp popupFolder mediaExt mediaLength displaySize Folder hlepText Open Index... Folder statusMsg ohelpText btnDn() ouseEnter mouseLeave mouseEnter buttondown mouseEnter statusMsg helpText mouseLeave statusMsg buttondown btnDn :PHYSSIZE 4200,1500 helpText Access disc files from Index. startPos 6855,1350 Folder CompWare\HIGHFIVE\TEXTMN mediaLength CompWare\HIGHFIVE\TEXTMN\TEXTMAN.EXE High0305 ption Try Notebook on your system. Folder popupFolder omediaExt, omediaLength, odisplaySize buttonUp buttonUp popupFolder mediaExt mediaLength displaySize Folder hlepText Open Index... Folder statusMsg ohelpText btnDn() ouseEnter mouseLeave mouseEnter buttondown mouseEnter statusMsg helpText mouseLeave statusMsg buttondown btnDn :PHYSSIZE 4200,1500 helpText Access disc files from Index. startPos 6855,1350 CompWare\HIGHFIVE\NOTEBK mediaLength CompWare\HIGHFIVE\NOTEBK\NOTEBOOK.EXE High0306 ption This text editor from France offers a high degree of flexibility. popupFolder omediaExt, omediaLength, odisplaySize buttonUp buttonUp popupFolder mediaExt mediaLength displaySize Folder hlepText Open Index... Folder statusMsg ohelpText btnDn() ouseEnter mouseLeave mouseEnter buttondown mouseEnter statusMsg helpText mouseLeave statusMsg buttondown btnDn %:PHYSSIZE %0%p2 4200,1500 $%R%helpText Access disc files from Index. %startPos 6855,1350 %mediaExt CompWare\HIGHFIVE\Edit13 %mediaLength CompWare\HIGHFIVE\Edit13\EDITEUR.EXE Page 73 of 94 Tools & Tech ComputerWare section Tools & Tech title Windows UnArchive 2.22 :PHYSSIZE WUNA0102 :PHYSSIZE statusMsg "BackTrack " && dept & "." btnDn sysLockscreen btnUp popDept (objectfrompoint( ) <> goDept useLeave mouseEnter buttonDown buttonStillDown mouseLeave buttonUp mouseEnter statusMsg BackTrack to mouseLeave statusMsg buttonDown btnDn buttonStillDown btnUp FpopDept buttonUp btnUp goDept Computer Windows UnArchive (WUNA) is used to extract and decompress files from ZIP and ARJ format archives. It replaces both command-line DOS unarchivers and Windows-based front end programs for those utilities. The NautilusCD Disc Index makes use of a custom version of WUNA to provide "built-in" unzipping from this disc. If you choose to use WUNA, be sure to register with the author. Windows UnArchive 2.22 WUNA0106 ption Use WUNA to unZIP and unARJ files from within Windows. Folder popupFolder omediaExt, omediaLength, odisplaySize buttonUp buttonUp popupFolder mediaExt mediaLength displaySize Folder hlepText Open Index... Folder statusMsg ohelpText btnDn() ouseEnter mouseLeave mouseEnter buttondown mouseEnter statusMsg helpText mouseLeave statusMsg buttondown btnDn :PHYSSIZE 4200,1500 helpText Access disc files from Index. startPos 6855,1350 mediaExt CompWare\TOOLS\WUNA mediaLength CompWare\TOOLS\WUNA\WUNA.WRI :PHYSSIZE WUNA0103 articleList articleNames Windows UnArchive 2.22 articlePages Page 74 of 94 Anti-Virus Solutions ComputerWare section Anti-Virus Solutions title Anti-Virus Solutions :PHYSSIZE statusMsg "BackTrack " && dept & "." btnDn sysLockscreen btnUp popDept (objectfrompoint( ) <> goDept useLeave mouseEnter buttonDown buttonStillDown mouseLeave buttonUp mouseEnter statusMsg BackTrack to mouseLeave statusMsg buttonDown btnDn buttonStillDown btnUp FpopDept buttonUp btnUp goDept Computer Anti-Virus Solutions We hope you never run into a virus, but just in case... This section's collection of virus detection and removal utilities is provided for your convenience. Use these programs against viruses that may have already infected your system and to keep away new viruses. In addition to software, we regularly publish a database of virus and anti-virus related information to help you determine what may be plaguing your system and what to do about it. Note that all of the programs in this section are distributed in .ZIP format. "This is to ensure that the software is authentic and free of tampering," as McAfee Associates so aptly explains. :PHYSSIZE AntV0101 :PHYSSIZE AntV0102 articleList AntVir Page 75 of 94 AntVir02 ComputerWare section Anti-Virus Solutions title Anti-Virus Solutions :PHYSSIZE mediaExt mediaExt statusMsg "BackTrack " && dept & "." btnDn sysLockscreen btnUp popDept (objectfrompoint( ) <> goDept useLeave mouseEnter buttonDown buttonStillDown mouseLeave buttonUp mouseEnter statusMsg BackTrack to mouseLeave statusMsg buttonDown btnDn buttonStillDown btnUp FpopDept buttonUp btnUp goDept Computer Anti-Virus Solutions continued... Note: All of the programs in this section are distributed in .ZIP format. "This is to ensure that the software is authentic and free of tampering," as the anti-virus experts McAfee Associates so aptly explain. HYPERTEXT VSUM For your convenience, we include the most complete virus database currently available, the HyperText VSUM database of the "Virus Information Summary List." It allows quick searches of viruses and cross reference searches by Common Names. VIRUSCAN Use VIRUSCAN (SCAN) and VIRUSCAN For Windows (WSCAN) to search your IBM PC or compatible for computer viruses in memory, the boot sector, the partition table and the files of a PC and its disks. :PHYSSIZE AntV0201 AntV0204 ption VSUM is your virus information source. Install it to your hard drive by opening VSUMX403.ZIP. Folder popupFolder omediaExt, omediaLength, odisplaySize buttonUp buttonUp popupFolder mediaExt mediaLength displaySize Folder hlepText Open Index... Folder statusMsg ohelpText btnDn() ouseEnter mouseLeave mouseEnter buttondown mouseEnter statusMsg helpText mouseLeave statusMsg buttondown btnDn :PHYSSIZE 4200,1500 helpText Access disc files from Index. startPos 6855,1350 Folder CompWare\VIRUS\VSUM mediaLength CompWare\VIRUS\VSUM\VSUMX403.ZIP AntV0205 ption Unzip this Windows version of VIRUSCAN to your hard drive to make virus detection easy. Folder popupFolder omediaExt, omediaLength, odisplaySize buttonUp buttonUp popupFolder mediaExt mediaLength displaySize Folder hlepText Open Index... Folder statusMsg ohelpText btnDn() ouseEnter mouseLeave mouseEnter buttondown mouseEnter statusMsg helpText mouseLeave statusMsg buttondown btnDn :PHYSSIZE 4200,1500 helpText Access disc files from Index. startPos 6855,1350 CompWare\VIRUS\WSCAN mediaLength CompWare\VIRUS\WSCAN\WSC113.ZIP AntV0206 ption Install VIRUSCAN (DOS) to your hard drive by opening SCN113.ZIP. popupFolder omediaExt, omediaLength, odisplaySize buttonUp buttonUp popupFolder mediaExt mediaLength displaySize Folder . hlepText Open Index... Folder statusMsg ohelpText btnDn() ouseEnter mouseLeave mouseEnter buttondown mouseEnter statusMsg helpText mouseLeave statusMsg buttondown btnDn %:PHYSSIZE 4200,1500 &0&helpText Access disc files from Index. &f&startPos 6855,1350 &mediaExt COMPWARE\VIRUS\SCAN &mediaLength CompWare\VIRUS\SCAN\SCN113.ZIP Page 76 of 94 AntVir03 ComputerWare section Anti-Virus Solutions title Anti-Virus Solutions :PHYSSIZE mediaExt mediaExt statusMsg "BackTrack " && dept & "." btnDn sysLockscreen btnUp popDept (objectfrompoint( ) <> goDept useLeave mouseEnter buttonDown buttonStillDown mouseLeave buttonUp mouseEnter statusMsg BackTrack to mouseLeave statusMsg buttonDown btnDn buttonStillDown btnUp FpopDept buttonUp btnUp goDept Computer Anti-Virus Solutions continued... CLEAN-UP Repair infected areas on your system with CLEAN-UP (CLEAN), a virus disinfection program for IBM PCs and compatibles. VSHIELD The best anti-virus defense is prevention. Use VSHIELD to prevent a virus from infecting your IBM PC or compatible computer. VSHIELD searches the PC for known computer viruses in memory, the partition table, the boot sector, system files and itself. It then installs itself as a Terminate-and-Stay-Resident (TSR) program and scans all programs before allowing the system to execute them. In addition, we've included virus detection and removal programs for networks and OS/2 machines. :PHYSSIZE AntV0301 AntV0304 ption You'll find more virus detection and removal programs in this folder. Folder popupFolder omediaExt, omediaLength, odisplaySize buttonUp buttonUp popupFolder mediaExt mediaLength displaySize Folder hlepText Open Index... Folder statusMsg ohelpText btnDn() ouseEnter mouseLeave mouseEnter buttondown mouseEnter statusMsg helpText mouseLeave statusMsg buttondown btnDn :PHYSSIZE 4200,1500 helpText Access disc files from Index. startPos 6855,1350 Folder COMPWARE\VIRUS AntV0305 ption Install CLEAN-UP to your hard drive by opening CLN113.ZIP. Folder popupFolder omediaExt, omediaLength, odisplaySize buttonUp buttonUp popupFolder mediaExt mediaLength displaySize Folder hlepText Open Index... Folder statusMsg ohelpText btnDn() ouseEnter mouseLeave mouseEnter buttondown mouseEnter statusMsg helpText mouseLeave statusMsg buttondown btnDn :PHYSSIZE 4200,1500 helpText Access disc files from Index. startPos 6855,1350 COMPWARE\VIRUS\CLEAN mediaLength CompWare\VIRUS\CLEAN\CLN113.ZIP AntV0306 ption Keep the bugs out with VSHIELD. Unzip VSH113.ZIP to install this program to your hard drive. popupFolder omediaExt, omediaLength, odisplaySize buttonUp buttonUp popupFolder mediaExt mediaLength displaySize Folder hlepText Open Index... Folder statusMsg ohelpText btnDn() ouseEnter mouseLeave mouseEnter buttondown mouseEnter statusMsg helpText mouseLeave statusMsg buttondown btnDn %:PHYSSIZE 4200,1500 %helpText Access disc files from Index. %startPos 6855,1350 &mediaExt COMPWARE\VIRUS\VSHIELD &D&mediaLength CompWare\VIRUS\VSHIELD\VSH113.ZIP Page 77 of 94 Subscriber Guide Subscriber Guide title Subscriber Guide :PHYSSIZE %:PHYSSIZE statusMsg "BackTrack " && dept & "." btnDn sysLockscreen btnUp popDept (objectfrompoint( ) <> goDept useLeave mouseEnter buttonDown buttonStillDown mouseLeave buttonUp mouseEnter statusMsg BackTrack to mouseLeave statusMsg buttonDown btnDn buttonStillDown btnUp FpopDept buttonUp btnUp goDept Subscriber Guide :PHYSSIZE SUBGUIDE :PHYSSIZE SUBGUIDE sectionList For New Users,Customer Service,Letters to NautilusCD,Products & Services,Subscribe or Renew :PHYSSIZE For New Users statusMsg "Go " && p& "." objDn() goToPage ( mouseLeave mouseEnter buttonDown buttonUp mouseEnter statusMsg Go to mouseLeave statusMsg buttonDown objDn buttonUp NegoToPage :PHYSSIZE Customer Service statusMsg "Go " && p& "." objDn() goToPage ( mouseLeave mouseEnter buttonDown buttonUp mouseEnter statusMsg Go to mouseLeave statusMsg buttonDown objDn buttonUp NegoToPage :PHYSSIZE Letters to NautilusCD statusMsg "Go " && p& "." objDn() goToPage ( mouseLeave mouseEnter buttonDown buttonUp mouseEnter statusMsg Go to mouseLeave statusMsg buttonDown objDn buttonUp NegoToPage Products & Services statusMsg "Go " && p& "." objDn() goToPage ( mouseLeave mouseEnter buttonDown buttonUp mouseEnter statusMsg Go to mouseLeave statusMsg buttonDown objDn buttonUp NegoToPage N+:PHYSSIZE Subscribe or Renew statusMsg "Go " && p& "." objDn() goToPage ( mouseLeave mouseEnter buttonDown buttonUp mouseEnter statusMsg Go to mouseLeave statusMsg buttonDown objDn buttonUp NegoToPage &-sectionNames For New Users,Customer Service,Letters to NautilusCD,Products && Services,Subscribe or Renew -sectionPages 79,84,87,90,93 Page 78 of 94 7,,* For New Users Subscriber Guide section For New Users title How to Read a Multimedia Story :PHYSSIZE mediaExt mediaExt statusMsg "BackTrack " && section & "." btnDn sysLockscreen btnUp popSection (objectfrompoint( ) <> goSection useLeave mouseEnter buttonDown buttonStillDown mouseLeave buttonUp mouseEnter statusMsg BackTrack to section mouseLeave statusMsg buttonDown btnDn buttonStillDown btnUp popSection buttonUp btnUp goSection For New Users :PHYSSIZE statusMsg "BackTrack " && dept & "." btnDn sysLockscreen btnUp popDept (objectfrompoint( ) <> goDept useLeave mouseEnter buttonDown buttonStillDown mouseLeave buttonUp mouseEnter statusMsg BackTrack to mouseLeave statusMsg buttonDown btnDn buttonStillDown btnUp FpopDept buttonUp btnUp goDept Subscriber Guide Each NautilusCD article includes a variety of icons; each icon type opens or "expands" its multimedia story component. Let's begin with text: Graphics add a lot to a story. When you see an image icon like the one on this cartoon, try it. See? The Media Extension button expanded the picture! Now, let's add sound. There are three types of audio: digitized sound files, CD tracks and MIDI. And NautilusCD takes advantage of MPC's MIDI capability. HowT0106 ption Click a "page" icon for text, such as these NautilusCD team comments on our new medium. popupText omediaExt, omediaLength, odisplaySize buttonUp buttonUp popupText mediaExt mediaLength displaySize hlepText Open form... helpText Display extended text. statusMsg ohelpText btnDn() ouseEnter mouseLeave mouseEnter buttondown mouseEnter statusMsg helpText mouseLeave statusMsg buttondown btnDn :PHYSSIZE helpText Display extended text. Audio SUBGUIDE\NEWUSERS\EXAMPLES\COMMENTS.DOC :PHYSSIZE HowT0102 Picture badge popupPicture omediaExt, omediaLength, odisplaySize buttonUp buttonUp ?popupPicture mediaExt mediaLength displaySize Picture badge hlepText Open form helpText Display picture. Picture badge statusMsg ohelpText btnDn() ouseEnter mouseLeave mouseEnter buttondown mouseEnter statusMsg helpText mouseLeave statusMsg buttondown btnDn :PHYSSIZE helpText Display picture. CDAudio SUBGUIDE\NEWUSERS\EXAMPLES\BEPPLE.BMP displaySize 352,322 HowT0107 ption mediaExt DTMedia\Sound\MIDI\FURELISE.MID mediaLength Click this "speaker" icon to hear music or narration, like this file from this disc's Music section. popupAudio omediaExt, omediaLength, odisplaySize buttonUp buttonUp popupAudio mediaExt mediaLength displaySize Audio hlepText Open form... helpText Play audio. Audio statusMsg ohelpText btnDn() ouseEnter mouseLeave mouseEnter buttondown mouseEnter statusMsg helpText mouseLeave statusMsg buttondown btnDn :PHYSSIZE helpText Play audio. mediaExt DTMedia\Sound\SNDBYTES\GAMES3.WAV mediaLength 29952 HowT0108 ption Here's a MIDI file for your free use. See "Music & Sound" in Desktop Media for more. popupMIDI omediaExt, omediaLength, odisplaySize buttonUp buttonUp popupMIDI mediaExt mediaLength displaySize hlepText Open form... helpText Play MIDI file. statusMsg ohelpText btnDn() ouseEnter mouseLeave mouseEnter buttondown mouseEnter statusMsg helpText mouseLeave statusMsg buttondown btnDn 0!:PHYSSIZE !L!helpText Play MIDI file. t!mediaExt !:PHYSSIZE HowT0106 !articleList HowToR,Moving,Naviga HowT0109 ption A speaker with a "CD" plays back CD quality audio tracks, like this track from Windham Hill. popupCDAudio omediaExt, omediaLength, odisplaySize buttonUp buttonUp o"popupCDAudio mediaExt mediaLength displaySize CDAudio $hlepText Open form... #2$helpText Play CD audio track. CDAudio statusMsg ohelpText btnDn() ouseEnter mouseLeave mouseEnter buttondown mouseEnter statusMsg helpText mouseLeave statusMsg buttondown btnDn D&:PHYSSIZE 2&`&helpText Play CD audio track. +articleNames How to Read a Multimedia Story,Moving Through the Magazine,Navigating the Disc +articlePages 79,81,83 Page 79 of 94 HowToR02 title How to Read a Multimedia Story section For New Users Subscriber Guide You'll see three more media types making use of "extension" buttons throughout an article: When it's important that you have access to files or applications directly on the disc, look for this folder icon. Occasionally you'll see an icon like the one below denoting a special Link form. You can open it, fill it out and use your modem to send it to us electronically. (For more on the Link facility, see the Connect with NautilusCD article elsewhere in this Subscriber Guide department.) Finally, digital video plays an increasingly important role in multimedia communications. To view movies within stories, just click the icon with the film strip on it. How to "Read" a Multimedia Story continued... Subscriber Guide For New Users Page 80 of 94 HowT0203 :PHYSSIZE HowT0206 "Vietnam" from Archive Films HowT0205 Click to move to a specific directory on the NautilusCD disc for direct access to files or apps. HowT0204 The best example of a NautilusCD form extension is this "Subscribe or Renew" form. statusMsg "BackTrack " && section & "." btnDn sysLockscreen btnUp popSection (objectfrompoint( ) <> goSection useLeave mouseEnter buttonDown buttonStillDown mouseLeave buttonUp mouseEnter statusMsg BackTrack to section mouseLeave statusMsg buttonDown btnDn buttonStillDown btnUp popSection buttonUp btnUp goSection :PHYSSIZE statusMsg "BackTrack " && dept & "." btnDn sysLockscreen btnUp popDept (objectfrompoint( ) <> goDept useLeave mouseEnter buttonDown buttonStillDown mouseLeave buttonUp mouseEnter statusMsg BackTrack to mouseLeave statusMsg buttonDown btnDn buttonStillDown btnUp FpopDept buttonUp btnUp goDept :PHYSSIZE openSub buttonUp buttonUp FopenSub helpText Open form. hlepText Open form... statusMsg ohelpText btnDn() ouseEnter mouseLeave mouseEnter buttondown mouseEnter statusMsg helpText mouseLeave statusMsg buttondown btnDn helpText Open form... :PHYSSIZE Folder popupFolder omediaExt, omediaLength, odisplaySize buttonUp buttonUp popupFolder mediaExt mediaLength displaySize mediaLength SUBGUIDE\PRODUCTS\CATALOG.WRI mediaExt SUBGUIDE\PRODUCTS Folder hlepText Open Index... Folder statusMsg ohelpText btnDn() ouseEnter mouseLeave mouseEnter buttondown mouseEnter statusMsg helpText mouseLeave statusMsg buttondown btnDn startPos 6855,1350 helpText Access disc files from Index. 4200,1500 :PHYSSIZE Movie badge popupMovie omediaExt, omediaLength, odisplaySize buttonUp buttonUp popupMovie mediaExt mediaLength displaySize controller displayType Popup mediaLength displaySize 160,120 mediaExt DTMedia\MMedia\Archive\VIETNAM.AVI Movie badge hlepText Open form Movie badge statusMsg ohelpText btnDn() ouseEnter mouseLeave mouseEnter buttondown mouseEnter statusMsg helpText mouseLeave statusMsg buttondown btnDn !helpText Show movie. !:PHYSSIZE RESULT1=net GIFREED=TS4 Moving Subscriber Guide section For New Users title Moving Through the Magazine :PHYSSIZE statusMsg "BackTrack " && section & "." btnDn sysLockscreen btnUp popSection (objectfrompoint( ) <> goSection useLeave mouseEnter buttonDown buttonStillDown mouseLeave buttonUp mouseEnter statusMsg BackTrack to section mouseLeave statusMsg buttonDown btnDn buttonStillDown btnUp popSection buttonUp btnUp goSection For New Users :PHYSSIZE statusMsg "BackTrack " && dept & "." btnDn sysLockscreen btnUp popDept (objectfrompoint( ) <> goDept useLeave mouseEnter buttonDown buttonStillDown mouseLeave buttonUp mouseEnter statusMsg BackTrack to mouseLeave statusMsg buttonDown btnDn buttonStillDown btnUp FpopDept buttonUp btnUp goDept Subscriber Guide To retrace your steps, you could click on any of those BackTrack buttons to move back up through the magazine, level by level. (FYI: If you click and hold any BackTrack button you'll see all the pages you could access from its level. Give it a try!) Maybe page-by-page is more your style. If so, use the Right and Left arrow buttons at the bottom of each page, or the arrows on your keyboard. If you wish to move to a specific page, click the "Page __ of __" listing, below left. Then enter a :PHYSSIZE Movi0101 :PHYSSIZE Movi0102 Page 81 of 94 Moving02 title Moving Through the Magazine section For New Users Subscriber Guide number in the "Go To" dialog box that appears, and move instantly to that page. But perhaps the most fun way to "get around" the Magazine is to use the Browse Window: Click Browse, below. (Go ahead! Once it's open, place it in the space below and keep reading.) See the image of this page in the window? Experiment with the controls: use the Slide Bar; try the Forward and Backward arrows; or just click the Play arrow and let it rip! When you find the page you're looking for, use "Open Page" to access it. With all these exciting ways to get around NautilusCD, you'll have no problem finding the articles and content you want to access easily and quickly. So what are you waiting for? This month's array of articles is just a button click away! Moving Through the Magazine continued... Subscriber Guide For New Users Page 82 of 94 Movi0201 :PHYSSIZE statusMsg "BackTrack " && section & "." btnDn sysLockscreen btnUp popSection (objectfrompoint( ) <> goSection useLeave mouseEnter buttonDown buttonStillDown mouseLeave buttonUp mouseEnter statusMsg BackTrack to section mouseLeave statusMsg buttonDown btnDn buttonStillDown btnUp popSection buttonUp btnUp goSection :PHYSSIZE statusMsg "BackTrack " && dept & "." btnDn sysLockscreen btnUp popDept (objectfrompoint( ) <> goDept useLeave mouseEnter buttonDown buttonStillDown mouseLeave buttonUp mouseEnter statusMsg BackTrack to mouseLeave statusMsg buttonDown btnDn buttonStillDown btnUp FpopDept buttonUp btnUp goDept :PHYSSIZE LifeCh02 title Life Choices section Self-Help Education If you've been browsing the channels lately, chances are you've come across Susan Powter and her Stop the Insanity weight control infomercial. Her supporters call her the saleswoman of sanity, while her detractors say she is an angry male-basher. One thing is certain: Powter's message that women can control their own lives strikes a chord for many. Find out why in the video above. Life Choices continued... Education Page 52 of 94 Life0201 :PHYSSIZE Life0202 :PHYSSIZE $"-%| statusMsg "BackTrack " && dept & "." btnDn sysLockscreen btnUp popDept (objectfrompoint( ) <> goDept useLeave mouseEnter buttonDown buttonStillDown mouseLeave buttonUp mouseEnter statusMsg BackTrack to mouseLeave statusMsg buttonDown btnDn buttonStillDown btnUp FpopDept buttonUp btnUp goDept :PHYSSIZE Movie badge popupMovie omediaExt, omediaLength, odisplaySize buttonUp buttonUp popupMovie mediaExt mediaLength displaySize controller false displayType Popup mediaLength displaySize 160,120 mediaExt EDUC\SelfHelp\LIFECHOI\LCHOICES.AVI Movie badge hlepText Open form Movie badge statusMsg ohelpText btnDn() ouseEnter mouseLeave mouseEnter buttondown mouseEnter statusMsg helpText mouseLeave statusMsg buttondown btnDn helpText Show movie. :PHYSSIZE Science Lab Education section Science Lab title Programs for Science Buffs :PHYSSIZE statusMsg "BackTrack " && dept & "." btnDn sysLockscreen btnUp popDept (objectfrompoint( ) <> goDept useLeave mouseEnter buttonDown buttonStillDown mouseLeave buttonUp mouseEnter statusMsg BackTrack to mouseLeave statusMsg buttonDown btnDn buttonStillDown btnUp FpopDept buttonUp btnUp goDept Education Many bright high school students and adults enjoy stretching their brains with science and mathematics. If that description fits you or someone you know, you'll appreciate the programs featured in this article. ASTRONOMY LAB This is a new version of one of the most innovative and useful shareware astronomy programs available for Windows. It generates animated movies that simulate a host of astronomical events, including solar and lunar eclipses, lunar occultations, planetary occultations, transits Programs for Science Buffs :PHYSSIZE SciL0101 :PHYSSIZE SciL0102 articleList SciLab articleNames Programs for Science Buffs articlePages Page 53 of 94 SciLab02 title Programs for Science Buffs section Science Lab Education of Mercury and Venus, the orbits of Jupiter's bright moons and the motions of the planets in the plane of the ecliptic. In addition, Astronomy Lab produces several reports that predict the most important and exciting astronomical events of the past, present and future. Also, Astronomy Lab generates several graphs that illustrate many fundamental astronomical concepts. This program will provide hour after hour of fascination and education to anyone interested in astronomy. The novice can use Astronomy Lab as an excellent learning tool. Seasoned astronomers can make the best use of their observing time by using the program to calculate when astronomical events will occur and where in the sky they can be found. Programs for Science Buffs continued... Education Page 54 of 94 SciL0201 :PHYSSIZE SciL0205 Learn more about the heavens with this shareware program. SciL0204 Watch planets move in the planetarium. statusMsg "BackTrack " && dept & "." btnDn sysLockscreen btnUp popDept (objectfrompoint( ) <> goDept useLeave mouseEnter buttonDown buttonStillDown mouseLeave buttonUp mouseEnter statusMsg BackTrack to mouseLeave statusMsg buttonDown btnDn buttonStillDown btnUp FpopDept buttonUp btnUp goDept :PHYSSIZE Folder popupFolder omediaExt, omediaLength, odisplaySize buttonUp buttonUp popupFolder mediaExt mediaLength displaySize mediaLength EDUC\Science\ASTRNMY\ALW.EXE mediaExt EDUC\Science\ASTRNMY Folder hlepText Open Index... Folder statusMsg ohelpText btnDn() ouseEnter mouseLeave mouseEnter buttondown mouseEnter statusMsg helpText mouseLeave statusMsg buttondown btnDn startPos 6855,1350 helpText Access disc files from Index. 4200,1500 :PHYSSIZE ength display SciLab03 title Programs for Science Buffs section Science Lab Education X(PLORE) Whether you're new to the realm of higher mathematics or you just want a good tool to make your work go a little faster, you'll appreciate this super-calculator. Unlike other calculators this one is made for people working with complex equations. This powerful super-calculator for your PC computes, graphs (in 2 and 3 dimensions), integrates, differentiates and solves equations. It includes a complete package of matrix operations and a built-in programming language. Programs for Science Buffs continued... Education Page 55 of 94 SciL0302 :PHYSSIZE SciL0304 This shareware calculator can help you in your calculus class or on a project at work. statusMsg "BackTrack " && dept & "." btnDn sysLockscreen btnUp popDept (objectfrompoint( ) <> goDept useLeave mouseEnter buttonDown buttonStillDown mouseLeave buttonUp mouseEnter statusMsg BackTrack to mouseLeave statusMsg buttonDown btnDn buttonStillDown btnUp FpopDept buttonUp btnUp goDept :PHYSSIZE Folder popupFolder omediaExt, omediaLength, odisplaySize buttonUp buttonUp popupFolder mediaExt mediaLength displaySize mediaLength EDUC\Science\X_PLORE\XPL.EXE mediaExt EDUC\Science\X_PLORE Folder hlepText Open Index... Folder statusMsg ohelpText btnDn() ouseEnter mouseLeave mouseEnter buttondown mouseEnter statusMsg helpText mouseLeave statusMsg buttondown btnDn startPos 6855,1350 helpText Access disc files from Index. 4200,1500 :PHYSSIZE ttondown Reference Library articlePages articleNames Psychology Corner articleList Psycho title Psychology Corner section Reference Library Education Last time, Dr. Michael Torello discussed the human brain, its major subsections and how those subsections work together. This month he continues his investi-gation with a look at how the brain develops and operates. The human brain begins development as three lumps. The hindbrain matures first in order to provide essential functions for survival such as respiration and heart rate. The mid-brain and forebrain form later, during the gestation period where, eventually, they will come to make up the vast majority of total brain mass. This in-utero development actually parallels the phiogenetic development of the brain across different species. Education Page 56 of 94 Psyc0101 p :PHYSSIZE Psyc0102 :PHYSSIZE Psyc0106 As the human brain develops, it resembles brains found throughout the natural hierarchy. statusMsg "BackTrack " && dept & "." btnDn sysLockscreen btnUp popDept (objectfrompoint( ) <> goDept useLeave mouseEnter buttonDown buttonStillDown mouseLeave buttonUp mouseEnter statusMsg BackTrack to mouseLeave statusMsg buttonDown btnDn buttonStillDown btnUp FpopDept buttonUp btnUp goDept :PHYSSIZE Movie popupMovie omediaExt, omediaLength, odisplaySize buttonUp buttonUp popupMovie mediaExt mediaLength displaySize controller displayType Popup mediaLength displaySize 512,364 mediaExt EDUC\LIBRARY\Psych\DEVELOP.AVI Movie helpText Show movie. hlepText Open form... Movie statusMsg ohelpText btnDn() ouseEnter mouseLeave mouseEnter buttondown mouseEnter statusMsg helpText mouseLeave statusMsg buttondown btnDn helpText Show movie. :PHYSSIZE Psycho02 Education section Reference Library title Psychology Corner :PHYSSIZE mediaExt 512,260 512,364 statusMsg "BackTrack " && dept & "." btnDn sysLockscreen btnUp popDept (objectfrompoint( ) <> goDept useLeave mouseEnter buttonDown buttonStillDown mouseLeave buttonUp mouseEnter statusMsg BackTrack to mouseLeave statusMsg buttonDown btnDn buttonStillDown btnUp FpopDept buttonUp btnUp goDept Education Psychology Corner continued... The brain is actually composed of specialized cells called neurons. These neurons reproduce at the remarkable rate of over 250,000 per minute! The best estimate is that the human nervous system contains over 100 billion of these specialized cells. Neurons communicate with one another over great distances. This communication process is both electrical and chemical. Neurons are not, as was once believed, physically attached to all adjacent neurons. We can illustrate the communication process by assuming that the neuron is like a "loaded gun," waiting to transmit or fire a bit of information to the next neuron. Depending on the chemical used as a neurotransmitter and on the type of receptor, the result may be either excitation or inhibition of the neuron. :PHYSSIZE Psyc0201 Psyc0204 The "loaded gun" theory is illustrated. Movie badge popupMovie omediaExt, omediaLength, odisplaySize buttonUp buttonUp popupMovie mediaExt mediaLength displaySize Movie badge hlepText Open form Movie badge statusMsg ohelpText btnDn() ouseEnter mouseLeave mouseEnter buttondown mouseEnter statusMsg helpText mouseLeave statusMsg buttondown btnDn :PHYSSIZE helpText Show movie. EDUC\LIBRARY\Psych\SYNAPD.AVI displaySize mediaLength displayType Popup controller Psyc0205 ption This short movie graphically illustrates neuron growth in real time. Movie popupMovie omediaExt, omediaLength, odisplaySize buttonUp buttonUp popupMovie mediaExt mediaLength displaySize Movie hlepText Open form... helpText Show movie. Movie statusMsg ohelpText btnDn() ouseEnter mouseLeave mouseEnter buttondown mouseEnter statusMsg helpText mouseLeave statusMsg buttondown btnDn :PHYSSIZE helpText Show movie. mediaExt EDUC\LIBRARY\Psych\NEURONG.AVI displaySize mediaLength displayType Popup controller Page 57 of 94 Psycho03 Education section Reference Library title Psychology Corner :PHYSSIZE statusMsg "BackTrack " && dept & "." btnDn sysLockscreen btnUp popDept (objectfrompoint( ) <> goDept useLeave mouseEnter buttonDown buttonStillDown mouseLeave buttonUp mouseEnter statusMsg BackTrack to mouseLeave statusMsg buttonDown btnDn buttonStillDown btnUp FpopDept buttonUp btnUp goDept Education Audio Psychology Corner continued... One type of neurotransmitter is called GABA (gamma-amino-butyric acid), which is very important in reducing anxiety. It tones down the nervous system and prevents neurons from firing. Tranquilizers facilitate GABA synapses and thereby reduce anxiety. This can be contrasted with acetylcoline, which is important in the storage of memory. The more acetylcoline you have, the better your memory. In Alzheimer's disease the neurons that produce acetylcoline have been destroyed, with the result being memory impairment. It is believed that dozens of chemicals serve as neuro-transmitters and that different transmitters each control a different aspect of behavior. The endorphins that our bodies produce are similar to morphine-based compounds. During physical exertion we produce many endorphins and this leads to the elevation of mood and pain threshhold popularly known as "runner's high." Next Time: Dr. Torello concludes his examination of the marvelous human brain. Psyc0304 ption Dr. Torello discusses the behavioral consequences of neurotransmitter depletion. popupAudio omediaExt, omediaLength, odisplaySize buttonUp buttonUp popupAudio mediaExt mediaLength displaySize Audio hlepText Open form... helpText Play audio. Audio statusMsg ohelpText btnDn() ouseEnter mouseLeave mouseEnter buttondown mouseEnter statusMsg helpText mouseLeave statusMsg buttondown btnDn :PHYSSIZE helpText Play audio. mediaExt EDUC\LIBRARY\Psych\TRANSMIT.WAV mediaLength 27452 Page 58 of 94 Industry Watch sectionPages 60,64,65 sectionNames Product News,Press Room,Product Directories sectionList Product News,Press Room,Product Directories title Industry Watch Industry Watch Industry Watch Page 59 of 94 statusMsg "BackTrack " && dept & "." btnDn sysLockscreen btnUp popDept (objectfrompoint( ) <> goDept useLeave mouseEnter buttonDown buttonStillDown mouseLeave buttonUp mouseEnter statusMsg BackTrack to mouseLeave statusMsg buttonDown btnDn buttonStillDown btnUp FpopDept buttonUp btnUp goDept :PHYSSIZE INDUSTRY :PHYSSIZE INDUSTRY :PHYSSIZE Product News statusMsg "Go " && p& "." objDn() goToPage ( mouseLeave mouseEnter buttonDown buttonUp mouseEnter statusMsg Go to mouseLeave statusMsg buttonDown objDn buttonUp NegoToPage :PHYSSIZE Press Room statusMsg "Go " && p& "." objDn() goToPage ( mouseLeave mouseEnter buttonDown buttonUp mouseEnter statusMsg Go to mouseLeave statusMsg buttonDown objDn buttonUp NegoToPage :PHYSSIZE Product Directories statusMsg "Go " && p& "." objDn() goToPage ( mouseLeave mouseEnter buttonDown buttonUp mouseEnter statusMsg Go to mouseLeave statusMsg buttonDown objDn buttonUp NegoToPage :PHYSSIZE Product News Industry Watch section Product News title Interactions: Learn to Speak Spanish :PHYSSIZE statusMsg "BackTrack " && section & "." btnDn sysLockscreen btnUp popSection (objectfrompoint( ) <> goSection useLeave mouseEnter buttonDown buttonStillDown mouseLeave buttonUp mouseEnter statusMsg BackTrack to section mouseLeave statusMsg buttonDown btnDn buttonStillDown btnUp popSection buttonUp btnUp goSection Product News :PHYSSIZE statusMsg "BackTrack " && dept & "." btnDn sysLockscreen btnUp popDept (objectfrompoint( ) <> goDept useLeave mouseEnter buttonDown buttonStillDown mouseLeave buttonUp mouseEnter statusMsg BackTrack to mouseLeave statusMsg buttonDown btnDn buttonStillDown btnUp FpopDept buttonUp btnUp goDept Industry Watch Interactions :PHYSSIZE IntA0101 articleList IntAct,HdWare articleNames Interactions: Learn to Speak Spanish,Hardware Spotlight: GameWave 32 Sound Card articlePages 60,62 Page 60 of 94 IntAct02 title Interactions: Learn to Speak Spanish section Product News Industry Watch HyperGlot, a company well known for its foreign-language software products, has developed easy-to-learn lessons that will help you understand not only the language's written and spoken words but also how to pronounce them correctly. NautilusCD will publish these lessons every month so you can take advantage of your computer's multimedia capabilites and master this Romance language. Special! NautilusCD subscribers can purchase this program for $89.40 plus shipping. Call 800/513-4568 to order. Learn to Speak Spanish continued... Industry Watch Product News5 Page 61 of 94 IntA0201 :PHYSSIZE IntA0204 SETUP.EXE installs Lesson 1 of HyperGlot's Learn to Speak Spanish to your hard drive. statusMsg "BackTrack " && section & "." btnDn sysLockscreen btnUp popSection (objectfrompoint( ) <> goSection useLeave mouseEnter buttonDown buttonStillDown mouseLeave buttonUp mouseEnter statusMsg BackTrack to section mouseLeave statusMsg buttonDown btnDn buttonStillDown btnUp popSection buttonUp btnUp goSection :PHYSSIZE statusMsg "BackTrack " && dept & "." btnDn sysLockscreen btnUp popDept (objectfrompoint( ) <> goDept useLeave mouseEnter buttonDown buttonStillDown mouseLeave buttonUp mouseEnter statusMsg BackTrack to mouseLeave statusMsg buttonDown btnDn buttonStillDown btnUp FpopDept buttonUp btnUp goDept :PHYSSIZE Folder popupFolder omediaExt, omediaLength, odisplaySize buttonUp buttonUp popupFolder mediaExt mediaLength displaySize mediaLength INDUSTRY\INTERACT\SPANISH\SETUP.EXE mediaExt INDUSTRY\INTERACT\SPANISH Folder hlepText Open Index... Folder statusMsg ohelpText btnDn() ouseEnter mouseLeave mouseEnter buttondown mouseEnter statusMsg helpText mouseLeave statusMsg buttondown btnDn startPos 6855,1350 helpText Access disc files from Index. 4200,1500 :PHYSSIZE HdWare Industry Watch section Product News title Hardware Spotlight: GameWave 32 Sound Card :PHYSSIZE statusMsg "BackTrack " && section & "." btnDn sysLockscreen btnUp popSection (objectfrompoint( ) <> goSection useLeave mouseEnter buttonDown buttonStillDown mouseLeave buttonUp mouseEnter statusMsg BackTrack to section mouseLeave statusMsg buttonDown btnDn buttonStillDown btnUp popSection buttonUp btnUp goSection Product News :PHYSSIZE statusMsg "BackTrack " && dept & "." btnDn sysLockscreen btnUp popDept (objectfrompoint( ) <> goDept useLeave mouseEnter buttonDown buttonStillDown mouseLeave buttonUp mouseEnter statusMsg BackTrack to mouseLeave statusMsg buttonDown btnDn buttonStillDown btnUp FpopDept buttonUp btnUp goDept Industry Watch Orchid's GameWave 32 brings the exciting world of multimedia sound and entertainment to your PC. With the GameWave 32, games take on a new life and realism, multimedia applications have more impact and your computing environment will be filled with incredible sound. While other sound cards bring synthetic, computer-like sounds to your PC, the GameWave 32 brings real sounds to all of your entertainment software. GameWave 32 subhead: Multimedia-Ready Wavetable Sound Card :PHYSSIZE HdWa0101 :PHYSSIZE HdWa0102 Page 62 of 94 HdWare For New Users Customer Service The Miller Brothers HdWare02 title Hardware Spotlight: GameWave 32 Sound Card section Product News Industry Watch The advanced Digital Signal Process technology on this board, combined with 1 megabyte of digitally recorded instrument sounds, means that the GameWave 32 sounds better than boards based on the older FM synthesis standard. Today's games are written to support a variety of different sound formats, including Roland (MT-32), General MIDI, SoundBlaster and AdLib, as well as combinations of these. Since this innovative product supports multiple modes simultaneously, the GameWave 32 behaves as if both a SoundBlaster and a General MIDI/Roland MT-32 synthesizer were in your system. The benefit? Rich music backgrounds, ear-tickling special effects and incredible compatibility. GameWave 32 continued... Industry Watch Product News Page 63 of 94 HdWa0201 :PHYSSIZE HdWa0205 Learn more about the GameWave 32 Wavetable Sound Card in this press release/specifications list. HdWa0204 GaveWave 32 Wavetable Sound Card statusMsg "BackTrack " && section & "." btnDn sysLockscreen btnUp popSection (objectfrompoint( ) <> goSection useLeave mouseEnter buttonDown buttonStillDown mouseLeave buttonUp mouseEnter statusMsg BackTrack to section mouseLeave statusMsg buttonDown btnDn buttonStillDown btnUp popSection buttonUp btnUp goSection :PHYSSIZE statusMsg "BackTrack " && dept & "." btnDn sysLockscreen btnUp popDept (objectfrompoint( ) <> goDept useLeave mouseEnter buttonDown buttonStillDown mouseLeave buttonUp mouseEnter statusMsg BackTrack to mouseLeave statusMsg buttonDown btnDn buttonStillDown btnUp FpopDept buttonUp btnUp goDept :PHYSSIZE popupText omediaExt, omediaLength, odisplaySize buttonUp buttonUp popupText mediaExt mediaLength displaySize mediaExt INDUSTRY\HWSPOT\GAMEWAVE.DOC helpText Display extended text. hlepText Open form... statusMsg ohelpText btnDn() ouseEnter mouseLeave mouseEnter buttondown mouseEnter statusMsg helpText mouseLeave statusMsg buttondown btnDn helpText Display extended text. :PHYSSIZE Page 8 Press Room articleList PressR title Press Room section Press Room Industry Watch (The story below is excerpted from a Newsbytes News report. For this story and others, see this month's Newsbytes reports.) BRAINWAVE-TO-COMPUTER INTERFACE SYSTEM A Colorado Springs-based company has announced a system it claims can be used for rudimentary computer control. Brainlink is the brain-child of Advanced Neurotechnologies Inc. (ANI). Brainlink is claimed to use proprietary hardware and software for passive detection and analysis of human brain waves, creating a "direct interface" between the brain and the computer. The company claims that like the introduction of the keyboard, the mouse and virtual reality, Brainlink extends the revolutionary development of interfaces between mind and machine. Industry Watch Page 64 of 94 Pres0102 h :PHYSSIZE Pres0108 The Newsbytes News Network offers stories from February 24 to March 25, 1994. Pres0107 Here's a new collection of press releases detailing advances in the computer industry. Pres0106 Our Events Calendar lists numerous computer-related conventions and trade shows. statusMsg "BackTrack " && dept & "." btnDn sysLockscreen btnUp popDept (objectfrompoint( ) <> goDept useLeave mouseEnter buttonDown buttonStillDown mouseLeave buttonUp mouseEnter statusMsg BackTrack to mouseLeave statusMsg buttonDown btnDn buttonStillDown btnUp FpopDept buttonUp btnUp goDept :PHYSSIZE popupText omediaExt, omediaLength, odisplaySize buttonUp buttonUp popupText mediaExt mediaLength displaySize mediaExt INDUSTRY\PRESSRM\EVENTS\EVENTS.DOC helpText Display extended text. hlepText Open form... statusMsg ohelpText btnDn() ouseEnter mouseLeave mouseEnter buttondown mouseEnter statusMsg helpText mouseLeave statusMsg buttondown btnDn helpText Display extended text. :PHYSSIZE Folder popupFolder omediaExt, omediaLength, odisplaySize buttonUp buttonUp popupFolder mediaExt mediaLength displaySize mediaExt INDUSTRY\PRESSRM\RELEASES Folder hlepText Open Index... Folder statusMsg ohelpText btnDn() ouseEnter mouseLeave mouseEnter buttondown mouseEnter statusMsg helpText mouseLeave statusMsg buttondown btnDn startPos 6855,1350 helpText Access disc files from Index. 4200,1500 :PHYSSIZE Folder popupFolder omediaExt, omediaLength, odisplaySize buttonUp buttonUp popupFolder mediaExt mediaLength displaySize mediaLength INDUSTRY\PRESSRM\NEWSBYTE\NEWS4_4.TBK mediaExt INDUSTRY\PRESSRM\NEWSBYTE Folder hlepText Open Index... Folder statusMsg ohelpText btnDn() ouseEnter mouseLeave mouseEnter buttondown mouseEnter statusMsg helpText mouseLeave statusMsg buttondown btnDn 0" "startPos 6855,1350 f"B"helpText Access disc files from Index. "r"p2 4200,1500 ":PHYSSIZE Product Directories articlePages 65,66 articleNames Multimedia PC Marketing Council,CD ROM Directory articleList MPCMar,CDROMD title Multimedia PC Marketing Council section Product Directories Industry Watch Jim Hassert of the Multimedia PC Marketing Council has returned from Intermedia '94, where he heard from developers, hardware manufacturers and other notables in the PC world. What's up? It seems full-motion video is on everyone's mind. Get the scoop from Jim, plus learn about new MPC titles. Section Name, if 1st article Product Directories Industry WatchK Page 65 of 94 MPCM0101 :PHYSSIZE MPCM0102 :PHYSSIZE MPCM0103 :PHYSSIZE MPCM0108 Here's "What You Need to Know" about multimedia PC computing. s a video transcriptio. MPCM0107 Need the MPC specifications? You'll find Level 1 & Level 2 specs, plus a comparison, here. MPCM0106 Jim Hassert's MPC update statusMsg "BackTrack " && section & "." btnDn sysLockscreen btnUp popSection (objectfrompoint( ) <> goSection useLeave mouseEnter buttonDown buttonStillDown mouseLeave buttonUp mouseEnter statusMsg BackTrack to section mouseLeave statusMsg buttonDown btnDn buttonStillDown btnUp popSection buttonUp btnUp goSection :PHYSSIZE statusMsg "BackTrack " && dept & "." btnDn sysLockscreen btnUp popDept (objectfrompoint( ) <> goDept useLeave mouseEnter buttonDown buttonStillDown mouseLeave buttonUp mouseEnter statusMsg BackTrack to mouseLeave statusMsg buttonDown btnDn buttonStillDown btnUp FpopDept buttonUp btnUp goDept :PHYSSIZE Movie badge popupMovie omediaExt, omediaLength, odisplaySize buttonUp buttonUp popupMovie mediaExt mediaLength displaySize controller displayType Popup mediaLength displaySize 160,120 mediaExt INDUSTRY\MPC\HASSERT.AVI Movie badge hlepText Open form Movie badge statusMsg ohelpText btnDn() ouseEnter mouseLeave mouseEnter buttondown mouseEnter statusMsg helpText mouseLeave statusMsg buttondown btnDn helpText Show movie. :PHYSSIZE Folder popupFolder omediaExt, omediaLength, odisplaySize buttonUp buttonUp popupFolder mediaExt mediaLength displaySize mediaLength INDUSTRY\MPC\MPCSpecs\MPC1VS2.WRI .!mediaExt INDUSTRY\MPC\MPCSpecs Folder !hlepText Open Index... Folder statusMsg ohelpText btnDn() ouseEnter mouseLeave mouseEnter buttondown mouseEnter statusMsg helpText mouseLeave statusMsg buttondown btnDn h'X'startPos 6855,1350 'z'helpText Access disc files from Index. 4200,1500 ':PHYSSIZE Folder popupFolder omediaExt, omediaLength, odisplaySize buttonUp buttonUp popupFolder mediaExt mediaLength displaySize )mediaLength INDUSTRY\MPC\MoreMPC\MPCQA.WRI B)mediaExt INDUSTRY\MPC\MoreMPC Folder )hlepText Open Index... ".Z/l Folder statusMsg ohelpText btnDn() ouseEnter mouseLeave mouseEnter buttondown mouseEnter statusMsg helpText mouseLeave statusMsg buttondown btnDn |/l/startPos 6855,1350 /helpText Access disc files from Index. 4200,1500 /:PHYSSIZE CDROMD Industry Watch section Product Directories title CD ROM Directory :PHYSSIZE mediaExt CDRO0103 statusMsg "BackTrack " && section & "." btnDn sysLockscreen btnUp popSection (objectfrompoint( ) <> goSection useLeave mouseEnter buttonDown buttonStillDown mouseLeave buttonUp mouseEnter statusMsg BackTrack to section mouseLeave statusMsg buttonDown btnDn buttonStillDown btnUp popSection buttonUp btnUp goSection Product Directories :PHYSSIZE statusMsg "BackTrack " && dept & "." btnDn sysLockscreen btnUp popDept (objectfrompoint( ) <> goDept useLeave mouseEnter buttonDown buttonStillDown mouseLeave buttonUp mouseEnter statusMsg BackTrack to mouseLeave statusMsg buttonDown btnDn buttonStillDown btnUp FpopDept buttonUp btnUp goDept Industry Watch Folder Each month you'll find information on hundreds of CD ROMs, like Personal Daily PlanIt from Media Vision, in the NautilusCD CD ROM Directory. Plan your day the entertaining way with a Personal Daily PlanIt, the world's first multimedia personal information manager. There are three versions to choose from, each designed around a specific theme and featuring hundreds of beautiful color photographs, full-motion video and stereo sounds. PlanIt keeps you up to date and eliminates the hassle of typing by using the power of voice recognition and annotation to help you plan your events. CD ROM Directory CDRO0106 ption For more on this new CD ROM plus hundreds of others, access the CD ROM Directory. popupFolder omediaExt, omediaLength, odisplaySize buttonUp buttonUp popupFolder mediaExt mediaLength displaySize Folder hlepText Open Index... Folder statusMsg ohelpText btnDn() ouseEnter mouseLeave mouseEnter buttondown mouseEnter statusMsg helpText mouseLeave statusMsg buttondown btnDn :PHYSSIZE 4200,1500 helpText Access disc files from Index. startPos 6855,1350 INDUSTRY\CDROMDIR mediaLength INDUSTRY\CDROMDIR\CDROMDIR.TBK :PHYSSIZE CDRO0102 :PHYSSIZE CDRO0107 Plan your life with 1 of 3 Daily PlanIts. Page 66 of 94 The Miller Brothers title Profile: The Miller Brothers section Feature Entertainment Six years ago, brothers Rand and Robyn Miller led very separate lives. Rand, the eldest, was a computer programmer at a bank and Robyn was studying anthropology at college. A programmer and a father, Rand became interested in developing children's software for the Macintosh. But he needed an artist. So Rand asked his brother Robyn if he'd be interested in doing illustrations on the computer. Well, Robyn wasn't too impressed with computers but, when he finally sat down at a Macintosh, he was quickly won over. He began creating the first illustrations for their first game: Manhole. Feature Entertainment Page 38 of 94 Mill0101 :PHYSSIZE Mill0102 :PHYSSIZE Mill0106 Rand and Robyn Miller statusMsg "BackTrack " && section & "." btnDn sysLockscreen btnUp popSection (objectfrompoint( ) <> goSection useLeave mouseEnter buttonDown buttonStillDown mouseLeave buttonUp mouseEnter statusMsg BackTrack to section mouseLeave statusMsg buttonDown btnDn buttonStillDown btnUp popSection buttonUp btnUp goSection :PHYSSIZE statusMsg "BackTrack " && dept & "." btnDn sysLockscreen btnUp popDept (objectfrompoint( ) <> goDept useLeave mouseEnter buttonDown buttonStillDown mouseLeave buttonUp mouseEnter statusMsg BackTrack to mouseLeave statusMsg buttonDown btnDn buttonStillDown btnUp FpopDept buttonUp btnUp goDept :PHYSSIZE Miller02 Entertainment section Feature title Profile: The Miller Brothers :PHYSSIZE statusMsg "BackTrack " && section & "." btnDn sysLockscreen btnUp popSection (objectfrompoint( ) <> goSection useLeave mouseEnter buttonDown buttonStillDown mouseLeave buttonUp mouseEnter statusMsg BackTrack to section mouseLeave statusMsg buttonDown btnDn buttonStillDown btnUp popSection buttonUp btnUp goSection Feature :PHYSSIZE statusMsg "BackTrack " && dept & "." btnDn sysLockscreen btnUp popDept (objectfrompoint( ) <> goDept useLeave mouseEnter buttonDown buttonStillDown mouseLeave buttonUp mouseEnter statusMsg BackTrack to mouseLeave statusMsg buttonDown btnDn buttonStillDown btnUp FpopDept buttonUp btnUp goDept Entertainment The Miller Brothers continued... Released in 1988, Manhole offered high-quality graphics and sound. Plus, it was completely non-threatening. You couldn't lose. You didn't die. The same held true for their next game, Cosmic Osmo. "We put things into this program that the adults would pick up on and the kids would enjoy," explains Rand. Requests soon poured in for goal-oriented games for an older audience. The result was their largest project to date, Myst, a CD ROM-based adventure game for ages 16 and up. On the following pages Rand and Robyn Miller offer insight into how they developed Myst. :PHYSSIZE Mill0201 Mill0204 The Manhole sports high quality graphics. :PHYSSIZE Mill0202 Mill0205 Cosmic Osmo takes kids on a merry ride. Page 39 of 94 Miller02 Miller06 CelNav HighFi02 Miller03 title Profile: The Miller Brothers section Feature Entertainment THE MAKING OF MYST Set on an ancient island of arcane wisdom, Myst is a game that presents a series of puzzles for you to solve. By wandering through its richly textured landscape, you gather clues and learn how the island's items and environs interrelate. ou encounter difficulties accessing the Myst videos, open Preferences from the Tools menu and set the custom viewer for the film icon to Media Player (MPLAYER.EXE in your Windows subdirectory). The Miller Brothers continued... Entertainment Feature Page 40 of 94 Mill0301 :PHYSSIZE Mill0303 :PHYSSIZE Mill0304 Here's an introduction to Myst. statusMsg "BackTrack " && section & "." btnDn sysLockscreen btnUp popSection (objectfrompoint( ) <> goSection useLeave mouseEnter buttonDown buttonStillDown mouseLeave buttonUp mouseEnter statusMsg BackTrack to section mouseLeave statusMsg buttonDown btnDn buttonStillDown btnUp popSection buttonUp btnUp goSection :PHYSSIZE !$B%d statusMsg "BackTrack " && dept & "." btnDn sysLockscreen btnUp popDept (objectfrompoint( ) <> goDept useLeave mouseEnter buttonDown buttonStillDown mouseLeave buttonUp mouseEnter statusMsg BackTrack to mouseLeave statusMsg buttonDown btnDn buttonStillDown btnUp FpopDept buttonUp btnUp goDept :PHYSSIZE Movie badge popupMovie omediaExt, omediaLength, odisplaySize buttonUp buttonUp popupMovie mediaExt mediaLength displaySize controller displayType Popup mediaLength 75466 displaySize 160,120 mediaExt ENTER\FEATURE\MILLER\INTRO.AVI Movie badge hlepText Open form Movie badge statusMsg ohelpText btnDn() ouseEnter mouseLeave mouseEnter buttondown mouseEnter statusMsg helpText mouseLeave statusMsg buttondown btnDn helpText Show movie. :PHYSSIZE Mill0302 :PHYSSIZE Miller04 title Profile: The Miller Brothers section Feature Entertainment THE DESIGN Game creators Robyn and Rand Miller spent more than a month on the initial design of the Myst world. Extensive storyboarding and sketching, the kind you usually associate with film production, allowed the designers to put their imaginations into play. THE GRAPHICS Determined to deliver as realistic an island as possible, the team used techniques from blue-screening to 3D modeling. A unique landscape production process was "invented" to extrude a topographical grey-scale map onto a 3D rendering. The Miller Brothers continued... Entertainment Feature Page 41 of 94 Mill0401 :PHYSSIZE Mill0402 :PHYSSIZE Mill0405 Heavy-duty graphic production Mill0404 A peek at Myst's preproduction statusMsg "BackTrack " && section & "." btnDn sysLockscreen btnUp popSection (objectfrompoint( ) <> goSection useLeave mouseEnter buttonDown buttonStillDown mouseLeave buttonUp mouseEnter statusMsg BackTrack to section mouseLeave statusMsg buttonDown btnDn buttonStillDown btnUp popSection buttonUp btnUp goSection :PHYSSIZE statusMsg "BackTrack " && dept & "." btnDn sysLockscreen btnUp popDept (objectfrompoint( ) <> goDept useLeave mouseEnter buttonDown buttonStillDown mouseLeave buttonUp mouseEnter statusMsg BackTrack to mouseLeave statusMsg buttonDown btnDn buttonStillDown btnUp FpopDept buttonUp btnUp goDept :PHYSSIZE Movie badge popupMovie omediaExt, omediaLength, odisplaySize buttonUp buttonUp popupMovie mediaExt mediaLength displaySize controller displayType Popup mediaLength 73866 displaySize 160,120 mediaExt ENTER\FEATURE\MILLER\DESIGN.AVI Movie badge hlepText Open form Movie badge statusMsg ohelpText btnDn() ouseEnter mouseLeave mouseEnter buttondown mouseEnter statusMsg helpText mouseLeave statusMsg buttondown btnDn helpText Show movie. :PHYSSIZE Movie badge popupMovie omediaExt, omediaLength, odisplaySize buttonUp buttonUp popupMovie mediaExt mediaLength displaySize controller displayType Popup mediaLength 280533 displaySize 160,120 mediaExt ENTER\FEATURE\MILLER\GRAPHICS.AVI Movie badge hlepText Open form Movie badge statusMsg ohelpText btnDn() ouseEnter mouseLeave mouseEnter buttondown mouseEnter statusMsg helpText mouseLeave statusMsg buttondown btnDn helpText Show movie. :PHYSSIZE Miller05 title Profile: The Miller Brothers section Feature Entertainment THE SOUND Just like in the movies, sound effects needed to be created to match the storyline. Using the latest technology, the sound crew built the noises that populate Myst island. But sometimes more mundane tools, like a straw and a toilet bowl, were needed to do the job. THE MUSIC The Miller brothers wanted to avoid music the way it's used in "video games." A composer constructed moody, ominous tunes to enhance the game's emotional appeal without interfering with game play. The Miller Brothers continued... Entertainment Feature Page 42 of 94 Mill0501 :PHYSSIZE Mill0502 :PHYSSIZE Mill0505 Designing Myst's sound effects Mill0504 Myst's moody music statusMsg "BackTrack " && section & "." btnDn sysLockscreen btnUp popSection (objectfrompoint( ) <> goSection useLeave mouseEnter buttonDown buttonStillDown mouseLeave buttonUp mouseEnter statusMsg BackTrack to section mouseLeave statusMsg buttonDown btnDn buttonStillDown btnUp popSection buttonUp btnUp goSection :PHYSSIZE statusMsg "BackTrack " && dept & "." btnDn sysLockscreen btnUp popDept (objectfrompoint( ) <> goDept useLeave mouseEnter buttonDown buttonStillDown mouseLeave buttonUp mouseEnter statusMsg BackTrack to mouseLeave statusMsg buttonDown btnDn buttonStillDown btnUp FpopDept buttonUp btnUp goDept :PHYSSIZE Movie badge popupMovie omediaExt, omediaLength, odisplaySize buttonUp buttonUp popupMovie mediaExt mediaLength displaySize controller displayType Popup mediaLength 69533 displaySize 160,120 mediaExt ENTER\FEATURE\MILLER\MUSIC.AVI Movie badge hlepText Open form Movie badge statusMsg ohelpText btnDn() ouseEnter mouseLeave mouseEnter buttondown mouseEnter statusMsg helpText mouseLeave statusMsg buttondown btnDn helpText Show movie. :PHYSSIZE Movie badge popupMovie omediaExt, omediaLength, odisplaySize buttonUp buttonUp popupMovie mediaExt mediaLength displaySize controller displayType Popup mediaLength 100133 displaySize 160,120 mediaExt ENTER\FEATURE\MILLER\SOUND.AVI Movie badge hlepText Open form Movie badge statusMsg ohelpText btnDn() ouseEnter mouseLeave mouseEnter buttondown mouseEnter statusMsg helpText mouseLeave statusMsg buttondown btnDn helpText Show movie. :PHYSSIZE mouseLeave Miller06 title Profile: The Miller Brothers section Feature Entertainment THE CONSTRUCTION Numerous technical hurdles had to be conquered to get a 3D-rendered game to run efficiently and at an exciting speed from a CD ROM. Using graphic and movie compression and some custom programming, game designers pushed the envelope on Myst. The Miller Brothers continued... Entertainment Feature Page 43 of 94 Mill0601 :PHYSSIZE Mill0602 :PHYSSIZE Mill0603 :PHYSSIZE Mill0604 Putting it all together 5&%i statusMsg "BackTrack " && section & "." btnDn sysLockscreen btnUp popSection (objectfrompoint( ) <> goSection useLeave mouseEnter buttonDown buttonStillDown mouseLeave buttonUp mouseEnter statusMsg BackTrack to section mouseLeave statusMsg buttonDown btnDn buttonStillDown btnUp popSection buttonUp btnUp goSection :PHYSSIZE 5L%j statusMsg "BackTrack " && dept & "." btnDn sysLockscreen btnUp popDept (objectfrompoint( ) <> goDept useLeave mouseEnter buttonDown buttonStillDown mouseLeave buttonUp mouseEnter statusMsg BackTrack to mouseLeave statusMsg buttonDown btnDn buttonStillDown btnUp FpopDept buttonUp btnUp goDept :PHYSSIZE Movie badge popupMovie omediaExt, omediaLength, odisplaySize buttonUp buttonUp popupMovie mediaExt mediaLength displaySize controller displayType Popup mediaLength 79933 displaySize 160,120 mediaExt ENTER\FEATURE\MILLER\CONSTRCT.AVI Movie badge hlepText Open form Movie badge statusMsg ohelpText btnDn() ouseEnter mouseLeave mouseEnter buttondown mouseEnter statusMsg helpText mouseLeave statusMsg buttondown btnDn helpText Show movie. :PHYSSIZE Miller07 title Profile: The Miller Brothers section Feature Entertainment THE TESTING Using focus groups, Myst's creators got vital feedback on their ideas for the game directly from game consumers. Excited by the results, the Miller brothers and everyone at Cyan began thinking they had a hit on their hands. The Miller Brothers continued... Entertainment Feature Page 44 of 94 Mill0701 :PHYSSIZE Mill0702 :PHYSSIZE Mill0703 :PHYSSIZE Mill0704 Getting consumer feedback statusMsg "BackTrack " && section & "." btnDn sysLockscreen btnUp popSection (objectfrompoint( ) <> goSection useLeave mouseEnter buttonDown buttonStillDown mouseLeave buttonUp mouseEnter statusMsg BackTrack to section mouseLeave statusMsg buttonDown btnDn buttonStillDown btnUp popSection buttonUp btnUp goSection :PHYSSIZE statusMsg "BackTrack " && dept & "." btnDn sysLockscreen btnUp popDept (objectfrompoint( ) <> goDept useLeave mouseEnter buttonDown buttonStillDown mouseLeave buttonUp mouseEnter statusMsg BackTrack to mouseLeave statusMsg buttonDown btnDn buttonStillDown btnUp FpopDept buttonUp btnUp goDept :PHYSSIZE Movie badge popupMovie omediaExt, omediaLength, odisplaySize buttonUp buttonUp popupMovie mediaExt mediaLength displaySize controller displayType Popup mediaLength 53133 displaySize 160,120 mediaExt BackTrack to Entertainment. Movie badge hlepText Open form Movie badge statusMsg ohelpText btnDn() ouseEnter mouseLeave mouseEnter buttondown mouseEnter statusMsg helpText mouseLeave statusMsg buttondown btnDn helpText Show movie. :PHYSSIZE ENTER\FEATURE\MILLER\TESTING.AVI Performing Arts Entertainment section Performing Arts title Soundbites :PHYSSIZE mediaExt 51937 statusMsg "BackTrack " && section & "." btnDn sysLockscreen btnUp popSection (objectfrompoint( ) <> goSection useLeave mouseEnter buttonDown buttonStillDown mouseLeave buttonUp mouseEnter statusMsg BackTrack to section mouseLeave statusMsg buttonDown btnDn buttonStillDown btnUp popSection buttonUp btnUp goSection Performing Arts :PHYSSIZE statusMsg "BackTrack " && dept & "." btnDn sysLockscreen btnUp popDept (objectfrompoint( ) <> goDept useLeave mouseEnter buttonDown buttonStillDown mouseLeave buttonUp mouseEnter statusMsg BackTrack to mouseLeave statusMsg buttonDown btnDn buttonStillDown btnUp FpopDept buttonUp btnUp goDept Entertainment Performing Arts :PHYSSIZE SBit0101 SBit0104 ption Listen to this introduction, then turn the page to hear three timely lampoons. Audio popupAudio omediaExt, omediaLength, odisplaySize buttonUp buttonUp popupAudio mediaExt mediaLength displaySize Audio hlepText Open form... helpText Play audio. Audio statusMsg ohelpText btnDn() ouseEnter mouseLeave mouseEnter buttondown mouseEnter statusMsg helpText mouseLeave statusMsg buttondown btnDn :PHYSSIZE helpText Play audio. ENTER\PERFORM\SNDBITES\INTRO.WAV mediaLength articleList SBites,CelNav,WinHil articleNames Soundbites,Celestial Navigations,From Windham Hill articlePages 45,47,48 Page 45 of 94 SBites02 title Soundbites section Performing Arts Entertainment MOVING THE ARCHIVE Winter weather affected a federal plan to move some of the nation's rare collectibles to a new hi-tech, dust free, climate-controlled National Archives site in Maryland. BOMBING BOSNIA NATO aircraft is threatening attacks on artillery positions in Bosnia. THE GUSH LOWBROW SHOW After being embarrassed by Anita Bryant and Burt Reynolds, the Florida Citrus Commission has picked a new pitchperson. (c) 1993-1994 Soundbites, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Soundbites continued... Entertainment Performing Arts Page 46 of 94 SBit0203 8 :PHYSSIZE SBit0208 A brilliant choice or a RUSH to judgment? Either way, it's a fresh-squeezed Soundbite. SBit0207 Trucking the treasures, in this sneak-peek Soundbite. SBit0206 We discover Winter Olympics irony in this Sarajevo Soundbite. SBit0205 Who is Soundbites, anyway? Read the bios of those involved. SBit0204 Here's background and contact information for Soundbites, Inc. statusMsg "BackTrack " && section & "." btnDn sysLockscreen btnUp popSection (objectfrompoint( ) <> goSection useLeave mouseEnter buttonDown buttonStillDown mouseLeave buttonUp mouseEnter statusMsg BackTrack to section mouseLeave statusMsg buttonDown btnDn buttonStillDown btnUp popSection buttonUp btnUp goSection :PHYSSIZE !#=%p statusMsg "BackTrack " && dept & "." btnDn sysLockscreen btnUp popDept (objectfrompoint( ) <> goDept useLeave mouseEnter buttonDown buttonStillDown mouseLeave buttonUp mouseEnter statusMsg BackTrack to mouseLeave statusMsg buttonDown btnDn buttonStillDown btnUp FpopDept buttonUp btnUp goDept :PHYSSIZE popupText omediaExt, omediaLength, odisplaySize buttonUp buttonUp popupText mediaExt mediaLength displaySize mediaExt ENTER\PERFORM\SNDBITES\ABOUT.DOC helpText Display extended text. hlepText Open form... statusMsg ohelpText btnDn() ouseEnter mouseLeave mouseEnter buttondown mouseEnter statusMsg helpText mouseLeave statusMsg buttondown btnDn helpText Display extended text. :PHYSSIZE popupText omediaExt, omediaLength, odisplaySize buttonUp buttonUp popupText mediaExt mediaLength displaySize mediaExt ENTER\PERFORM\SNDBITES\PRINCPLS.DOC helpText Display extended text. hlepText Open form... statusMsg ohelpText btnDn() ouseEnter mouseLeave mouseEnter buttondown mouseEnter statusMsg helpText mouseLeave statusMsg buttondown btnDn helpText Display extended text. :PHYSSIZE Audio popupAudio omediaExt, omediaLength, odisplaySize buttonUp buttonUp popupAudio mediaExt mediaLength displaySize mediaLength 178085 mediaExt ENTER\PERFORM\SNDBITES\BOSNIA.WAV Audio helpText Play audio. hlepText Open form... Audio statusMsg ohelpText btnDn() ouseEnter mouseLeave mouseEnter buttondown mouseEnter statusMsg helpText mouseLeave statusMsg buttondown btnDn helpText Play audio. :PHYSSIZE Audio popupAudio omediaExt, omediaLength, odisplaySize buttonUp buttonUp popupAudio mediaExt mediaLength displaySize mediaLength 177133 $ mediaExt ENTER\PERFORM\SNDBITES\ARCHIVE.WAV Audio helpText Play audio. hlepText Open form... Audio statusMsg ohelpText btnDn() ouseEnter mouseLeave mouseEnter buttondown mouseEnter statusMsg helpText mouseLeave statusMsg buttondown btnDn "helpText Play audio. ":PHYSSIZE Audio popupAudio omediaExt, omediaLength, odisplaySize buttonUp buttonUp popupAudio mediaExt mediaLength displaySize $mediaLength 176524 :$mediaExt ENTER\PERFORM\SNDBITES\LOWBROW.WAV Audio $helpText Play audio. $hlepText Open form... Audio statusMsg ohelpText btnDn() ouseEnter mouseLeave mouseEnter buttondown mouseEnter statusMsg helpText mouseLeave statusMsg buttondown btnDn &helpText Play audio. &:PHYSSIZE CelNav Entertainment section Performing Arts title Celestial Navigations :PHYSSIZE mediaExt mediaExt statusMsg "BackTrack " && section & "." btnDn sysLockscreen btnUp popSection (objectfrompoint( ) <> goSection useLeave mouseEnter buttonDown buttonStillDown mouseLeave buttonUp mouseEnter statusMsg BackTrack to section mouseLeave statusMsg buttonDown btnDn buttonStillDown btnUp popSection buttonUp btnUp goSection Performing Arts :PHYSSIZE statusMsg "BackTrack " && dept & "." btnDn sysLockscreen btnUp popDept (objectfrompoint( ) <> goDept useLeave mouseEnter buttonDown buttonStillDown mouseLeave buttonUp mouseEnter statusMsg BackTrack to mouseLeave statusMsg buttonDown btnDn buttonStillDown btnUp FpopDept buttonUp btnUp goDept Entertainment Section Name Column 1 Column 2 :PHYSSIZE CelN0101 CelN0104 ption These biographies provide background information on Levin, Lewis and Many. popupText omediaExt, omediaLength, odisplaySize buttonUp buttonUp popupText mediaExt mediaLength displaySize hlepText Open form... helpText Display extended text. statusMsg ohelpText btnDn() ouseEnter mouseLeave mouseEnter buttondown mouseEnter statusMsg helpText mouseLeave statusMsg buttondown btnDn :PHYSSIZE helpText Display extended text. mediaExt ENTER\PERFORM\CELNAV\GROUP.BMP ENTER\PERFORM\CELNAV\BIOS.DOC CelN0105 ption Meet the members of Celestial Navigations. L to R: Geoff Levin, Geoffrey Lewis, Chris Many. Picture popupPicture omediaExt, omediaLength, odisplaySize buttonUp buttonUp ?popupPicture mediaExt mediaLength displaySize Picture hlepText Open form... helpText Display picture. Picture statusMsg ohelpText btnDn() ouseEnter mouseLeave mouseEnter buttondown mouseEnter statusMsg helpText mouseLeave statusMsg buttondown btnDn :PHYSSIZE helpText Display picture. Movie Movie displaySize 508,326 CelN0106 ption Learn the origins of Celestial Navigations. popupText omediaExt, omediaLength, odisplaySize buttonUp buttonUp popupText mediaExt mediaLength displaySize hlepText Open form... helpText Display extended text. statusMsg ohelpText btnDn() ouseEnter mouseLeave mouseEnter buttondown mouseEnter statusMsg helpText mouseLeave statusMsg buttondown btnDn :PHYSSIZE helpText Display extended text. mediaExt ENTER\PERFORM\CELNAV\ABOUT.DOC CelN0107 ption You enjoyed "The Janitor" audio in January; here's an animated view of that fun and clever story. popupMovie omediaExt, omediaLength, odisplaySize buttonUp buttonUp popupMovie mediaExt mediaLength displaySize hlepText Open form... helpText Show movie. Movie statusMsg ohelpText btnDn() ouseEnter mouseLeave mouseEnter buttondown mouseEnter statusMsg helpText mouseLeave statusMsg buttondown btnDn :PHYSSIZE helpText Show movie. ENTER\PERFORM\CELNAV\JANITOR.AVI V displaySize 160,120 mediaLength displayType Popup controller Page 47 of 94 E08| #8 WinHil Entertainment section Performing Arts title From Windham Hill :PHYSSIZE mediaExt WinH0103 "7E%s statusMsg "BackTrack " && section & "." btnDn sysLockscreen btnUp popSection (objectfrompoint( ) <> goSection useLeave mouseEnter buttonDown buttonStillDown mouseLeave buttonUp mouseEnter statusMsg BackTrack to section mouseLeave statusMsg buttonDown btnDn buttonStillDown btnUp popSection buttonUp btnUp goSection Performing Arts :PHYSSIZE statusMsg "BackTrack " && dept & "." btnDn sysLockscreen btnUp popDept (objectfrompoint( ) <> goDept useLeave mouseEnter buttonDown buttonStillDown mouseLeave buttonUp mouseEnter statusMsg BackTrack to mouseLeave statusMsg buttonDown btnDn buttonStillDown btnUp FpopDept buttonUp btnUp goDept Entertainment Section Name, if 1st article Turtle Island String Quartet's latest release, Who Do We Think We Are? captures and conveys the energy, swing and attitude that have made their live performances such a success. "Seven Steps to Heaven" is TISQ's arrangement of a Miles Davis/ Victor Feldman composition. :PHYSSIZE WinH0101 :PHYSSIZE WinH0102 Picture badge popupPicture omediaExt, omediaLength, odisplaySize buttonUp buttonUp ?popupPicture mediaExt mediaLength displaySize Picture badge hlepText Open form helpText Display picture. Picture badge statusMsg ohelpText btnDn() ouseEnter mouseLeave mouseEnter buttondown mouseEnter statusMsg helpText mouseLeave statusMsg buttondown btnDn :PHYSSIZE helpText Display picture. mediaExt ENTER\PERFORM\WINDHAM\TURTLE.AVI ENTER\PERFORM\WINDHAM\TISQ.BMP displaySize 410,427 :PHYSSIZE CDAudio CDAudio WinH0106 Meet the members of TISQ. Movie badge popupMovie omediaExt, omediaLength, odisplaySize buttonUp buttonUp popupMovie mediaExt mediaLength displaySize Movie badge hlepText Open form Movie badge statusMsg ohelpText btnDn() ouseEnter mouseLeave mouseEnter buttondown mouseEnter statusMsg helpText mouseLeave statusMsg buttondown btnDn :PHYSSIZE helpText Show movie. mediaExt ENTER\PERFORM\WINDHAM\TOURS n*mediaLength WinH0108 (!displaySize 160,120 !J!mediaLength 6!j!displayType Popup !controller WinH0107 ption TISQ and other Windham Hill artists are currently on tour. Access itineraries here. Folder popupFolder omediaExt, omediaLength, odisplaySize buttonUp buttonUp popupFolder mediaExt mediaLength displaySize Folder #hlepText Open Index... Folder statusMsg ohelpText btnDn() ouseEnter mouseLeave mouseEnter buttondown mouseEnter statusMsg helpText mouseLeave statusMsg buttondown btnDn t):PHYSSIZE 4200,1500 )helpText Access disc files from Index. )startPos 6855,1350 Access credits info, order Who Do We Think We Are? and get on the Windham Hill mailing list. Folder ENTER\PERFORM\WINDHAM\TOURS\TURTLE.WRI "Seven Steps to Heaven" from Who Do We Think We Are? Track 2/4:20 popupCDAudio omediaExt, omediaLength, odisplaySize buttonUp buttonUp o"popupCDAudio mediaExt mediaLength displaySize ,hlepText Open form... ,helpText Play CD audio track. B+r-3 CDAudio statusMsg ohelpText btnDn() ouseEnter mouseLeave mouseEnter buttondown mouseEnter statusMsg helpText mouseLeave statusMsg buttondown btnDn .:PHYSSIZE .helpText Play CD audio track. /mediaExt WinH0109 ption popupFolder omediaExt, omediaLength, odisplaySize buttonUp buttonUp popupFolder mediaExt mediaLength displaySize Folder V1hlepText Open Index... Folder statusMsg ohelpText btnDn() ouseEnter mouseLeave mouseEnter buttondown mouseEnter statusMsg helpText mouseLeave statusMsg buttondown btnDn 7:PHYSSIZE 767p2 4200,1500 *7X7helpText Access disc files from Index. 7startPos 6855,1350 7mediaExt ENTER\PERFORM\WINDHAM 7mediaLength ENTER\PERFORM\WINDHAM\ORDER.WRI Page 48 of 94 Education Education title Education :PHYSSIZE Reference Library #'/%u statusMsg "BackTrack " && dept & "." btnDn sysLockscreen btnUp popDept (objectfrompoint( ) <> goDept useLeave mouseEnter buttonDown buttonStillDown mouseLeave buttonUp mouseEnter statusMsg BackTrack to mouseLeave statusMsg buttonDown btnDn buttonStillDown btnUp FpopDept buttonUp btnUp goDept Education :PHYSSIZE sectionList Kids' Corner,Self-Help,Science Lab,Reference Library :PHYSSIZE Kids' Corner statusMsg "Go " && p& "." objDn() goToPage ( mouseLeave mouseEnter buttonDown buttonUp mouseEnter statusMsg Go to mouseLeave statusMsg buttonDown objDn buttonUp NegoToPage :PHYSSIZE Self-Help statusMsg "Go " && p& "." objDn() goToPage ( mouseLeave mouseEnter buttonDown buttonUp mouseEnter statusMsg Go to mouseLeave statusMsg buttonDown objDn buttonUp NegoToPage :PHYSSIZE Science Lab statusMsg "Go " && p& "." objDn() goToPage ( mouseLeave mouseEnter buttonDown buttonUp mouseEnter statusMsg Go to mouseLeave statusMsg buttonDown objDn buttonUp NegoToPage :PHYSSIZE statusMsg "Go " && p& "." objDn() goToPage ( mouseLeave mouseEnter buttonDown buttonUp mouseEnter statusMsg Go to mouseLeave statusMsg buttonDown objDn buttonUp NegoToPage "sectionNames Kids' Corner,Self-Help,Science Lab,Reference Library !`"sectionPages 50,51,53,56 Page 49 of 94 Education AntVir02 Subscriber Guide Kids' Corner Education section Kids' Corner title Color Your World: Z & Z Color :PHYSSIZE Kids0102 :PHYSSIZE #7C%z statusMsg "BackTrack " && dept & "." btnDn sysLockscreen btnUp popDept (objectfrompoint( ) <> goDept useLeave mouseEnter buttonDown buttonStillDown mouseLeave buttonUp mouseEnter statusMsg BackTrack to mouseLeave statusMsg buttonDown btnDn buttonStillDown btnUp FpopDept buttonUp btnUp goDept Education Kids' Corner Folder Help your kids learn numbers, letters and colors while they're having fun. Pictures in Z & Z Color, a coloring book program, contain numbers, letters or shapes that correspond to palette colors. Children must match colors to spaces. Once they complete the picture, the computer rewards them with a blue ribbon. Do kids need more of a challenge? Disable the number, letter and shape indicators and let them color the drawing from memory. Z & Z Color is always fresh with a variety of challenge levels, and it allows you to import new pictures to be colored. Color Your World /Z & Z Color Kids0106 ption Sit your little tyke in front of your computer with this shareware coloring book. popupFolder omediaExt, omediaLength, odisplaySize buttonUp buttonUp popupFolder mediaExt mediaLength displaySize Folder hlepText Open Index... Folder statusMsg ohelpText btnDn() ouseEnter mouseLeave mouseEnter buttondown mouseEnter statusMsg helpText mouseLeave statusMsg buttondown btnDn :PHYSSIZE 4200,1500 helpText Access disc files from Index. startPos 6855,1350 mediaExt EDUC\Kids\ZZCOLOR mediaLength EDUC\Kids\ZZCOLOR\ZZCOLOR.EXE :PHYSSIZE Kids0103 articleList KidsCo articleNames Color Your World: Z && Z Color articlePages Page 50 of 94 Self-Help Education section Self-Help title Life Choices :PHYSSIZE Life0102 :PHYSSIZE statusMsg "BackTrack " && dept & "." btnDn sysLockscreen btnUp popDept (objectfrompoint( ) <> goDept useLeave mouseEnter buttonDown buttonStillDown mouseLeave buttonUp mouseEnter statusMsg BackTrack to mouseLeave statusMsg buttonDown btnDn buttonStillDown btnUp FpopDept buttonUp btnUp goDept Education Section Name, if 1st article Life Choices is the popular television magazine program that helps you make important decisions about your health. Co-hosted by broadcast journalist Kathleen Sullivan and hospital CEO Erie Chapman, Life Choices covers the stories and people you care about--and backs it up with solid, accurate health information. Life Choices shows you how to feel good and get more out of life, and encourages you to make the right choices for a healthier life. In each issue of NautilusCD, you'll see real people telling real stories with the health news and information you need to know. Life0106 ption Find out about upcoming show topics, plus which stations in your area carry Life Choices. Folder popupFolder omediaExt, omediaLength, odisplaySize buttonUp buttonUp popupFolder mediaExt mediaLength displaySize Folder hlepText Open Index... Folder statusMsg ohelpText btnDn() ouseEnter mouseLeave mouseEnter buttondown mouseEnter statusMsg helpText mouseLeave statusMsg buttondown btnDn :PHYSSIZE 4200,1500 helpText Access disc files from Index. startPos 6855,1350 mediaExt EDUC\SelfHelp\LIFECHOI mediaLength EDUC\SelfHelp\LIFECHOI\Topics.doc :PHYSSIZE Life0103 articleList LifeCh articleNames Life Choices articlePages Page 51 of 94 Design02 Design06 HotGam04 SciLab02 Reference Library Design03 title The New-Breed Designers Speak section Feature Entertainment The New-Breed Designers Speak continued... Entertainment Feature Page 26 of 94 Desi0306 :PHYSSIZE Desi0310 Have you experimented with ways to appeal to our senses of touch and smell? Desi0309 How do you take an idea for a game and develop it? Desi0308 What do you see as the future of multimedia games? Desi0307 Do you think games should be restricted or regulated in any way? Desi0306 What do you see as the trends in the multimedia game market? Desi0305 Are you working on any new titles or is that a secret? Desi0304 How are game ideas formulated? statusMsg "BackTrack " && section & "." btnDn sysLockscreen btnUp popSection (objectfrompoint( ) <> goSection useLeave mouseEnter buttonDown buttonStillDown mouseLeave buttonUp mouseEnter statusMsg BackTrack to section mouseLeave statusMsg buttonDown btnDn buttonStillDown btnUp popSection buttonUp btnUp goSection :PHYSSIZE statusMsg "BackTrack " && dept & "." btnDn sysLockscreen btnUp popDept (objectfrompoint( ) <> goDept useLeave mouseEnter buttonDown buttonStillDown mouseLeave buttonUp mouseEnter statusMsg BackTrack to mouseLeave statusMsg buttonDown btnDn buttonStillDown btnUp FpopDept buttonUp btnUp goDept :PHYSSIZE Audio popupAudio omediaExt, omediaLength, odisplaySize buttonUp buttonUp popupAudio mediaExt mediaLength displaySize mediaLength 31620 mediaExt ENTER\FEATURE\Rndtable\Huffman\Ideas.WAV Audio helpText Play audio. hlepText Open form... Audio statusMsg ohelpText btnDn() ouseEnter mouseLeave mouseEnter buttondown mouseEnter statusMsg helpText mouseLeave statusMsg buttondown btnDn helpText Play audio. :PHYSSIZE Audio popupAudio omediaExt, omediaLength, odisplaySize buttonUp buttonUp popupAudio mediaExt mediaLength displaySize mediaLength 41244 mediaExt ENTER\FEATURE\Rndtable\Huffman\NewGames.WAV Audio helpText Play audio. hlepText Open form... Audio statusMsg ohelpText btnDn() ouseEnter mouseLeave mouseEnter buttondown mouseEnter statusMsg helpText mouseLeave statusMsg buttondown btnDn helpText Play audio. :PHYSSIZE Audio popupAudio omediaExt, omediaLength, odisplaySize buttonUp buttonUp popupAudio mediaExt mediaLength displaySize mediaLength 60186 mediaExt ENTER\FEATURE\Rndtable\Huffman\Trends.WAV Audio helpText Play audio. hlepText Open form... Audio statusMsg ohelpText btnDn() ouseEnter mouseLeave mouseEnter buttondown mouseEnter statusMsg helpText mouseLeave statusMsg buttondown btnDn helpText Play audio. :PHYSSIZE Audio popupAudio omediaExt, omediaLength, odisplaySize buttonUp buttonUp popupAudio mediaExt mediaLength displaySize mediaLength 69509 mediaExt ENTER\FEATURE\Rndtable\Huffman\ratings.WAV Audio helpText Play audio. hlepText Open form... Audio statusMsg ohelpText btnDn() ouseEnter mouseLeave mouseEnter buttondown mouseEnter statusMsg helpText mouseLeave statusMsg buttondown btnDn !helpText Play audio. !:PHYSSIZE Audio popupAudio omediaExt, omediaLength, odisplaySize buttonUp buttonUp popupAudio mediaExt mediaLength displaySize .#"#mediaLength 62244 @#mediaExt ENTER\FEATURE\Rndtable\Huffman\Future.WAV Audio #helpText Play audio. #hlepText Open form... Audio statusMsg ohelpText btnDn() ouseEnter mouseLeave mouseEnter buttondown mouseEnter statusMsg helpText mouseLeave statusMsg buttondown btnDn %helpText Play audio. &:PHYSSIZE V&('N Audio popupAudio omediaExt, omediaLength, odisplaySize buttonUp buttonUp popupAudio mediaExt mediaLength displaySize H'<'mediaLength 45708 Z'mediaExt ENTER\FEATURE\Rndtable\Huffman\Develop.WAV Audio 'helpText Play audio. 'hlepText Open form... Audio statusMsg ohelpText btnDn() ouseEnter mouseLeave mouseEnter buttondown mouseEnter statusMsg helpText mouseLeave statusMsg buttondown btnDn )helpText Play audio. *:PHYSSIZE r*D+N Audio popupAudio omediaExt, omediaLength, odisplaySize buttonUp buttonUp popupAudio mediaExt mediaLength displaySize d+X+mediaLength 67918 v+mediaExt ENTER\FEATURE\Rndtable\Huffman\senses.WAV Audio +helpText Play audio. ,hlepText Open form... Audio statusMsg ohelpText btnDn() ouseEnter mouseLeave mouseEnter buttondown mouseEnter statusMsg helpText mouseLeave statusMsg buttondown btnDn .helpText Play audio. 8.:PHYSSIZE Design04 title The New-Breed Designers Speak section Feature Entertainment The New-Breed Designers Speak continued... Entertainment Feature Page 27 of 94 Desi0404 :PHYSSIZE Desi0410 Will there be a Journeyman Project II? Desi0409 Describe the development process for The Journeyman Project. Desi0408 What can NautilusCD subscribers expect to see in the near future? Desi0407 Do you think some day we'll have games that interact with all of our senses? Desi0406 Is there too much sex & violence in games today? Desi0405 What are some of the more prevalent trends in the game arena? Desi0404 How do you put together ideas for games? statusMsg "BackTrack " && section & "." btnDn sysLockscreen btnUp popSection (objectfrompoint( ) <> goSection useLeave mouseEnter buttonDown buttonStillDown mouseLeave buttonUp mouseEnter statusMsg BackTrack to section mouseLeave statusMsg buttonDown btnDn buttonStillDown btnUp popSection buttonUp btnUp goSection :PHYSSIZE statusMsg "BackTrack " && dept & "." btnDn sysLockscreen btnUp popDept (objectfrompoint( ) <> goDept useLeave mouseEnter buttonDown buttonStillDown mouseLeave buttonUp mouseEnter statusMsg BackTrack to mouseLeave statusMsg buttonDown btnDn buttonStillDown btnUp FpopDept buttonUp btnUp goDept :PHYSSIZE Audio popupAudio omediaExt, omediaLength, odisplaySize buttonUp buttonUp popupAudio mediaExt mediaLength displaySize mediaLength 30726 mediaExt ENTER\FEATURE\Rndtable\Kirpalan\Ideas.WAV Audio helpText Play audio. hlepText Open form... Audio statusMsg ohelpText btnDn() ouseEnter mouseLeave mouseEnter buttondown mouseEnter statusMsg helpText mouseLeave statusMsg buttondown btnDn helpText Play audio. :PHYSSIZE Audio popupAudio omediaExt, omediaLength, odisplaySize buttonUp buttonUp popupAudio mediaExt mediaLength displaySize mediaLength 37274 mediaExt ENTER\FEATURE\Rndtable\Kirpalan\Trends.WAV Audio helpText Play audio. hlepText Open form... Audio statusMsg ohelpText btnDn() ouseEnter mouseLeave mouseEnter buttondown mouseEnter statusMsg helpText mouseLeave statusMsg buttondown btnDn helpText Play audio. :PHYSSIZE Audio popupAudio omediaExt, omediaLength, odisplaySize buttonUp buttonUp popupAudio mediaExt mediaLength displaySize mediaLength 67515 mediaExt ENTER\FEATURE\Rndtable\Kirpalan\SEX.WAV Audio helpText Play audio. hlepText Open form... Audio statusMsg ohelpText btnDn() ouseEnter mouseLeave mouseEnter buttondown mouseEnter statusMsg helpText mouseLeave statusMsg buttondown btnDn helpText Play audio. :PHYSSIZE Audio popupAudio omediaExt, omediaLength, odisplaySize buttonUp buttonUp popupAudio mediaExt mediaLength displaySize mediaLength 49711 mediaExt ENTER\FEATURE\Rndtable\Kirpalan\Senses.WAV Audio helpText Play audio. hlepText Open form... Audio statusMsg ohelpText btnDn() ouseEnter mouseLeave mouseEnter buttondown mouseEnter statusMsg helpText mouseLeave statusMsg buttondown btnDn !helpText Play audio. !:PHYSSIZE Audio popupAudio omediaExt, omediaLength, odisplaySize buttonUp buttonUp popupAudio mediaExt mediaLength displaySize 2#&#mediaLength 30302 D#mediaExt ENTER\FEATURE\Rndtable\Kirpalan\Future.WAV Audio #helpText Play audio. #hlepText Open form... Audio statusMsg ohelpText btnDn() ouseEnter mouseLeave mouseEnter buttondown mouseEnter statusMsg helpText mouseLeave statusMsg buttondown btnDn %helpText Play audio. &:PHYSSIZE \&.'N Audio popupAudio omediaExt, omediaLength, odisplaySize buttonUp buttonUp popupAudio mediaExt mediaLength displaySize N'B'mediaLength 36647 `'mediaExt ENTER\FEATURE\Rndtable\Kirpalan\Develop.WAV Audio 'helpText Play audio. 'hlepText Open form... Audio statusMsg ohelpText btnDn() ouseEnter mouseLeave mouseEnter buttondown mouseEnter statusMsg helpText mouseLeave statusMsg buttondown btnDn *helpText Play audio. $*:PHYSSIZE x*J+N Audio popupAudio omediaExt, omediaLength, odisplaySize buttonUp buttonUp popupAudio mediaExt mediaLength displaySize j+^+mediaLength 38049 |+mediaExt ENTER\FEATURE\Rndtable\Kirpalan\Sequel.WAV Audio +helpText Play audio. ,hlepText Open form... Audio statusMsg ohelpText btnDn() ouseEnter mouseLeave mouseEnter buttondown mouseEnter statusMsg helpText mouseLeave statusMsg buttondown btnDn .helpText Play audio. @.:PHYSSIZE Design05 title The New-Breed Designers Speak section Feature Entertainment The New-Breed Designers Speak continued... Entertainment Feature Page 28 of 94 Desi0507 :PHYSSIZE Desi0510 How long did it take to develop The 7th Guest? Desi0509 What do you see as Trilobyte's role in the future of multimedia games? Desi0508 Because of all the sex and violence in games, do you feel games should be restricted? Desi0507 Do you think games will be able to stimulate all of our senses? Desi0506 What's upcoming from Trilobyte? Desi0505 What kinds of things influence your ideas for games? Desi0504 How did you get started in the industry? statusMsg "BackTrack " && section & "." btnDn sysLockscreen btnUp popSection (objectfrompoint( ) <> goSection useLeave mouseEnter buttonDown buttonStillDown mouseLeave buttonUp mouseEnter statusMsg BackTrack to section mouseLeave statusMsg buttonDown btnDn buttonStillDown btnUp popSection buttonUp btnUp goSection :PHYSSIZE statusMsg "BackTrack " && dept & "." btnDn sysLockscreen btnUp popDept (objectfrompoint( ) <> goDept useLeave mouseEnter buttonDown buttonStillDown mouseLeave buttonUp mouseEnter statusMsg BackTrack to mouseLeave statusMsg buttonDown btnDn buttonStillDown btnUp FpopDept buttonUp btnUp goDept :PHYSSIZE Audio popupAudio omediaExt, omediaLength, odisplaySize buttonUp buttonUp popupAudio mediaExt mediaLength displaySize mediaLength 40780 mediaExt ENTER\FEATURE\Rndtable\Landeros\BIO.WAV Audio helpText Play audio. hlepText Open form... Audio statusMsg ohelpText btnDn() ouseEnter mouseLeave mouseEnter buttondown mouseEnter statusMsg helpText mouseLeave statusMsg buttondown btnDn helpText Play audio. :PHYSSIZE Audio popupAudio omediaExt, omediaLength, odisplaySize buttonUp buttonUp popupAudio mediaExt mediaLength displaySize mediaLength 42783 mediaExt ENTER\FEATURE\Rndtable\Landeros\Ideas.WAV Audio helpText Play audio. hlepText Open form... Audio statusMsg ohelpText btnDn() ouseEnter mouseLeave mouseEnter buttondown mouseEnter statusMsg helpText mouseLeave statusMsg buttondown btnDn helpText Play audio. :PHYSSIZE Audio popupAudio omediaExt, omediaLength, odisplaySize buttonUp buttonUp popupAudio mediaExt mediaLength displaySize mediaLength 105558 mediaExt ENTER\FEATURE\Rndtable\Landeros\NewGames.WAV Audio helpText Play audio. hlepText Open form... Audio statusMsg ohelpText btnDn() ouseEnter mouseLeave mouseEnter buttondown mouseEnter statusMsg helpText mouseLeave statusMsg buttondown btnDn helpText Play audio. :PHYSSIZE Audio popupAudio omediaExt, omediaLength, odisplaySize buttonUp buttonUp popupAudio mediaExt mediaLength displaySize mediaLength 51270 mediaExt ENTER\FEATURE\Rndtable\Landeros\Senses.WAV Audio helpText Play audio. hlepText Open form... Audio statusMsg ohelpText btnDn() ouseEnter mouseLeave mouseEnter buttondown mouseEnter statusMsg helpText mouseLeave statusMsg buttondown btnDn !helpText Play audio. !:PHYSSIZE Audio popupAudio omediaExt, omediaLength, odisplaySize buttonUp buttonUp popupAudio mediaExt mediaLength displaySize :#.#mediaLength 41599 L#mediaExt ENTER\FEATURE\Rndtable\Landeros\Sex.WAV Audio #helpText Play audio. #hlepText Open form... Audio statusMsg ohelpText btnDn() ouseEnter mouseLeave mouseEnter buttondown mouseEnter statusMsg helpText mouseLeave statusMsg buttondown btnDn %helpText Play audio. &:PHYSSIZE `&2'N Audio popupAudio omediaExt, omediaLength, odisplaySize buttonUp buttonUp popupAudio mediaExt mediaLength displaySize R'F'mediaLength 83487 d'mediaExt ENTER\FEATURE\Rndtable\Landeros\Future.WAV Audio 'helpText Play audio. 'hlepText Open form... Audio statusMsg ohelpText btnDn() ouseEnter mouseLeave mouseEnter buttondown mouseEnter statusMsg helpText mouseLeave statusMsg buttondown btnDn *helpText Play audio. (*:PHYSSIZE |*N+N Audio popupAudio omediaExt, omediaLength, odisplaySize buttonUp buttonUp popupAudio mediaExt mediaLength displaySize n+b+mediaLength 66615 +mediaExt ENTER\FEATURE\Rndtable\Landeros\Develop.WAV Audio +helpText Play audio. ,hlepText Open form... Audio statusMsg ohelpText btnDn() ouseEnter mouseLeave mouseEnter buttondown mouseEnter statusMsg helpText mouseLeave statusMsg buttondown btnDn 2. .helpText Play audio. D.:PHYSSIZE Design05 SWDemo02 Design06 title The New-Breed Designers Speak section Feature Entertainment The New-Breed Designers Speak continued... Entertainment Feature Page 29 of 94 Desi0601 :PHYSSIZE Desi0610 Why do you think people play games? Desi0609 What types of titles will persist, and what kinds of new titles can we expect? Desi0608 Is there a practical way to implement touch and smell into games? Desi0607 What new titles are in production? Desi0606 What is the role of sex and violence in games? Desi0605 What are the trends in terms of the kinds of new titles? Desi0604 How many people does it take to develop a game, or can you work solo? statusMsg "BackTrack " && section & "." btnDn sysLockscreen btnUp popSection (objectfrompoint( ) <> goSection useLeave mouseEnter buttonDown buttonStillDown mouseLeave buttonUp mouseEnter statusMsg BackTrack to section mouseLeave statusMsg buttonDown btnDn buttonStillDown btnUp popSection buttonUp btnUp goSection :PHYSSIZE statusMsg "BackTrack " && dept & "." btnDn sysLockscreen btnUp popDept (objectfrompoint( ) <> goDept useLeave mouseEnter buttonDown buttonStillDown mouseLeave buttonUp mouseEnter statusMsg BackTrack to mouseLeave statusMsg buttonDown btnDn buttonStillDown btnUp FpopDept buttonUp btnUp goDept :PHYSSIZE Audio popupAudio omediaExt, omediaLength, odisplaySize buttonUp buttonUp popupAudio mediaExt mediaLength displaySize mediaLength 44159 mediaExt ENTER\FEATURE\Rndtable\Nelson\Solo.WAV Audio helpText Play audio. hlepText Open form... Audio statusMsg ohelpText btnDn() ouseEnter mouseLeave mouseEnter buttondown mouseEnter statusMsg helpText mouseLeave statusMsg buttondown btnDn helpText Play audio. :PHYSSIZE Audio popupAudio omediaExt, omediaLength, odisplaySize buttonUp buttonUp popupAudio mediaExt mediaLength displaySize mediaLength 113081 mediaExt ENTER\FEATURE\Rndtable\Nelson\Trends.WAV Audio helpText Play audio. hlepText Open form... Audio statusMsg ohelpText btnDn() ouseEnter mouseLeave mouseEnter buttondown mouseEnter statusMsg helpText mouseLeave statusMsg buttondown btnDn helpText Play audio. :PHYSSIZE Audio popupAudio omediaExt, omediaLength, odisplaySize buttonUp buttonUp popupAudio mediaExt mediaLength displaySize mediaLength 109970 mediaExt ENTER\FEATURE\Rndtable\Nelson\Sex.WAV Audio helpText Play audio. hlepText Open form... Audio statusMsg ohelpText btnDn() ouseEnter mouseLeave mouseEnter buttondown mouseEnter statusMsg helpText mouseLeave statusMsg buttondown btnDn helpText Play audio. :PHYSSIZE Audio popupAudio omediaExt, omediaLength, odisplaySize buttonUp buttonUp popupAudio mediaExt mediaLength displaySize mediaLength 57086 mediaExt ENTER\FEATURE\Rndtable\Nelson\NewGames.WAV Audio helpText Play audio. hlepText Open form... Audio statusMsg ohelpText btnDn() ouseEnter mouseLeave mouseEnter buttondown mouseEnter statusMsg helpText mouseLeave statusMsg buttondown btnDn !helpText Play audio. !:PHYSSIZE Audio popupAudio omediaExt, omediaLength, odisplaySize buttonUp buttonUp popupAudio mediaExt mediaLength displaySize .#"#mediaLength 44118 @#mediaExt ENTER\FEATURE\Rndtable\Nelson\Senses.WAV Audio #helpText Play audio. #hlepText Open form... Audio statusMsg ohelpText btnDn() ouseEnter mouseLeave mouseEnter buttondown mouseEnter statusMsg helpText mouseLeave statusMsg buttondown btnDn %helpText Play audio. &:PHYSSIZE V&('N Audio popupAudio omediaExt, omediaLength, odisplaySize buttonUp buttonUp popupAudio mediaExt mediaLength displaySize H'<'mediaLength 84358 Z'mediaExt ENTER\FEATURE\Rndtable\Nelson\Expectns.WAV Audio 'helpText Play audio. 'hlepText Open form... Audio statusMsg ohelpText btnDn() ouseEnter mouseLeave mouseEnter buttondown mouseEnter statusMsg helpText mouseLeave statusMsg buttondown btnDn )helpText Play audio. *:PHYSSIZE r*D+N Audio popupAudio omediaExt, omediaLength, odisplaySize buttonUp buttonUp popupAudio mediaExt mediaLength displaySize d+X+mediaLength 63687 v+mediaExt ENTER\FEATURE\Rndtable\Nelson\WhyGames.WAV Audio +helpText Play audio. ,hlepText Open form... Audio statusMsg ohelpText btnDn() ouseEnter mouseLeave mouseEnter buttondown mouseEnter statusMsg helpText mouseLeave statusMsg buttondown btnDn .helpText Play audio. :.:PHYSSIZE Design07 title The New-Breed Designers Speak section Feature Entertainment The New-Breed Designers Speak continued... Entertainment Feature Page 30 of 94 Desi0701 :PHYSSIZE Desi0710 Do you believe in censorship in games? Desi0709 Multimedia is for the senses, but all of the senses? Desi0708 Where do your ideas for games come from? Desi0707 What keeps people playing games? Desi0706 What's happening in the game market right now? Desi0705 How does the development process begin? Desi0704 What products do you have in development? statusMsg "BackTrack " && section & "." btnDn sysLockscreen btnUp popSection (objectfrompoint( ) <> goSection useLeave mouseEnter buttonDown buttonStillDown mouseLeave buttonUp mouseEnter statusMsg BackTrack to section mouseLeave statusMsg buttonDown btnDn buttonStillDown btnUp popSection buttonUp btnUp goSection :PHYSSIZE statusMsg "BackTrack " && dept & "." btnDn sysLockscreen btnUp popDept (objectfrompoint( ) <> goDept useLeave mouseEnter buttonDown buttonStillDown mouseLeave buttonUp mouseEnter statusMsg BackTrack to mouseLeave statusMsg buttonDown btnDn buttonStillDown btnUp FpopDept buttonUp btnUp goDept :PHYSSIZE Audio popupAudio omediaExt, omediaLength, odisplaySize buttonUp buttonUp popupAudio mediaExt mediaLength displaySize mediaLength 97617 mediaExt ENTER\FEATURE\Rndtable\Sperry\NewProds.WAV Audio helpText Play audio. hlepText Open form... Audio statusMsg ohelpText btnDn() ouseEnter mouseLeave mouseEnter buttondown mouseEnter statusMsg helpText mouseLeave statusMsg buttondown btnDn helpText Play audio. :PHYSSIZE Audio popupAudio omediaExt, omediaLength, odisplaySize buttonUp buttonUp popupAudio mediaExt mediaLength displaySize mediaLength 58871 mediaExt ENTER\FEATURE\Rndtable\Sperry\Develop.WAV Audio helpText Play audio. hlepText Open form... Audio statusMsg ohelpText btnDn() ouseEnter mouseLeave mouseEnter buttondown mouseEnter statusMsg helpText mouseLeave statusMsg buttondown btnDn helpText Play audio. :PHYSSIZE Audio popupAudio omediaExt, omediaLength, odisplaySize buttonUp buttonUp popupAudio mediaExt mediaLength displaySize mediaLength 89385 mediaExt ENTER\FEATURE\Rndtable\Sperry\Market.WAV Audio helpText Play audio. hlepText Open form... Audio statusMsg ohelpText btnDn() ouseEnter mouseLeave mouseEnter buttondown mouseEnter statusMsg helpText mouseLeave statusMsg buttondown btnDn helpText Play audio. :PHYSSIZE Audio popupAudio omediaExt, omediaLength, odisplaySize buttonUp buttonUp popupAudio mediaExt mediaLength displaySize mediaLength 89217 mediaExt ENTER\FEATURE\Rndtable\Sperry\WhyGames.WAV Audio helpText Play audio. hlepText Open form... Audio statusMsg ohelpText btnDn() ouseEnter mouseLeave mouseEnter buttondown mouseEnter statusMsg helpText mouseLeave statusMsg buttondown btnDn ~!l!helpText Play audio. !:PHYSSIZE Audio popupAudio omediaExt, omediaLength, odisplaySize buttonUp buttonUp popupAudio mediaExt mediaLength displaySize "mediaLength 64290 "mediaExt ENTER\FEATURE\Rndtable\Sperry\Ideas.WAV Audio j#X#helpText Play audio. |#hlepText Open form... Audio statusMsg ohelpText btnDn() ouseEnter mouseLeave mouseEnter buttondown mouseEnter statusMsg helpText mouseLeave statusMsg buttondown btnDn %helpText Play audio. %:PHYSSIZE Audio popupAudio omediaExt, omediaLength, odisplaySize buttonUp buttonUp popupAudio mediaExt mediaLength displaySize &mediaLength 83249 'mediaExt ENTER\FEATURE\Rndtable\Sperry\Senses.WAV Audio 'r'helpText Play audio. 'hlepText Open form... Audio statusMsg ohelpText btnDn() ouseEnter mouseLeave mouseEnter buttondown mouseEnter statusMsg helpText mouseLeave statusMsg buttondown btnDn )helpText Play audio. ):PHYSSIZE Audio popupAudio omediaExt, omediaLength, odisplaySize buttonUp buttonUp popupAudio mediaExt mediaLength displaySize *mediaLength 72191 +mediaExt ENTER\FEATURE\Rndtable\Sperry\censrshp.WAV Audio +helpText Play audio. +hlepText Open form... Audio statusMsg ohelpText btnDn() ouseEnter mouseLeave mouseEnter buttondown mouseEnter statusMsg helpText mouseLeave statusMsg buttondown btnDn -helpText Play audio. -:PHYSSIZE Hot Multimedia Games title Hot Multimedia CD ROM Games section Feature Entertainment Today's multimedia CD ROM games not only challenge our reflexes, but our intelligence as well. Game designers are developing interactive adventures that allow characters to talk directly to us. New games unfold like actual movies, with scenes that roll as we choose events and set them in motion. Here, you can take a look at six top-selling CD ROM-based games and try them on for size. We've come a long way since Pong, baby. The Future of Multimedia Games... Feature Entertainment Page 31 of 94 HotG0101 :PHYSSIZE HotG0102 :PHYSSIZE statusMsg "BackTrack " && section & "." btnDn sysLockscreen btnUp popSection (objectfrompoint( ) <> goSection useLeave mouseEnter buttonDown buttonStillDown mouseLeave buttonUp mouseEnter statusMsg BackTrack to section mouseLeave statusMsg buttonDown btnDn buttonStillDown btnUp popSection buttonUp btnUp goSection :PHYSSIZE statusMsg "BackTrack " && dept & "." btnDn sysLockscreen btnUp popDept (objectfrompoint( ) <> goDept useLeave mouseEnter buttonDown buttonStillDown mouseLeave buttonUp mouseEnter statusMsg BackTrack to mouseLeave statusMsg buttonDown btnDn buttonStillDown btnUp FpopDept buttonUp btnUp goDept :PHYSSIZE HotGam02 title Hot Multimedia CD ROM Games section Feature Entertainment JUMP RAVEN Start spreadin' the news.... New York has been hijacked by a Bronx-based skinhead gang. It's up to you and your hoverjet to get the city back, in this action game from CyberFlix. Started in a basement by four guys a little less than a year ago, CyberFlix is one of the new breed of creative game design firms. The movie above gives you a peek at their nerve center. Hot Games continued... Entertainment Feature Page 32 of 94 HotG0201 :PHYSSIZE HotG0202 :PHYSSIZE HotG0204 :PHYSSIZE HotG0206 CyberFlix behind the scenes HotG0205 Find out more about Jump Raven in this file. HotG0204 A scene from Jump Raven statusMsg "BackTrack " && section & "." btnDn sysLockscreen btnUp popSection (objectfrompoint( ) <> goSection useLeave mouseEnter buttonDown buttonStillDown mouseLeave buttonUp mouseEnter statusMsg BackTrack to section mouseLeave statusMsg buttonDown btnDn buttonStillDown btnUp popSection buttonUp btnUp goSection :PHYSSIZE statusMsg "BackTrack " && dept & "." btnDn sysLockscreen btnUp popDept (objectfrompoint( ) <> goDept useLeave mouseEnter buttonDown buttonStillDown mouseLeave buttonUp mouseEnter statusMsg BackTrack to mouseLeave statusMsg buttonDown btnDn buttonStillDown btnUp FpopDept buttonUp btnUp goDept :PHYSSIZE popupText omediaExt, omediaLength, odisplaySize buttonUp buttonUp popupText mediaExt mediaLength displaySize mediaExt ENTER\FEATURE\HotGames\JumpRavn\JumpRavn.doc helpText Display extended text. hlepText Open form... statusMsg ohelpText btnDn() ouseEnter mouseLeave mouseEnter buttondown mouseEnter statusMsg helpText mouseLeave statusMsg buttondown btnDn helpText Display extended text. :PHYSSIZE Movie badge popupMovie omediaExt, omediaLength, odisplaySize buttonUp buttonUp popupMovie mediaExt mediaLength displaySize controller displayType Popup mediaLength displaySize 160,120 mediaExt ENTER\FEATURE\HotGames\JumpRavn\CYBERFLX.AVI Movie badge hlepText Open form Movie badge statusMsg ohelpText btnDn() ouseEnter mouseLeave mouseEnter buttondown mouseEnter statusMsg helpText mouseLeave statusMsg buttondown btnDn !helpText Show movie. !:PHYSSIZE lpText d4,0 ',{ HotGam03 Entertainment section Feature title Hot Multimedia CD ROM Games :PHYSSIZE mediaExt statusMsg "BackTrack " && section & "." btnDn sysLockscreen btnUp popSection (objectfrompoint( ) <> goSection useLeave mouseEnter buttonDown buttonStillDown mouseLeave buttonUp mouseEnter statusMsg BackTrack to section mouseLeave statusMsg buttonDown btnDn buttonStillDown btnUp popSection buttonUp btnUp goSection Feature :PHYSSIZE statusMsg "BackTrack " && dept & "." btnDn sysLockscreen btnUp popDept (objectfrompoint( ) <> goDept useLeave mouseEnter buttonDown buttonStillDown mouseLeave buttonUp mouseEnter statusMsg BackTrack to mouseLeave statusMsg buttonDown btnDn buttonStillDown btnUp FpopDept buttonUp btnUp goDept Entertainment Hot Games continued... RETURN TO ZORK Return to Zork is the newest adventure in the Zork series. The multimedia sequel captures the complexity of the original series and adds innovations to enhance interactivity and play. Return to Zork combines the talents of live actors and com-puter graphic artists for an entirely new look. To produce the combination of fantasy and reality, actors perform in front of an ultramatte blue screen. Then background sets are digitally inserted during post-production. :PHYSSIZE HotG0301 :PHYSSIZE HotG0302 HotG0304 Take a tour of Return to Zork. Movie badge popupMovie omediaExt, omediaLength, odisplaySize buttonUp buttonUp popupMovie mediaExt mediaLength displaySize Movie badge hlepText Open form Movie badge statusMsg ohelpText btnDn() ouseEnter mouseLeave mouseEnter buttondown mouseEnter statusMsg helpText mouseLeave statusMsg buttondown btnDn :PHYSSIZE helpText Show movie. mediaExt ENTER\FEATURE\HotGames\Zork\Wizard.bmp ENTER\FEATURE\HotGames\Zork\ZORK01.AVI displaySize 160,120 mediaLength displayType Popup controller :PHYSSIZE HotG0303 HotG0305 Creating the Wizard for Zork. Picture badge popupPicture omediaExt, omediaLength, odisplaySize buttonUp buttonUp ?popupPicture mediaExt mediaLength displaySize Picture badge hlepText Open form 8 helpText Display picture. Picture badge statusMsg ohelpText btnDn() ouseEnter mouseLeave mouseEnter buttondown mouseEnter statusMsg helpText mouseLeave statusMsg buttondown btnDn L":PHYSSIZE :"h"helpText Display picture. "mediaExt ENTER\FEATURE\HotGames\Zork\DEMO +mediaLength "displaySize 508,346 HotG0306 ption Install this demo of Return to Zork to your hard drive and launch it from DOS. Folder popupFolder omediaExt, omediaLength, odisplaySize buttonUp buttonUp popupFolder mediaExt mediaLength displaySize Folder %hlepText Open Index... Folder statusMsg ohelpText btnDn() ouseEnter mouseLeave mouseEnter buttondown mouseEnter statusMsg helpText mouseLeave statusMsg buttondown btnDn *:PHYSSIZE 4200,1500 +helpText Access disc files from Index. +H+startPos 6855,1350 ENTER\FEATURE\HotGames\Zork\DEMO\INSTALL.EXE Page 33 of 94 HotGam03 Hot CD ROM Games HotGam04 title Hot Multimedia CD ROM Games section Feature Entertainment THE JOURNEYMAN PROJECT The Journeyman Project, set in the year 2318, pits you against robots, mad scientists and the power of time travel in a non-violent quest to restore order and re-establish the natural flow of history. This multimedia CD ROM title has won national and international awards for its graphical and technical excellence. Hot Games continued... Entertainment Feature Page 34 of 94 HotG0401 :PHYSSIZE HotG0402 :PHYSSIZE HotG0405 Run JMDEMO.EXE to demo Journeyman or run SCENES.EXE to view images from the game. HotG0404 Learn more about Presto Studios and The Journeyman Project. statusMsg "BackTrack " && section & "." btnDn sysLockscreen btnUp popSection (objectfrompoint( ) <> goSection useLeave mouseEnter buttonDown buttonStillDown mouseLeave buttonUp mouseEnter statusMsg BackTrack to section mouseLeave statusMsg buttonDown btnDn buttonStillDown btnUp popSection buttonUp btnUp goSection :PHYSSIZE statusMsg "BackTrack " && dept & "." btnDn sysLockscreen btnUp popDept (objectfrompoint( ) <> goDept useLeave mouseEnter buttonDown buttonStillDown mouseLeave buttonUp mouseEnter statusMsg BackTrack to mouseLeave statusMsg buttonDown btnDn buttonStillDown btnUp FpopDept buttonUp btnUp goDept :PHYSSIZE popupText omediaExt, omediaLength, odisplaySize buttonUp buttonUp popupText mediaExt mediaLength displaySize mediaExt ENTER\FEATURE\HotGames\Jrnyman\README.DOC helpText Display extended text. hlepText Open form... statusMsg ohelpText btnDn() ouseEnter mouseLeave mouseEnter buttondown mouseEnter statusMsg helpText mouseLeave statusMsg buttondown btnDn helpText Display extended text. :PHYSSIZE Folder popupFolder omediaExt, omediaLength, odisplaySize buttonUp buttonUp popupFolder mediaExt mediaLength displaySize mediaLength ENTER\FEATURE\HotGames\Jrnyman\Demos\JMDEMO.EXE mediaExt ENTER\FEATURE\HotGames\Jrnyman\Demos Folder hlepText Open Index... Folder statusMsg ohelpText btnDn() ouseEnter mouseLeave mouseEnter buttondown mouseEnter statusMsg helpText mouseLeave statusMsg buttondown btnDn startPos 6855,1350 V 2 helpText Access disc files from Index. r b p2 4200,1500 :PHYSSIZE HotGam05 Entertainment section Feature title Hot Multimedia CD ROM Games :PHYSSIZE mediaExt statusMsg "BackTrack " && section & "." btnDn sysLockscreen btnUp popSection (objectfrompoint( ) <> goSection useLeave mouseEnter buttonDown buttonStillDown mouseLeave buttonUp mouseEnter statusMsg BackTrack to section mouseLeave statusMsg buttonDown btnDn buttonStillDown btnUp popSection buttonUp btnUp goSection Feature :PHYSSIZE statusMsg "BackTrack " && dept & "." btnDn sysLockscreen btnUp popDept (objectfrompoint( ) <> goDept useLeave mouseEnter buttonDown buttonStillDown mouseLeave buttonUp mouseEnter statusMsg BackTrack to mouseLeave statusMsg buttonDown btnDn buttonStillDown btnUp FpopDept buttonUp btnUp goDept Entertainment Hot Games continued... LANDS OF LORE The people of the Land have waged war against the Dark Army for generations. On one battlefront, near the small kingdom of Gladstone, the Dark Army sorceress Scotia concentrates on digging up the haunted ruins of Urbish Mines seeking the Nether Mask that will enable her to conquer Gladstone and the Northlands. King Richard calls for a champion. Will you save the Northlands? :PHYSSIZE HotG0501 :PHYSSIZE HotG0502 HotG0504 ption Learn more about this game of high fantasy in this file. popupText omediaExt, omediaLength, odisplaySize buttonUp buttonUp popupText mediaExt mediaLength displaySize hlepText Open form... helpText Display extended text. statusMsg ohelpText btnDn() ouseEnter mouseLeave mouseEnter buttondown mouseEnter statusMsg helpText mouseLeave statusMsg buttondown btnDn :PHYSSIZE helpText Display extended text. mediaExt ENTER\FEATURE\HotGames\LOL ENTER\FEATURE\HotGames\LOL\LOL.doc HotG0505 ption Exit to DOS and run LOLGAME.BAT or LOLDEMO.BAT to play the game or see a demo. Folder popupFolder omediaExt, omediaLength, odisplaySize buttonUp buttonUp popupFolder mediaExt mediaLength displaySize Folder hlepText Open Index... Folder statusMsg ohelpText btnDn() ouseEnter mouseLeave mouseEnter buttondown mouseEnter statusMsg helpText mouseLeave statusMsg buttondown btnDn :PHYSSIZE 4200,1500 helpText Access disc files from Index. startPos 6855,1350 x mediaLength ENTER\FEATURE\HotGames\LOL\LOLGAME.BAT Page 35 of 94 HotGam06 Entertainment section Feature title Hot Multimedia CD ROM Games :PHYSSIZE mediaExt HotG0603 '0%[ statusMsg "BackTrack " && section & "." btnDn sysLockscreen btnUp popSection (objectfrompoint( ) <> goSection useLeave mouseEnter buttonDown buttonStillDown mouseLeave buttonUp mouseEnter statusMsg BackTrack to section mouseLeave statusMsg buttonDown btnDn buttonStillDown btnUp popSection buttonUp btnUp goSection Feature :PHYSSIZE 'V%\ statusMsg "BackTrack " && dept & "." btnDn sysLockscreen btnUp popDept (objectfrompoint( ) <> goDept useLeave mouseEnter buttonDown buttonStillDown mouseLeave buttonUp mouseEnter statusMsg BackTrack to mouseLeave statusMsg buttonDown btnDn buttonStillDown btnUp FpopDept buttonUp btnUp goDept Entertainment Hot Games continued... POLICE QUEST 4 This addition to Sierra's popular series was written by Daryl Gates, former Chief of the Los Angeles Police Department. It puts game players in the role of a present-day LAPD detective tracking down the source of seemingly random murders. By-the-book procedures and real world pressures from the media and public play a dominant part in the game. The game also features photo-realistic backgrounds and video-captured actors. The game draws on Chief Gates' 43 year career in the LAPD to create a sense of realism unmatched in other police role-playing games. :PHYSSIZE HotG0601 HotG0604 ption Learn more about Chief Gates' contribution to the design of this game. popupText omediaExt, omediaLength, odisplaySize buttonUp buttonUp popupText mediaExt mediaLength displaySize hlepText Open form... helpText Display extended text. statusMsg ohelpText btnDn() ouseEnter mouseLeave mouseEnter buttondown mouseEnter statusMsg helpText mouseLeave statusMsg buttondown btnDn :PHYSSIZE helpText Display extended text. mediaExt ENTER\FEATURE\HotGames\PQ4\DARYL.AVI ENTER\FEATURE\HotGames\PQ4\GATES.doc :PHYSSIZE HotG0605 Take a video tour of Police Quest 4. Movie badge popupMovie omediaExt, omediaLength, odisplaySize buttonUp buttonUp popupMovie mediaExt mediaLength displaySize Movie badge hlepText Open form Movie badge statusMsg ohelpText btnDn() ouseEnter mouseLeave mouseEnter buttondown mouseEnter statusMsg helpText mouseLeave statusMsg buttondown btnDn :PHYSSIZE helpText Show movie. displaySize 160,120 mediaLength displayType Popup controller Page 36 of 94 HotGam07 title Hot Multimedia CD ROM Games section Feature Entertainment CRITICAL PATH He's General Minh, a deranged, power-mad sicko running a maximum security Factory of Doom. She's a chopper pilot turned survivalist named Kat. She's trying to get out, and you're her only hope of making it. Guide Kat along the escape route--the Critical Path. From your fully-equipped control center, share Kat's viewpoint through a headset-mounted camera. Together, you and Kat will negotiate scene after scene of killers and surprises in Critical Path by Media Vision. Hot Games continued... Entertainment Feature Page 37 of 94 HotG0701 :PHYSSIZE HotG0702 :PHYSSIZE HotG0703 :PHYSSIZE HotG0705 Learn more about Critical Path. HotG0704 Demo Critical Path. 9R%] statusMsg "BackTrack " && section & "." btnDn sysLockscreen btnUp popSection (objectfrompoint( ) <> goSection useLeave mouseEnter buttonDown buttonStillDown mouseLeave buttonUp mouseEnter statusMsg BackTrack to section mouseLeave statusMsg buttonDown btnDn buttonStillDown btnUp popSection buttonUp btnUp goSection :PHYSSIZE statusMsg "BackTrack " && dept & "." btnDn sysLockscreen btnUp popDept (objectfrompoint( ) <> goDept useLeave mouseEnter buttonDown buttonStillDown mouseLeave buttonUp mouseEnter statusMsg BackTrack to mouseLeave statusMsg buttonDown btnDn buttonStillDown btnUp FpopDept buttonUp btnUp goDept :PHYSSIZE Movie badge popupMovie omediaExt, omediaLength, odisplaySize buttonUp buttonUp popupMovie mediaExt mediaLength displaySize controller displayType Popup mediaLength displaySize 160,120 mediaExt ENTER\FEATURE\HotGames\CritPath\MEDIAVSN.AVI Movie badge hlepText Open form Movie badge statusMsg ohelpText btnDn() ouseEnter mouseLeave mouseEnter buttondown mouseEnter statusMsg helpText mouseLeave statusMsg buttondown btnDn helpText Show movie. :PHYSSIZE Text badge popupText omediaExt, omediaLength, odisplaySize buttonUp buttonUp popupText mediaExt mediaLength displaySize mediaExt ENTER\FEATURE\HotGames\CritPath\CritPath.doc Text badge d F helpText Display extended text. v hlepText Open form Text badge statusMsg ohelpText btnDn() ouseEnter mouseLeave mouseEnter buttondown mouseEnter statusMsg helpText mouseLeave statusMsg buttondown btnDn "helpText Display extended text. ":PHYSSIZE HotGam07 ACCAD03 Psycho03 %r%r%p ArcPho title Archive Photos section Photography & Images Desktop Media Through the air, on the sea, over land or into space, you'll find photos that will take you places in Archive Photos' collection. One of the leading suppliers in the U.S. of historical, news and vintage stock photographs, Archive's collection has thousands of stock photographs available for use in your multimedia presentations. LUNAR LANDING Getting There is Half the Fun/Archive Photos Photography & Images Desktop Media Page 17 of 94 ArcP0102 :PHYSSIZE ArcP0103 :PHYSSIZE ArcP0108 This is a low-res image of "Lunar Landing" for your free, noncommercial use. ArcP0107 Lunar Landing ArcP0106 Learn how to contact Archive Photos and how to lease photos for publication. statusMsg "BackTrack " && section & "." btnDn sysLockscreen btnUp popSection (objectfrompoint( ) <> goSection useLeave mouseEnter buttonDown buttonStillDown mouseLeave buttonUp mouseEnter statusMsg BackTrack to section mouseLeave statusMsg buttonDown btnDn buttonStillDown btnUp popSection buttonUp btnUp goSection :PHYSSIZE statusMsg "BackTrack " && dept & "." btnDn sysLockscreen btnUp popDept (objectfrompoint( ) <> goDept useLeave mouseEnter buttonDown buttonStillDown mouseLeave buttonUp mouseEnter statusMsg BackTrack to mouseLeave statusMsg buttonDown btnDn buttonStillDown btnUp FpopDept buttonUp btnUp goDept :PHYSSIZE popupText omediaExt, omediaLength, odisplaySize buttonUp buttonUp popupText mediaExt mediaLength displaySize mediaExt DTMedia\Photos\Archive\ABOUT.DOC helpText Display extended text. hlepText Open form... statusMsg ohelpText btnDn() ouseEnter mouseLeave mouseEnter buttondown mouseEnter statusMsg helpText mouseLeave statusMsg buttondown btnDn helpText Display extended text. :PHYSSIZE Picture badge popupPicture omediaExt, omediaLength, odisplaySize buttonUp buttonUp ?popupPicture mediaExt mediaLength displaySize displaySize 508,381 mediaExt DTMedia\Photos\Archive\LUNAR.BMP Picture badge helpText Display picture. hlepText Open form Picture badge statusMsg ohelpText btnDn() ouseEnter mouseLeave mouseEnter buttondown mouseEnter statusMsg helpText mouseLeave statusMsg buttondown btnDn helpText Display picture. :PHYSSIZE Folder popupFolder omediaExt, omediaLength, odisplaySize buttonUp buttonUp popupFolder mediaExt mediaLength displaySize mediaLength DTMedia\Photos\Archive\LUNAR.TIF mediaExt DTMedia\Photos\Archive Folder hlepText Open Index... Folder statusMsg ohelpText btnDn() ouseEnter mouseLeave mouseEnter buttondown mouseEnter statusMsg helpText mouseLeave statusMsg buttondown btnDn $startPos 6855,1350 %helpText Access disc files from Index. Z%J%p2 4200,1500 l%:PHYSSIZE btnDn ArcPho Letter03 ArcPho02 Desktop Media section Photography & Images title Archive Photos :PHYSSIZE mediaExt ArcP0202 statusMsg "BackTrack " && section & "." btnDn sysLockscreen btnUp popSection (objectfrompoint( ) <> goSection useLeave mouseEnter buttonDown buttonStillDown mouseLeave buttonUp mouseEnter statusMsg BackTrack to section mouseLeave statusMsg buttonDown btnDn buttonStillDown btnUp popSection buttonUp btnUp goSection Photography & Images :PHYSSIZE statusMsg "BackTrack " && dept & "." btnDn sysLockscreen btnUp popDept (objectfrompoint( ) <> goDept useLeave mouseEnter buttonDown buttonStillDown mouseLeave buttonUp mouseEnter statusMsg BackTrack to mouseLeave statusMsg buttonDown btnDn buttonStillDown btnUp FpopDept buttonUp btnUp goDept Desktop Media Getting There is Half the Fun: Archive Photos continued... HOMEPORT ON THE B&O PREPARE FOR TAKEOFF :PHYSSIZE ArcP0201 ArcP0204 Prepare for Takeoff Picture badge popupPicture omediaExt, omediaLength, odisplaySize buttonUp buttonUp ?popupPicture mediaExt mediaLength displaySize Picture badge hlepText Open form helpText Display picture. Picture badge statusMsg ohelpText btnDn() ouseEnter mouseLeave mouseEnter buttondown mouseEnter statusMsg helpText mouseLeave statusMsg buttondown btnDn :PHYSSIZE helpText Display picture. mediaExt DTMedia\Photos\Archive\ONTHEBO.BMP DTMedia\Photos\Archive\TAKEOFF.BMP displaySize 506,427 :PHYSSIZE ArcP0205 On the B&O Picture badge popupPicture omediaExt, omediaLength, odisplaySize buttonUp buttonUp ?popupPicture mediaExt mediaLength displaySize Picture badge hlepText Open form helpText Display picture. Picture badge statusMsg ohelpText btnDn() ouseEnter mouseLeave mouseEnter buttondown mouseEnter statusMsg helpText mouseLeave statusMsg buttondown btnDn :PHYSSIZE helpText Display picture. mediaExt DTMedia\Photos\Archive\HOMEPORT.BMP displaySize 508,390 displaySize 508,374 :PHYSSIZE ArcP0203 ArcP0206 Homeport Picture badge popupPicture omediaExt, omediaLength, odisplaySize buttonUp buttonUp ?popupPicture mediaExt mediaLength displaySize Picture badge !hlepText Open form !helpText Display picture. Picture badge statusMsg ohelpText btnDn() ouseEnter mouseLeave mouseEnter buttondown mouseEnter statusMsg helpText mouseLeave statusMsg buttondown btnDn $:PHYSSIZE # $helpText Display picture. Page 18 of 94 ArcPho02 Performing Arts Desktop Publishing Desktop Media section Desktop Publishing title DTP Power Tools :PHYSSIZE mediaExt DTPP0104 statusMsg "BackTrack " && dept & "." btnDn sysLockscreen btnUp popDept (objectfrompoint( ) <> goDept useLeave mouseEnter buttonDown buttonStillDown mouseLeave buttonUp mouseEnter statusMsg BackTrack to mouseLeave statusMsg buttonDown btnDn buttonStillDown btnUp FpopDept buttonUp btnUp goDept Desktop Media At NautilusCD we want to help you win your battle to make your newsletters, brochures or fliers the best they can be. Every month in this section you'll find a wealth of shareware and freeware tools and resources. This month we focus on fonts. Try the two shareware fonts below from FONTCity, then turn the page and try a demo of FONTEK DesignFonts from Letraset. DTP Power Tools :PHYSSIZE DTPP0101 :PHYSSIZE DTPP0102 DTPP0106 ption Use these fonts, representing two of the four directions, for body text or headlines. Folder popupFolder omediaExt, omediaLength, odisplaySize buttonUp buttonUp popupFolder mediaExt mediaLength displaySize Folder hlepText Open Index... Folder statusMsg ohelpText btnDn() ouseEnter mouseLeave mouseEnter buttondown mouseEnter statusMsg helpText mouseLeave statusMsg buttondown btnDn :PHYSSIZE 4200,1500 helpText Access disc files from Index. startPos 6855,1350 DTMedia\DTP\DTPTools\Fonts :PHYSSIZE DTPP0107 Direct your readers' eyes to these fonts. articleList DTPPow articleNames DTP Power Tools articlePages Page 19 of 94 DTPPow02 title DTP Power Tools section Desktop Publishing Desktop Media FONTEK Offering both innovative and classic styles in TrueType and PostScript Type 1 formats, Letraset's FONTEK font products provide high quality fonts structured to meet your publication's needs. Fonts are fully kerned and feature a complete character set including accents, ligatures, flourishes and other alternative and special characters. These provide you with a complete collection of characters to meet your needs. DTP Power Tools continued... Desktop Media Page 20 of 94 DTPP0202 :PHYSSIZE DTPP0205 Learn more about FONTEK. DTPP0204 View the FONTEK demo from DOS to see how these fonts can improve your publications. statusMsg "BackTrack " && dept & "." btnDn sysLockscreen btnUp popDept (objectfrompoint( ) <> goDept useLeave mouseEnter buttonDown buttonStillDown mouseLeave buttonUp mouseEnter statusMsg BackTrack to mouseLeave statusMsg buttonDown btnDn buttonStillDown btnUp FpopDept buttonUp btnUp goDept :PHYSSIZE Folder popupFolder omediaExt, omediaLength, odisplaySize buttonUp buttonUp popupFolder mediaExt mediaLength displaySize mediaLength DTMEDIA\DTP\DTPTools\FONTEK\DEMO.BAT mediaExt DTMedia\DTP\DTPTools\FONTEK Folder hlepText Open Index... Folder statusMsg ohelpText btnDn() ouseEnter mouseLeave mouseEnter buttondown mouseEnter statusMsg helpText mouseLeave statusMsg buttondown btnDn startPos 6855,1350 helpText Access disc files from Index. 4200,1500 :PHYSSIZE Text badge popupText omediaExt, omediaLength, odisplaySize buttonUp buttonUp popupText mediaExt mediaLength displaySize mediaExt DTMedia\DTP\DTPTools\FONTEK\FONTEK.doc Text badge helpText Display extended text. hlepText Open form Text badge statusMsg ohelpText btnDn() ouseEnter mouseLeave mouseEnter buttondown mouseEnter statusMsg helpText mouseLeave statusMsg buttondown btnDn helpText Display extended text. :PHYSSIZE DTPPow02 Product Directories SWDemo03 Multimedia Desktop Media section Multimedia title Archive Films Digital Film Resources :PHYSSIZE ArcF0102 ArcF0107 160,120 statusMsg "BackTrack " && dept & "." btnDn sysLockscreen btnUp popDept (objectfrompoint( ) <> goDept useLeave mouseEnter buttonDown buttonStillDown mouseLeave buttonUp mouseEnter statusMsg BackTrack to mouseLeave statusMsg buttonDown btnDn buttonStillDown btnUp FpopDept buttonUp btnUp goDept Desktop Media You never know when you might need a video clip of mad scientists at play, explosives, peaceful nature scenes, historic events or wild animals to add panache to your multimedia presentation. Providing film resources to multimedia producers is a service of Archive Films, a leading stock footage house. Their collection contains over 9,000 hours of historical and archival footage, including footage on virtually every 20th century development in technology. Remember the crazy costumes and fervent politics of the '60s in the U.S.? Relive Vietnam War protests, draft card burnings and political activism in this clip. ArcF0106 ption Here's contact, collections and licensing information for Archive Films. popupText omediaExt, omediaLength, odisplaySize buttonUp buttonUp popupText mediaExt mediaLength displaySize j hlepText Open form... helpText Display extended text. statusMsg ohelpText btnDn() ouseEnter mouseLeave mouseEnter buttondown mouseEnter statusMsg helpText mouseLeave statusMsg buttondown btnDn :PHYSSIZE helpText Display extended text. mediaExt DTMedia\MMedia\Archive\ABOUT.DOC :PHYSSIZE ArcF0103 articleList ArcFlm Anti-war demonstrators Movie badge popupMovie omediaExt, omediaLength, odisplaySize buttonUp buttonUp popupMovie mediaExt mediaLength displaySize Movie badge hlepText Open form Movie badge statusMsg ohelpText btnDn() ouseEnter mouseLeave mouseEnter buttondown mouseEnter statusMsg helpText mouseLeave statusMsg buttondown btnDn :PHYSSIZE helpText Show movie. mediaExt DTMedia\MMedia\Archive\VIETNAM.AVI displaySize mediaLength displayType Popup controller :PHYSSIZE articleNames Archive Films Digital Film Resources articlePages Page 21 of 94 Multimedia Miller Science Lab Industry Watch AntVir03 CDROMD Entertainment sectionPages 23,45 sectionNames Feature,Performing Arts sectionList Feature,Performing Arts title Entertainment Entertainment Entertainment Page 22 of 94 statusMsg "BackTrack " && dept & "." btnDn sysLockscreen btnUp popDept (objectfrompoint( ) <> goDept useLeave mouseEnter buttonDown buttonStillDown mouseLeave buttonUp mouseEnter statusMsg BackTrack to mouseLeave statusMsg buttonDown btnDn buttonStillDown btnUp FpopDept buttonUp btnUp goDept :PHYSSIZE ENTER :PHYSSIZE ENTER :PHYSSIZE Feature statusMsg "Go " && p& "." objDn() goToPage ( mouseLeave mouseEnter buttonDown buttonUp mouseEnter statusMsg Go to mouseLeave statusMsg buttonDown objDn buttonUp NegoToPage :PHYSSIZE Performing Arts statusMsg "Go " && p& "." objDn() goToPage ( mouseLeave mouseEnter buttonDown buttonUp mouseEnter statusMsg Go to mouseLeave statusMsg buttonDown objDn buttonUp NegoToPage :PHYSSIZE Entertainment ProdSv02 Feature articlePages 23,24,31,38 articleNames Playing on the Edge!,The New-Breed Designers Speak,Hot Multimedia CD ROM Games,Profile: The Miller Brothers articleList FIntro,Design,HotGam,Miller title Playing on the Edge! section Feature Entertainment In this month's NautilusCD feature, you can meet the designers and developers behind today's hot-selling computer games. Then take a look at demos from Jump Raven, The Journeyman Project, and other multimedia games. And, just for fun, get a behind-the-scenes look at how games get made. 00 The Future of Multimedia Games: The New Breed of Game Designers Speak. 00 Hot Multimedia Games. 00 Profile: The Miller Brothers--Behind the Scenes with the Makers of Myst. Feature Entertainment Page 23 of 94 FInt0101 p :PHYSSIZE statusMsg "BackTrack " && section & "." btnDn sysLockscreen btnUp popSection (objectfrompoint( ) <> goSection useLeave mouseEnter buttonDown buttonStillDown mouseLeave buttonUp mouseEnter statusMsg BackTrack to section mouseLeave statusMsg buttonDown btnDn buttonStillDown btnUp popSection buttonUp btnUp goSection :PHYSSIZE statusMsg "BackTrack " && dept & "." btnDn sysLockscreen btnUp popDept (objectfrompoint( ) <> goDept useLeave mouseEnter buttonDown buttonStillDown mouseLeave buttonUp mouseEnter statusMsg BackTrack to mouseLeave statusMsg buttonDown btnDn buttonStillDown btnUp FpopDept buttonUp btnUp goDept :PHYSSIZE Game Designers Speak statusMsg "Go " && p& "." objDn() goToPage ( mouseLeave mouseEnter buttonDown buttonUp mouseEnter statusMsg Go to mouseLeave statusMsg buttonDown objDn buttonUp NegoToPage :PHYSSIZE Hot Multimedia Games statusMsg "Go " && p& "." objDn() goToPage ( mouseLeave mouseEnter buttonDown buttonUp mouseEnter statusMsg Go to mouseLeave statusMsg buttonDown objDn buttonUp NegoToPage :PHYSSIZE The Miller Brothers statusMsg "Go " && p& "." objDn() goToPage ( mouseLeave mouseEnter buttonDown buttonUp mouseEnter statusMsg Go to mouseLeave statusMsg buttonDown objDn buttonUp NegoToPage ":PHYSSIZE Game Designers Speak title The New-Breed Designers Speak section Feature Entertainment Today's new-breed game designers feel that they are doing more than "just playing games." There is now a forging alliance between moviemakers and game developers, with the goal of creating an entirely new art form: the interactive movie. Already, games have received a dubious comparison with films, as some groups seek to rate or control sexual and violent content. Developers aren't fighting the rating idea. However, they bristle at the thought of content control. While the future is anybody's guess, you can hear from six developers in this issue. The Future of Multimedia Games Feature Entertainment Page 24 of 94 Desi0101 :PHYSSIZE Desi0102 :PHYSSIZE statusMsg "BackTrack " && section & "." btnDn sysLockscreen btnUp popSection (objectfrompoint( ) <> goSection useLeave mouseEnter buttonDown buttonStillDown mouseLeave buttonUp mouseEnter statusMsg BackTrack to section mouseLeave statusMsg buttonDown btnDn buttonStillDown btnUp popSection buttonUp btnUp goSection :PHYSSIZE statusMsg "BackTrack " && dept & "." btnDn sysLockscreen btnUp popDept (objectfrompoint( ) <> goDept useLeave mouseEnter buttonDown buttonStillDown mouseLeave buttonUp mouseEnter statusMsg BackTrack to mouseLeave statusMsg buttonDown btnDn buttonStillDown btnUp FpopDept buttonUp btnUp goDept :PHYSSIZE Design Moving02 Article Listing Design02 ""&<* title The New-Breed Designers Speak section Feature Entertainment The New-Breed Designers Speak continued... Entertainment Feature Page 25 of 94 Desi0201 :PHYSSIZE Desi0210 Dragon's Lair is your newest game; what's next? Desi0209 Are you for or against a rating system for games? Desi0208 Does the development process differ from game to game, or is it primarily the same process? Desi0207 Do all your game ideas come from staff members, or do you solicit ideas from outsiders? Desi0206 Why do people play games? Desi0205 What do you see as the future of multimedia games? Desi0204 What do you see as the obvious trends in the game market? statusMsg "BackTrack " && section & "." btnDn sysLockscreen btnUp popSection (objectfrompoint( ) <> goSection useLeave mouseEnter buttonDown buttonStillDown mouseLeave buttonUp mouseEnter statusMsg BackTrack to section mouseLeave statusMsg buttonDown btnDn buttonStillDown btnUp popSection buttonUp btnUp goSection :PHYSSIZE statusMsg "BackTrack " && dept & "." btnDn sysLockscreen btnUp popDept (objectfrompoint( ) <> goDept useLeave mouseEnter buttonDown buttonStillDown mouseLeave buttonUp mouseEnter statusMsg BackTrack to mouseLeave statusMsg buttonDown btnDn buttonStillDown btnUp FpopDept buttonUp btnUp goDept :PHYSSIZE Audio popupAudio omediaExt, omediaLength, odisplaySize buttonUp buttonUp popupAudio mediaExt mediaLength displaySize mediaLength 50016 mediaExt ENTER\FEATURE\Rndtable\Foster\Trends.WAV Audio helpText Play audio. hlepText Open form... Audio statusMsg ohelpText btnDn() ouseEnter mouseLeave mouseEnter buttondown mouseEnter statusMsg helpText mouseLeave statusMsg buttondown btnDn helpText Play audio. :PHYSSIZE Audio popupAudio omediaExt, omediaLength, odisplaySize buttonUp buttonUp popupAudio mediaExt mediaLength displaySize mediaLength 40548 mediaExt ENTER\FEATURE\Rndtable\Foster\Future.WAV Audio helpText Play audio. hlepText Open form... Audio statusMsg ohelpText btnDn() ouseEnter mouseLeave mouseEnter buttondown mouseEnter statusMsg helpText mouseLeave statusMsg buttondown btnDn helpText Play audio. :PHYSSIZE Audio popupAudio omediaExt, omediaLength, odisplaySize buttonUp buttonUp popupAudio mediaExt mediaLength displaySize mediaLength 32798 mediaExt ENTER\FEATURE\Rndtable\Foster\WhyGames.WAV Audio helpText Play audio. hlepText Open form... Audio statusMsg ohelpText btnDn() ouseEnter mouseLeave mouseEnter buttondown mouseEnter statusMsg helpText mouseLeave statusMsg buttondown btnDn helpText Play audio. :PHYSSIZE Audio popupAudio omediaExt, omediaLength, odisplaySize buttonUp buttonUp popupAudio mediaExt mediaLength displaySize mediaLength 28352 mediaExt ENTER\FEATURE\Rndtable\Foster\Ideas.WAV Audio helpText Play audio. hlepText Open form... Audio statusMsg ohelpText btnDn() ouseEnter mouseLeave mouseEnter buttondown mouseEnter statusMsg helpText mouseLeave statusMsg buttondown btnDn !helpText Play audio. !:PHYSSIZE R"$#N Audio popupAudio omediaExt, omediaLength, odisplaySize buttonUp buttonUp popupAudio mediaExt mediaLength displaySize D#8#mediaLength 27536 V#mediaExt ENTER\FEATURE\Rndtable\Foster\process.WAV Audio #helpText Play audio. #hlepText Open form... Audio statusMsg ohelpText btnDn() ouseEnter mouseLeave mouseEnter buttondown mouseEnter statusMsg helpText mouseLeave statusMsg buttondown btnDn %helpText Play audio. &:PHYSSIZE l&>'N Audio popupAudio omediaExt, omediaLength, odisplaySize buttonUp buttonUp popupAudio mediaExt mediaLength displaySize ^'R'mediaLength 48750 p'mediaExt ENTER\FEATURE\Rndtable\Foster\Ratings.WAV Audio 'helpText Play audio. (hlepText Open form... Audio statusMsg ohelpText btnDn() ouseEnter mouseLeave mouseEnter buttondown mouseEnter statusMsg helpText mouseLeave statusMsg buttondown btnDn *helpText Play audio. 2*:PHYSSIZE Audio popupAudio omediaExt, omediaLength, odisplaySize buttonUp buttonUp popupAudio mediaExt mediaLength displaySize x+l+mediaLength 42574 +mediaExt ENTER\FEATURE\Rndtable\Foster\NewGames.WAV Audio +helpText Play audio. ",hlepText Open form... Audio statusMsg ohelpText btnDn() ouseEnter mouseLeave mouseEnter buttondown mouseEnter statusMsg helpText mouseLeave statusMsg buttondown btnDn <.*.helpText Play audio. N.:PHYSSIZE SBytes Desktop Media section Music & Sound title Sound Bytes: Sounds for Games :PHYSSIZE statusMsg "BackTrack " && section & "." btnDn sysLockscreen btnUp popSection (objectfrompoint( ) <> goSection useLeave mouseEnter buttonDown buttonStillDown mouseLeave buttonUp mouseEnter statusMsg BackTrack to section mouseLeave statusMsg buttonDown btnDn buttonStillDown btnUp popSection buttonUp btnUp goSection Music & Sound :PHYSSIZE statusMsg "BackTrack " && dept & "." btnDn sysLockscreen btnUp popDept (objectfrompoint( ) <> goDept useLeave mouseEnter buttonDown buttonStillDown mouseLeave buttonUp mouseEnter statusMsg BackTrack to mouseLeave statusMsg buttonDown btnDn buttonStillDown btnUp FpopDept buttonUp btnUp goDept Desktop Media Music and Sound Today's game soundtracks not only create a sonic environment in which the player performs--suspenseful organ tones for a mystery, surf-rock for the dune buggy races, etc.--but are increasingly becoming a point of market comparison for consumers. This month we feature a collection of music beds by Jay Lowder and Russ Nagy. Designed to be used as audio backdrops for game programs, all but one of the compositions are rock beds intended to heighten feelings of action or adventure. SoundBytes/Sounds for Games :PHYSSIZE SByt0101 :PHYSSIZE SByt0102 Page 7 of 94 SBytes HotGam02 HotGam06 Miller05 SBytes02 title Sound Bytes: Sounds for Games section Music & Sound Desktop Media Each file has a simple form designed to be easily looped ad infinitum, usually with hard "bar 1" downbeats and cymbal crashes to make editing simple. These compositions are available for your noncommercial free use. Sound Bytes continued... Desktop Media Music & Sound Page 8 of 94 SByt0213 Here's easy access to all eight files in WAV format. SByt0212 We would love to feature your works (sound files, MIDI files, etc.) on NautilusCD! SByt0211 If your game is a space shoot-em-up, try adding Games 5 as the background music. SByt0210 Games 2 can add excitement and is reminiscent of games like Missile Command. SByt0209 Use Games 6 in a Tetris-style game. SByt0208 Use Games 8 for a children's game where "lovable" is more important than "fast." SByt0207 Games 7 makes any sports game more exciting. SByt0206 The sound of a heartbeat within Games 4 creates an aura of suspense. SByt0205 Use Games 1 in a fast-paced adventure game. SByt0204 Use Games 3 to add a note of urgency to an adventure game. statusMsg "BackTrack " && section & "." btnDn sysLockscreen btnUp popSection (objectfrompoint( ) <> goSection useLeave mouseEnter buttonDown buttonStillDown mouseLeave buttonUp mouseEnter statusMsg BackTrack to section mouseLeave statusMsg buttonDown btnDn buttonStillDown btnUp popSection buttonUp btnUp goSection :PHYSSIZE statusMsg "BackTrack " && dept & "." btnDn sysLockscreen btnUp popDept (objectfrompoint( ) <> goDept useLeave mouseEnter buttonDown buttonStillDown mouseLeave buttonUp mouseEnter statusMsg BackTrack to mouseLeave statusMsg buttonDown btnDn buttonStillDown btnUp FpopDept buttonUp btnUp goDept :PHYSSIZE Audio popupAudio omediaExt, omediaLength, odisplaySize buttonUp buttonUp popupAudio mediaExt mediaLength displaySize mediaLength 29952 mediaExt DTMedia\Sound\SNDBYTES\GAMES3.WAV Audio helpText Play audio. hlepText Open form... Audio statusMsg ohelpText btnDn() ouseEnter mouseLeave mouseEnter buttondown mouseEnter statusMsg helpText mouseLeave statusMsg buttondown btnDn helpText Play audio. :PHYSSIZE Audio popupAudio omediaExt, omediaLength, odisplaySize buttonUp buttonUp popupAudio mediaExt mediaLength displaySize mediaLength 28265 mediaExt DTMedia\Sound\SNDBYTES\GAMES1.WAV Audio helpText Play audio. hlepText Open form... Audio statusMsg ohelpText btnDn() ouseEnter mouseLeave mouseEnter buttondown mouseEnter statusMsg helpText mouseLeave statusMsg buttondown btnDn helpText Play audio. :PHYSSIZE Audio popupAudio omediaExt, omediaLength, odisplaySize buttonUp buttonUp popupAudio mediaExt mediaLength displaySize mediaLength 30854 mediaExt DTMedia\Sound\SNDBYTES\GAMES4.WAV Audio helpText Play audio. hlepText Open form... Audio statusMsg ohelpText btnDn() ouseEnter mouseLeave mouseEnter buttondown mouseEnter statusMsg helpText mouseLeave statusMsg buttondown btnDn helpText Play audio. :PHYSSIZE Audio popupAudio omediaExt, omediaLength, odisplaySize buttonUp buttonUp popupAudio mediaExt mediaLength displaySize mediaLength 69043 mediaExt DTMedia\Sound\SNDBYTES\GAMES7.WAV Audio helpText Play audio. hlepText Open form... Audio statusMsg ohelpText btnDn() ouseEnter mouseLeave mouseEnter buttondown mouseEnter statusMsg helpText mouseLeave statusMsg buttondown btnDn t b helpText Play audio. :PHYSSIZE Audio popupAudio omediaExt, omediaLength, odisplaySize buttonUp buttonUp popupAudio mediaExt mediaLength displaySize !mediaLength 83034 !mediaExt DTMedia\Sound\SNDBYTES\GAMES8.WAV Audio Z"H"helpText Play audio. l"hlepText Open form... Audio statusMsg ohelpText btnDn() ouseEnter mouseLeave mouseEnter buttondown mouseEnter statusMsg helpText mouseLeave statusMsg buttondown btnDn $t$helpText Play audio. $:PHYSSIZE Audio popupAudio omediaExt, omediaLength, odisplaySize buttonUp buttonUp popupAudio mediaExt mediaLength displaySize %mediaLength 95900 %mediaExt DTMedia\Sound\SNDBYTES\GAMES6.WAV Audio l&Z&helpText Play audio. ~&hlepText Open form... Audio statusMsg ohelpText btnDn() ouseEnter mouseLeave mouseEnter buttondown mouseEnter statusMsg helpText mouseLeave statusMsg buttondown btnDn (helpText Play audio. (:PHYSSIZE Audio popupAudio omediaExt, omediaLength, odisplaySize buttonUp buttonUp popupAudio mediaExt mediaLength displaySize )mediaLength 25710 *mediaExt DTMedia\Sound\SNDBYTES\GAMES2.WAV Audio ~*l*helpText Play audio. *hlepText Open form... Audio statusMsg ohelpText btnDn() ouseEnter mouseLeave mouseEnter buttondown mouseEnter statusMsg helpText mouseLeave statusMsg buttondown btnDn ,helpText Play audio. ,:PHYSSIZE Audio popupAudio omediaExt, omediaLength, odisplaySize buttonUp buttonUp popupAudio mediaExt mediaLength displaySize -mediaLength 29905 .mediaExt DTMedia\Sound\SNDBYTES\GAMES5.WAV Audio .~.helpText Play audio. .hlepText Open form... Audio statusMsg ohelpText btnDn() ouseEnter mouseLeave mouseEnter buttondown mouseEnter statusMsg helpText mouseLeave statusMsg buttondown btnDn 0helpText Play audio. 0:PHYSSIZE popupText omediaExt, omediaLength, odisplaySize buttonUp buttonUp popupText mediaExt mediaLength displaySize 2mediaExt SUBGUIDE\PUBLISH\PUBLISH.DOC 2j2helpText Display extended text. 2hlepText Open form... statusMsg ohelpText btnDn() ouseEnter mouseLeave mouseEnter buttondown mouseEnter statusMsg helpText mouseLeave statusMsg buttondown btnDn 4helpText Display extended text. 4:PHYSSIZE Folder popupFolder omediaExt, omediaLength, odisplaySize buttonUp buttonUp popupFolder mediaExt mediaLength displaySize 6mediaLength DTMedia\Sound\SNDBYTES\FREEUSE.DOC L6mediaExt DTMedia\Sound\SNDBYTES Folder 6hlepText Open Index... .;f goSection useLeave mouseEnter buttonDown buttonStillDown mouseLeave buttonUp mouseEnter statusMsg BackTrack to section mouseLeave statusMsg buttonDown btnDn buttonStillDown btnUp popSection buttonUp btnUp goSection Music & Sound :PHYSSIZE statusMsg "BackTrack " && dept & "." btnDn sysLockscreen btnUp popDept (objectfrompoint( ) <> goDept useLeave mouseEnter buttonDown buttonStillDown mouseLeave buttonUp mouseEnter statusMsg BackTrack to mouseLeave statusMsg buttonDown btnDn buttonStillDown btnUp FpopDept buttonUp btnUp goDept Desktop Media Music & Sound An all-Beethoven concert constitutes this month's MIDI Connection. The concert includes piano works from his last style period, plus a brief analysis of the compositions, focusing on their theoretical and musicological significance. On the next page you'll find Sonata in A Major, Op. 101 and four Bagatelles--short, unpretentious compositions. Whether you're a MIDI enthusiast or not, we hope you enjoy this month's music and rediscover the genius of Beethoven. MIDI Connection: Beethoven :PHYSSIZE MIDI0101 :PHYSSIZE MIDI0102 Page 9 of 94 MIDICo HotGam05 Hot Multimedia Games MIDICo02 title MIDI Connection: Beethoven section Music & Sound Desktop Media SONATA IN A MAJOR, OP. 101 BAGATELLES MIDI Connection continued... Desktop Media Music & Sound Page 10 of 94 MIDI0209 :PHYSSIZE MIDI0212 Learn about the Sonata & the Bagatelles. MIDI0211 You may remember Fur Elise as the selection performed by Schroeder in the Peanuts movies. MIDI0210 Op. 119 Bagatelle 3 MIDI0209 Op. 119 Bagatelle 2 MIDI0208 Op. 119 Bagatelle 1 MIDI0207 The first movement is utterly nonheroic, tuneful and remarkably transparent. MIDI0206 The MIDI and MasterTracks files in this folder are available for your noncommercial free use. MIDI0205 The short cadenza-like conclusion of the third movement leads into the finale. MIDI0204 The second movement, marked Vivace alla Marcia, is the most remarkable of the sonata. statusMsg "BackTrack " && section & "." btnDn sysLockscreen btnUp popSection (objectfrompoint( ) <> goSection useLeave mouseEnter buttonDown buttonStillDown mouseLeave buttonUp mouseEnter statusMsg BackTrack to section mouseLeave statusMsg buttonDown btnDn buttonStillDown btnUp popSection buttonUp btnUp goSection :PHYSSIZE statusMsg "BackTrack " && dept & "." btnDn sysLockscreen btnUp popDept (objectfrompoint( ) <> goDept useLeave mouseEnter buttonDown buttonStillDown mouseLeave buttonUp mouseEnter statusMsg BackTrack to mouseLeave statusMsg buttonDown btnDn buttonStillDown btnUp FpopDept buttonUp btnUp goDept :PHYSSIZE Audio popupAudio omediaExt, omediaLength, odisplaySize buttonUp buttonUp popupAudio mediaExt mediaLength displaySize mediaLength 318183 mediaExt DTMedia\Sound\MIDI\SON_1012.WAV Audio helpText Play audio. hlepText Open form... Audio statusMsg ohelpText btnDn() ouseEnter mouseLeave mouseEnter buttondown mouseEnter statusMsg helpText mouseLeave statusMsg buttondown btnDn helpText Play audio. :PHYSSIZE Audio popupAudio omediaExt, omediaLength, odisplaySize buttonUp buttonUp popupAudio mediaExt mediaLength displaySize mediaLength 502877 mediaExt DTMedia\Sound\MIDI\SON10134.WAV Audio helpText Play audio. hlepText Open form... Audio statusMsg ohelpText btnDn() ouseEnter mouseLeave mouseEnter buttondown mouseEnter statusMsg helpText mouseLeave statusMsg buttondown btnDn helpText Play audio. :PHYSSIZE Folder popupFolder omediaExt, omediaLength, odisplaySize buttonUp buttonUp popupFolder mediaExt mediaLength displaySize mediaLength DTMedia\Sound\MIDI\FREEUSE.DOC mediaExt DTMedia\Sound\MIDI Folder hlepText Open Index... Folder statusMsg ohelpText btnDn() ouseEnter mouseLeave mouseEnter buttondown mouseEnter statusMsg helpText mouseLeave statusMsg buttondown btnDn #startPos 6855,1350 L#(#helpText Access disc files from Index. h#X#p2 4200,1500 z#:PHYSSIZE Audio popupAudio omediaExt, omediaLength, odisplaySize buttonUp buttonUp popupAudio mediaExt mediaLength displaySize $mediaLength 165955 $mediaExt DTMedia\Sound\MIDI\SON_1011.WAV Audio N%<%helpText Play audio. `%hlepText Open form... Audio statusMsg ohelpText btnDn() ouseEnter mouseLeave mouseEnter buttondown mouseEnter statusMsg helpText mouseLeave statusMsg buttondown btnDn z'h'helpText Play audio. ':PHYSSIZE Audio popupAudio omediaExt, omediaLength, odisplaySize buttonUp buttonUp popupAudio mediaExt mediaLength displaySize (mediaLength 114180 (mediaExt DTMedia\Sound\MIDI\BAG_1191.WAV Audio `)N)helpText Play audio. r)hlepText Open form... Audio statusMsg ohelpText btnDn() ouseEnter mouseLeave mouseEnter buttondown mouseEnter statusMsg helpText mouseLeave statusMsg buttondown btnDn +z+helpText Play audio. +:PHYSSIZE Audio popupAudio omediaExt, omediaLength, odisplaySize buttonUp buttonUp popupAudio mediaExt mediaLength displaySize ,mediaLength 121783 ,mediaExt DTMedia\Sound\MIDI\BAG_1192.WAV Audio r-`-helpText Play audio. -hlepText Open form... Audio statusMsg ohelpText btnDn() ouseEnter mouseLeave mouseEnter buttondown mouseEnter statusMsg helpText mouseLeave statusMsg buttondown btnDn /helpText Play audio. /:PHYSSIZE Audio popupAudio omediaExt, omediaLength, odisplaySize buttonUp buttonUp popupAudio mediaExt mediaLength displaySize 0mediaLength 67620 1mediaExt DTMedia\Sound\MIDI\BAG_1193.WAV Audio 1p1helpText Play audio. 1hlepText Open form... Audio statusMsg ohelpText btnDn() ouseEnter mouseLeave mouseEnter buttondown mouseEnter statusMsg helpText mouseLeave statusMsg buttondown btnDn 3helpText Play audio. 3:PHYSSIZE Audio popupAudio omediaExt, omediaLength, odisplaySize buttonUp buttonUp popupAudio mediaExt mediaLength displaySize 4mediaLength 172918 5mediaExt DTMedia\Sound\MIDI\FURELISE.WAV Audio 5helpText Play audio. 5hlepText Open form... Audio statusMsg ohelpText btnDn() ouseEnter mouseLeave mouseEnter buttondown mouseEnter statusMsg helpText mouseLeave statusMsg buttondown btnDn 7helpText Play audio. 7:PHYSSIZE Text badge popupText omediaExt, omediaLength, odisplaySize buttonUp buttonUp popupText mediaExt mediaLength displaySize 9mediaExt DTMedia\Sound\MIDI\BEETHOVN.DOC Text badge 9|9helpText Display extended text. 9hlepText Open form Text badge statusMsg ohelpText btnDn() ouseEnter mouseLeave mouseEnter buttondown mouseEnter statusMsg helpText mouseLeave statusMsg buttondown btnDn ;helpText Display extended text. ;:PHYSSIZE MIDICo02 Desktop Publishing Design07 Software Demos Photography & Images articlePages 11,14,17 articleNames Randall Hyde: Take Me Out to the Ball Game,The Eyes Have It: Computer Imagery by Andrew Bac,Archive Photos articleList Hyde,ACCAD,ArcPho title Randall Hyde: Take Me Out to the Ball Game section Photography & Images Desktop Media As the cold snap of winter subsides and the spring sun begins to warm the ground, one of the only places you can still be guaranteed to freeze is in a cheap seat at a major league baseball season opener. But for many people in the U.S., and for many NautilusCD readers, there's nothing like the sound of the season's first crack of the bat to get your heart racing. Take Me Out to the Ball Game/Photoessay by Randall Hyde Photography & Images Desktop Media Page 11 of 94 Hyde0101 :PHYSSIZE Hyde0102 :PHYSSIZE Hyde0103 :PHYSSIZE Hyde0108 Preview Randall Hyde's photo essay on baseball. Hyde0107 Filling Up Hyde0106 Warm Up statusMsg "BackTrack " && section & "." btnDn sysLockscreen btnUp popSection (objectfrompoint( ) <> goSection useLeave mouseEnter buttonDown buttonStillDown mouseLeave buttonUp mouseEnter statusMsg BackTrack to section mouseLeave statusMsg buttonDown btnDn buttonStillDown btnUp popSection buttonUp btnUp goSection :PHYSSIZE statusMsg "BackTrack " && dept & "." btnDn sysLockscreen btnUp popDept (objectfrompoint( ) <> goDept useLeave mouseEnter buttonDown buttonStillDown mouseLeave buttonUp mouseEnter statusMsg BackTrack to mouseLeave statusMsg buttonDown btnDn buttonStillDown btnUp FpopDept buttonUp btnUp goDept :PHYSSIZE Picture badge popupPicture omediaExt, omediaLength, odisplaySize buttonUp buttonUp ?popupPicture mediaExt mediaLength displaySize displaySize 508,402 mediaExt DTMedia\Photos\Hyde\WarmUP.BMP Picture badge helpText Display picture. hlepText Open form Picture badge statusMsg ohelpText btnDn() ouseEnter mouseLeave mouseEnter buttondown mouseEnter statusMsg helpText mouseLeave statusMsg buttondown btnDn helpText Display picture. :PHYSSIZE Picture badge popupPicture omediaExt, omediaLength, odisplaySize buttonUp buttonUp ?popupPicture mediaExt mediaLength displaySize displaySize 508,402 6 mediaExt DTMedia\Photos\Hyde\FillngUp.BMP Picture badge helpText Display picture. hlepText Open form Picture badge statusMsg ohelpText btnDn() ouseEnter mouseLeave mouseEnter buttondown mouseEnter statusMsg helpText mouseLeave statusMsg buttondown btnDn "helpText Display picture. #:PHYSSIZE \#.$N Movie popupMovie omediaExt, omediaLength, odisplaySize buttonUp buttonUp popupMovie mediaExt mediaLength displaySize N$B$controller n$b$displayType Popup $mediaLength $displaySize 320,240 $mediaExt DTMedia\Photos\Hyde\BASEBALL.AVI Movie <%*%helpText Show movie. N%hlepText Open form... Movie statusMsg ohelpText btnDn() ouseEnter mouseLeave mouseEnter buttondown mouseEnter statusMsg helpText mouseLeave statusMsg buttondown btnDn h'V'helpText Show movie. z':PHYSSIZE Hyde02 title Randall Hyde: Take Me Out to the Ball Game section Photography & Images Desktop Media In the throws of spring fever you can even ignore the cold hot dog and warm beer you just paid a 10-spot for to get in on the action of your home team. In this case, photo contributor Randall Hyde generously shares some images of his home team, the California Angels. Take Me Out to the Ball Game continued... Desktop Media Photography & Images Page 12 of 94 Hyde0201 :PHYSSIZE Hyde0202 :PHYSSIZE Hyde0203 :PHYSSIZE Hyde0206 The Pitch Hyde0205 All Alone Hyde0204 Hosed statusMsg "BackTrack " && section & "." btnDn sysLockscreen btnUp popSection (objectfrompoint( ) <> goSection useLeave mouseEnter buttonDown buttonStillDown mouseLeave buttonUp mouseEnter statusMsg BackTrack to section mouseLeave statusMsg buttonDown btnDn buttonStillDown btnUp popSection buttonUp btnUp goSection :PHYSSIZE statusMsg "BackTrack " && dept & "." btnDn sysLockscreen btnUp popDept (objectfrompoint( ) <> goDept useLeave mouseEnter buttonDown buttonStillDown mouseLeave buttonUp mouseEnter statusMsg BackTrack to mouseLeave statusMsg buttonDown btnDn buttonStillDown btnUp FpopDept buttonUp btnUp goDept :PHYSSIZE Picture badge popupPicture omediaExt, omediaLength, odisplaySize buttonUp buttonUp ?popupPicture mediaExt mediaLength displaySize displaySize 508,402 mediaExt DTMedia\Photos\Hyde\Hosed.BMP Picture badge helpText Display picture. hlepText Open form Picture badge statusMsg ohelpText btnDn() ouseEnter mouseLeave mouseEnter buttondown mouseEnter statusMsg helpText mouseLeave statusMsg buttondown btnDn helpText Display picture. :PHYSSIZE Picture badge popupPicture omediaExt, omediaLength, odisplaySize buttonUp buttonUp ?popupPicture mediaExt mediaLength displaySize displaySize 508,402 mediaExt DTMedia\Photos\Hyde\AllAlone.BMP Picture badge helpText Display picture. hlepText Open form Picture badge statusMsg ohelpText btnDn() ouseEnter mouseLeave mouseEnter buttondown mouseEnter statusMsg helpText mouseLeave statusMsg buttondown btnDn H!0!helpText Display picture. Z!:PHYSSIZE Picture badge popupPicture omediaExt, omediaLength, odisplaySize buttonUp buttonUp ?popupPicture mediaExt mediaLength displaySize "displaySize 508,402 "mediaExt DTMedia\Photos\Hyde\ThePitch.BMP Picture badge J#2#helpText Display picture. \#hlepText Open form Picture badge statusMsg ohelpText btnDn() ouseEnter mouseLeave mouseEnter buttondown mouseEnter statusMsg helpText mouseLeave statusMsg buttondown btnDn %h%helpText Display picture. %:PHYSSIZE Hyde02 Product News Press Room B~*V*V* Hyde03 title Randall Hyde: Take Me Out to the Ball Game section Photography & Images Desktop Media Taken last season at Anaheim Stadium, from the "next-to-the-cheapest seats," we hope these shots give you a fan's eye view of baseball and help you get geared up for your own pennant season. In addition, Hyde offers these images to you for your free noncommercial use. Just click on the folder icon and you can incorporate these high-quality images into your projects. Take Me Out to the Ball Game continued... Desktop Media Photography & Images Page 13 of 94 Hyde0301 :PHYSSIZE Hyde0302 :PHYSSIZE Hyde0307 These pictures are available for your noncommercial free use. Hyde0306 For more information about these pictures, look through this document. Hyde0305 Cheap Seats Hyde0304 The Tyson "Famous Chicken" statusMsg "BackTrack " && section & "." btnDn sysLockscreen btnUp popSection (objectfrompoint( ) <> goSection useLeave mouseEnter buttonDown buttonStillDown mouseLeave buttonUp mouseEnter statusMsg BackTrack to section mouseLeave statusMsg buttonDown btnDn buttonStillDown btnUp popSection buttonUp btnUp goSection :PHYSSIZE statusMsg "BackTrack " && dept & "." btnDn sysLockscreen btnUp popDept (objectfrompoint( ) <> goDept useLeave mouseEnter buttonDown buttonStillDown mouseLeave buttonUp mouseEnter statusMsg BackTrack to mouseLeave statusMsg buttonDown btnDn buttonStillDown btnUp FpopDept buttonUp btnUp goDept :PHYSSIZE Picture badge popupPicture omediaExt, omediaLength, odisplaySize buttonUp buttonUp ?popupPicture mediaExt mediaLength displaySize displaySize 508,402 mediaExt DTMedia\Photos\Hyde\TysonChc.BMP Picture badge helpText Display picture. hlepText Open form Picture badge statusMsg ohelpText btnDn() ouseEnter mouseLeave mouseEnter buttondown mouseEnter statusMsg helpText mouseLeave statusMsg buttondown btnDn helpText Display picture. :PHYSSIZE Picture badge popupPicture omediaExt, omediaLength, odisplaySize buttonUp buttonUp ?popupPicture mediaExt mediaLength displaySize displaySize 508,402 mediaExt DTMedia\Photos\Hyde\CheapSts.BMP Picture badge helpText Display picture. hlepText Open form Picture badge statusMsg ohelpText btnDn() ouseEnter mouseLeave mouseEnter buttondown mouseEnter statusMsg helpText mouseLeave statusMsg buttondown btnDn helpText Display picture. :PHYSSIZE popupText omediaExt, omediaLength, odisplaySize buttonUp buttonUp popupText mediaExt mediaLength displaySize mediaExt DTMedia\Photos\Hyde\Baseball.doc helpText Display extended text. hlepText Open form... statusMsg ohelpText btnDn() ouseEnter mouseLeave mouseEnter buttondown mouseEnter statusMsg helpText mouseLeave statusMsg buttondown btnDn "helpText Display extended text. >":PHYSSIZE Folder popupFolder omediaExt, omediaLength, odisplaySize buttonUp buttonUp popupFolder mediaExt mediaLength displaySize #|#mediaLength DTMedia\Photos\Hyde\FREEUSE.DOC #mediaExt DTMedia\Photos\Hyde Folder $hlepText Open Index... Folder statusMsg ohelpText btnDn() ouseEnter mouseLeave mouseEnter buttondown mouseEnter statusMsg helpText mouseLeave statusMsg buttondown btnDn )startPos 6855,1350 )helpText Access disc files from Index. >*.*p2 4200,1500 P*:PHYSSIZE Audio ACCAD title The Eyes Have It: Computer Imagery by Andrew Bac section Photography & Images Desktop Media These computer graphic images were created in a graduate class in 3D animation at the Advanced Computing Center for the Arts and Design (ACCAD) at The Ohio State University. Under ACCAD's auspices, budding computer artists are granted access to the latest modeling and rendering tools to express their vision and creativity. According to artist Andrew Bac, who contributed the images this month from his Feye (short for "From eye") series of images, his works focus on the theme of human nature. The Eyes Have It Computer Imagery by Andrew Bac Photography & Images9 Desktop Media Page 14 of 94 ACCA0101 :PHYSSIZE ACCA0102 :PHYSSIZE ACCA0106 Learn more about ACCAD. statusMsg "BackTrack " && section & "." btnDn sysLockscreen btnUp popSection (objectfrompoint( ) <> goSection useLeave mouseEnter buttonDown buttonStillDown mouseLeave buttonUp mouseEnter statusMsg BackTrack to section mouseLeave statusMsg buttonDown btnDn buttonStillDown btnUp popSection buttonUp btnUp goSection :PHYSSIZE statusMsg "BackTrack " && dept & "." btnDn sysLockscreen btnUp popDept (objectfrompoint( ) <> goDept useLeave mouseEnter buttonDown buttonStillDown mouseLeave buttonUp mouseEnter statusMsg BackTrack to mouseLeave statusMsg buttonDown btnDn buttonStillDown btnUp FpopDept buttonUp btnUp goDept :PHYSSIZE Text badge popupText omediaExt, omediaLength, odisplaySize buttonUp buttonUp popupText mediaExt mediaLength displaySize mediaExt DTMedia\Photos\ACCAD\ACCAD.DOC Text badge helpText Display extended text. hlepText Open form Text badge statusMsg ohelpText btnDn() ouseEnter mouseLeave mouseEnter buttondown mouseEnter statusMsg helpText mouseLeave statusMsg buttondown btnDn helpText Display extended text. :PHYSSIZE ACCAD Feature ACCAD02 Desktop Media section Photography & Images title The Eyes Have It: Computer Imagery by Andrew Bac :PHYSSIZE mediaExt ACCA0202 statusMsg "BackTrack " && section & "." btnDn sysLockscreen btnUp popSection (objectfrompoint( ) <> goSection useLeave mouseEnter buttonDown buttonStillDown mouseLeave buttonUp mouseEnter statusMsg BackTrack to section mouseLeave statusMsg buttonDown btnDn buttonStillDown btnUp popSection buttonUp btnUp goSection Photography & Images :PHYSSIZE statusMsg "BackTrack " && dept & "." btnDn sysLockscreen btnUp popDept (objectfrompoint( ) <> goDept useLeave mouseEnter buttonDown buttonStillDown mouseLeave buttonUp mouseEnter statusMsg BackTrack to mouseLeave statusMsg buttonDown btnDn buttonStillDown btnUp FpopDept buttonUp btnUp goDept Desktop Media The Eyes Have It continued... "In this series, I used eyes, since eyes are the window of the mind," he says. "Through the eyes, we can see the truth of the human mind. Whether it is good or bad, the eye reflects the mind as it is." Bac continues: "Are we playing or challenging a god? Are we acting as it was granted? Are we doing whatever we want to do? What consequences will it bring? These are some questions that I was working on answering with these images." :PHYSSIZE ACCA0201 ACCA0204 Feye 1 Picture badge popupPicture omediaExt, omediaLength, odisplaySize buttonUp buttonUp ?popupPicture mediaExt mediaLength displaySize Picture badge hlepText Open form helpText Display picture. Picture badge statusMsg ohelpText btnDn() ouseEnter mouseLeave mouseEnter buttondown mouseEnter statusMsg helpText mouseLeave statusMsg buttondown btnDn :PHYSSIZE helpText Display picture. mediaExt DTMedia\Photos\ACCAD\FEYE2.BMP DTMedia\Photos\ACCAD\FEYE1.BMP displaySize 508,405 :PHYSSIZE ACCA0205 Feye 2 Picture badge popupPicture omediaExt, omediaLength, odisplaySize buttonUp buttonUp ?popupPicture mediaExt mediaLength displaySize Picture badge hlepText Open form helpText Display picture. Picture badge statusMsg ohelpText btnDn() ouseEnter mouseLeave mouseEnter buttondown mouseEnter statusMsg helpText mouseLeave statusMsg buttondown btnDn :PHYSSIZE helpText Display picture. displaySize 506,399 Page 15 of 94 ACCAD03 title The Eyes Have It: Computer Imagery by Andrew Bac section Photography & Images Desktop Media At ACCAD, artists like Bac participate in creating a context in which students and faculty representing both artistic and computer disciplines can learn the power of the digital syntax. It promotes the study of an aesthetic message delivered via technology that can have an impact upon such diverse areas as computer software development, advertising and television promotion, the visual and performing arts, and scientific computing and visualization. The Eyes Have It continued... Desktop Media Photography & Imagesq Page 16 of 94 ACCA0301 :PHYSSIZE ACCA0302 :PHYSSIZE ACCA0305 Feye 4 ACCA0304 Feye 3 statusMsg "BackTrack " && section & "." btnDn sysLockscreen btnUp popSection (objectfrompoint( ) <> goSection useLeave mouseEnter buttonDown buttonStillDown mouseLeave buttonUp mouseEnter statusMsg BackTrack to section mouseLeave statusMsg buttonDown btnDn buttonStillDown btnUp popSection buttonUp btnUp goSection :PHYSSIZE statusMsg "BackTrack " && dept & "." btnDn sysLockscreen btnUp popDept (objectfrompoint( ) <> goDept useLeave mouseEnter buttonDown buttonStillDown mouseLeave buttonUp mouseEnter statusMsg BackTrack to mouseLeave statusMsg buttonDown btnDn buttonStillDown btnUp FpopDept buttonUp btnUp goDept :PHYSSIZE Picture badge popupPicture omediaExt, omediaLength, odisplaySize buttonUp buttonUp ?popupPicture mediaExt mediaLength displaySize displaySize 508,405 mediaExt DTMedia\Photos\ACCAD\FEYE3.BMP Picture badge helpText Display picture. hlepText Open form Picture badge statusMsg ohelpText btnDn() ouseEnter mouseLeave mouseEnter buttondown mouseEnter statusMsg helpText mouseLeave statusMsg buttondown btnDn helpText Display picture. :PHYSSIZE Picture badge popupPicture omediaExt, omediaLength, odisplaySize buttonUp buttonUp ?popupPicture mediaExt mediaLength displaySize displaySize 508,405 mediaExt DTMedia\Photos\ACCAD\FEYE4.BMP Picture badge helpText Display picture. hlepText Open form Picture badge statusMsg ohelpText btnDn() ouseEnter mouseLeave mouseEnter buttondown mouseEnter statusMsg helpText mouseLeave statusMsg buttondown btnDn helpText Display picture. :PHYSSIZE 01 and four Bagatelles-- Standard Title Page ACCAD02 Design04 Miller07 Psycho02 Self-Help ComputerWare Game Designers Speak Article Page V AudTut02 Miller04 WinHil Publis Article Page H Hyde03 Kids' Corner IntAct02 HdWare02 COVER Photography & Images LifeCh02 HowToR02 ProdSv03 4playOpen "mask" previewMovie statusMsg "Opening movie..." openMovie " , doPlayOpen e disc animation..." \openAnim" Click d..." playAnim movieStr 4doPlayAnim, discINIStr( romDrive() tbkMCIChk (" " && m && "alias ncdOpen style child " && sysClientHandle && "wait",1,1) hwnd ","") $= 0) ("close w", "") tbkPositionWindow ( , "") tbkCenterWindow( , "full ", "") ","") on 1","") ", "") 4-- trap extra clicks iewMovie enterPage openMovie previewMovie playAnim enterPage playOpen previewMovie statusMsg Opening preview movie... openMovie preview statusMsg Opening disc animation... openMovie openAnim statusMsg Click to continue... jplayAnim playOpen doPlayOpen openMovie discINIStr romDrive alias ncdOpen style child parent tbkMCIChk status ncdOpen window handle tbkMCI close ncdOpen tbkMCI statusMsg openAnim: tbkPositionWindow movie doPlayAnim doPlayOpen movieStr playAnim window ncdOpen state show tbkMCI break ncdOpen on 1 tbkMCI play ncdOpen wait tbkMCI close ncdOpen tbkMCI statusMsg qL7*7*79 title Page 2 of 947 :PHYSSIZE Desktop Media statusMsg "Go " && p& "." objDn() goToPage ( mouseLeave mouseEnter buttonDown buttonUp mouseEnter statusMsg Go to mouseLeave statusMsg buttonDown objDn buttonUp NegoToPage :PHYSSIZE Entertainment statusMsg "Go " && p& "." objDn() goToPage ( mouseLeave mouseEnter buttonDown buttonUp mouseEnter statusMsg Go to mouseLeave statusMsg buttonDown objDn buttonUp NegoToPage :PHYSSIZE Education statusMsg "Go " && p& "." objDn() goToPage ( mouseLeave mouseEnter buttonDown buttonUp mouseEnter statusMsg Go to mouseLeave statusMsg buttonDown objDn buttonUp NegoToPage :PHYSSIZE Industry Watch statusMsg "Go " && p& "." objDn() goToPage ( mouseLeave mouseEnter buttonDown buttonUp mouseEnter statusMsg Go to mouseLeave statusMsg buttonDown objDn buttonUp NegoToPage :PHYSSIZE ComputerWare statusMsg "Go " && p& "." objDn() goToPage ( mouseLeave mouseEnter buttonDown buttonUp mouseEnter statusMsg Go to mouseLeave statusMsg buttonDown objDn buttonUp NegoToPage $:PHYSSIZE Subscriber Guide statusMsg "Go " && p& "." objDn() goToPage ( mouseLeave mouseEnter buttonDown buttonUp mouseEnter statusMsg Go to mouseLeave statusMsg buttonDown objDn buttonUp NegoToPage *:PHYSSIZE Article Listing statusMsg "Go " && p& "." objDn() goToPage ( mouseLeave mouseEnter buttonDown buttonUp mouseEnter statusMsg Go to mouseLeave statusMsg buttonDown objDn buttonUp NegoToPage 0:PHYSSIZE Feature statusMsg "Go " && p& "." objDn() goToPage ( mouseLeave mouseEnter buttonDown buttonUp mouseEnter statusMsg Go to mouseLeave statusMsg buttonDown objDn buttonUp NegoToPage "7:PHYSSIZE Go to Article Listing. Products & Services Subscribe or Renew Designers Speak Qz'Z'Z'5 Desktop Media sectionPages 4,11,19,21 sectionNames Music && Sound,Photography && Images,Desktop Publishing,Multimedia sectionList Music & Sound,Photography & Images,Desktop Publishing,Multimedia title Desktop Media Desktop Media Desktop Media Page 3 of 94U statusMsg "BackTrack " && dept & "." btnDn sysLockscreen btnUp popDept (objectfrompoint( ) <> goDept useLeave mouseEnter buttonDown buttonStillDown mouseLeave buttonUp mouseEnter statusMsg BackTrack to mouseLeave statusMsg buttonDown btnDn buttonStillDown btnUp FpopDept buttonUp btnUp goDept :PHYSSIZE DTMEDIA :PHYSSIZE DTMEDIA :PHYSSIZE Music & Sound statusMsg "Go " && p& "." objDn() goToPage ( mouseLeave mouseEnter buttonDown buttonUp mouseEnter statusMsg Go to mouseLeave statusMsg buttonDown objDn buttonUp NegoToPage :PHYSSIZE Photography & Images statusMsg "Go " && p& "." objDn() goToPage ( mouseLeave mouseEnter buttonDown buttonUp mouseEnter statusMsg Go to mouseLeave statusMsg buttonDown objDn buttonUp NegoToPage :PHYSSIZE Desktop Publishing statusMsg "Go " && p& "." objDn() goToPage ( mouseLeave mouseEnter buttonDown buttonUp mouseEnter statusMsg Go to mouseLeave statusMsg buttonDown objDn buttonUp NegoToPage &!:PHYSSIZE Multimedia statusMsg "Go " && p& "." objDn() goToPage ( mouseLeave mouseEnter buttonDown buttonUp mouseEnter statusMsg Go to mouseLeave statusMsg buttonDown objDn buttonUp NegoToPage R':PHYSSIZE BackTrack to Table of Contents. Desktop Media Music & Sound Miller03 HighFi03 1< & & b Music & Sound articlePages 4,7,9 articleNames Audio Tutorial Part 3: Making the Right Connections,Sound Bytes: Sounds for Games,MIDI Connection: Beethoven articleList AudTut,SBytes,MIDICo title Audio Tutorial Part 3: Making the Right Connections section Music & Sound Desktop Media In computers, like in life, it's not always what you know but how well connected you are. That's why I'm starting this tutorial with straightforward talk on how to connect your sound card to the outside world. View the movie on this page to learn the mysteries of the connection points on your sound card, how to connect your microphone, and why sound is amplified on some sound cards and not on others. SETTING THE LEVELS The key to success in using your sound card connections lies in setting correct input and output levels. This is easy and once you set these levels you should never need to set them again. Making the Right Connections/Audio Tutorial Part 3 by Peter Fitzpatrick Music & Sound Desktop Media Page 4 of 94= AudT0102 :PHYSSIZE AudT0103 :PHYSSIZE AudT0107 Learn to hook up your hardware. AudT0106 Learn more about setting up your microphone, CD input, headphones or speakers here. statusMsg "BackTrack " && section & "." btnDn sysLockscreen btnUp popSection (objectfrompoint( ) <> goSection useLeave mouseEnter buttonDown buttonStillDown mouseLeave buttonUp mouseEnter statusMsg BackTrack to section mouseLeave statusMsg buttonDown btnDn buttonStillDown btnUp popSection buttonUp btnUp goSection :PHYSSIZE statusMsg "BackTrack " && dept & "." btnDn sysLockscreen btnUp popDept (objectfrompoint( ) <> goDept useLeave mouseEnter buttonDown buttonStillDown mouseLeave buttonUp mouseEnter statusMsg BackTrack to mouseLeave statusMsg buttonDown btnDn buttonStillDown btnUp FpopDept buttonUp btnUp goDept :PHYSSIZE popupText omediaExt, omediaLength, odisplaySize buttonUp buttonUp popupText mediaExt mediaLength displaySize mediaExt DTMedia\Sound\TUTORIAL\SETTING.DOC helpText Display extended text. hlepText Open form... statusMsg ohelpText btnDn() ouseEnter mouseLeave mouseEnter buttondown mouseEnter statusMsg helpText mouseLeave statusMsg buttondown btnDn helpText Display extended text. :PHYSSIZE Movie badge popupMovie omediaExt, omediaLength, odisplaySize buttonUp buttonUp popupMovie mediaExt mediaLength displaySize controller displayType Popup mediaLength displaySize 320,240 mediaExt DTMedia\Sound\TUTORIAL\PART1.AVI Movie badge hlepText Open form Movie badge statusMsg ohelpText btnDn() ouseEnter mouseLeave mouseEnter buttondown mouseEnter statusMsg helpText mouseLeave statusMsg buttondown btnDn helpText Show movie. :PHYSSIZE Go to previous page. AudTut02 title Audio Tutorial Part 3: Making the Right Connections section Music & Sound Desktop Media AVOIDING DISTORTION Setting levels and microphone position can make all the difference in the world. To understand more, listen to the example .WAV files on this page. Notice that despite the changes in dynamics in the music that no distortion has taken place in the following two .WAV files. Strike a balance between a signal that is too quiet and one that distorts when a good drum hit occurs. Pay attention to settings and positioning to get the best sound. The following two files show what can happen when settings or positioning are incorrect. Often there is little your software can do to rescue the sound from these kinds of problems. You're best off re-recording files like these. Making the Right Connections continued... Desktop Media Music & Sound Page 5 of 94 AudT0208 Note the lack of distortion in this 16-bit stereo .WAV file. AudT0207 This file shows bad microphone positioning and sound levels set too low. AudT0206 The input level was set too high when recording this file. AudT0205 Careful setting of levels & good microphone positioning makes this 8-bit mono file sound clear. AudT0204 This 8-bit stero sound file also lacks distortion. statusMsg "BackTrack " && section & "." btnDn sysLockscreen btnUp popSection (objectfrompoint( ) <> goSection useLeave mouseEnter buttonDown buttonStillDown mouseLeave buttonUp mouseEnter statusMsg BackTrack to section mouseLeave statusMsg buttonDown btnDn buttonStillDown btnUp popSection buttonUp btnUp goSection :PHYSSIZE statusMsg "BackTrack " && dept & "." btnDn sysLockscreen btnUp popDept (objectfrompoint( ) <> goDept useLeave mouseEnter buttonDown buttonStillDown mouseLeave buttonUp mouseEnter statusMsg BackTrack to mouseLeave statusMsg buttonDown btnDn buttonStillDown btnUp FpopDept buttonUp btnUp goDept :PHYSSIZE Audio popupAudio omediaExt, omediaLength, odisplaySize buttonUp buttonUp popupAudio mediaExt mediaLength displaySize mediaLength 82872 mediaExt DTMedia\Sound\TUTORIAL\CDMUSIC2.WAV Audio helpText Play audio. hlepText Open form... Audio statusMsg ohelpText btnDn() ouseEnter mouseLeave mouseEnter buttondown mouseEnter statusMsg helpText mouseLeave statusMsg buttondown btnDn helpText Play audio. :PHYSSIZE Audio popupAudio omediaExt, omediaLength, odisplaySize buttonUp buttonUp popupAudio mediaExt mediaLength displaySize mediaLength mediaExt DTMedia\Sound\TUTORIAL\CORRECT.WAV Audio helpText Play audio. hlepText Open form... Audio statusMsg ohelpText btnDn() ouseEnter mouseLeave mouseEnter buttondown mouseEnter statusMsg helpText mouseLeave statusMsg buttondown btnDn helpText Play audio. :PHYSSIZE Audio popupAudio omediaExt, omediaLength, odisplaySize buttonUp buttonUp popupAudio mediaExt mediaLength displaySize mediaLength mediaExt DTMedia\Sound\TUTORIAL\DISTORT.WAV Audio helpText Play audio. hlepText Open form... Audio statusMsg ohelpText btnDn() ouseEnter mouseLeave mouseEnter buttondown mouseEnter statusMsg helpText mouseLeave statusMsg buttondown btnDn helpText Play audio. :PHYSSIZE Audio popupAudio omediaExt, omediaLength, odisplaySize buttonUp buttonUp popupAudio mediaExt mediaLength displaySize mediaLength mediaExt DTMedia\Sound\TUTORIAL\TOOQUIET.WAV Audio helpText Play audio. hlepText Open form... Audio statusMsg ohelpText btnDn() ouseEnter mouseLeave mouseEnter buttondown mouseEnter statusMsg helpText mouseLeave statusMsg buttondown btnDn helpText Play audio. :PHYSSIZE Audio popupAudio omediaExt, omediaLength, odisplaySize buttonUp buttonUp popupAudio mediaExt mediaLength displaySize mediaLength 82872 mediaExt DTMedia\Sound\TUTORIAL\CDMUSIC1.WAV Audio R!@!helpText Play audio. d!hlepText Open form... Audio statusMsg ohelpText btnDn() ouseEnter mouseLeave mouseEnter buttondown mouseEnter statusMsg helpText mouseLeave statusMsg buttondown btnDn ~#l#helpText Play audio. #:PHYSSIZE AudTut03 Desktop Media section Music & Sound title Audio Tutorial Part 3: Making the Right Connections :PHYSSIZE mediaExt 320,240 statusMsg "BackTrack " && section & "." btnDn sysLockscreen btnUp popSection (objectfrompoint( ) <> goSection useLeave mouseEnter buttonDown buttonStillDown mouseLeave buttonUp mouseEnter statusMsg BackTrack to section mouseLeave statusMsg buttonDown btnDn buttonStillDown btnUp popSection buttonUp btnUp goSection Music & Sound :PHYSSIZE statusMsg "BackTrack " && dept & "." btnDn sysLockscreen btnUp popDept (objectfrompoint( ) <> goDept useLeave mouseEnter buttonDown buttonStillDown mouseLeave buttonUp mouseEnter statusMsg BackTrack to mouseLeave statusMsg buttonDown btnDn buttonStillDown btnUp FpopDept buttonUp btnUp goDept Desktop Media Making the Right Connections continued... RECORDING SOUND Successful use of the connections available to your sound card is a result of careful planning and time spent during an initial setup. Once you adjust your software mixer panel levels you should not have to do more than make subtle readjustments from time to time. Whenever possible use quality cables and, if you are serious about microphone recording, buy a decent microphone and a stand. Multimedia presentations come to life when played through HiFi Stereo systems--in fact there is no reason why your multimedia computer cannot become as much a part of your HiFi system as the tape recorder or CD player. :PHYSSIZE AudT0301 AudT0304 Learn to set levels and record sound. Movie badge popupMovie omediaExt, omediaLength, odisplaySize buttonUp buttonUp popupMovie mediaExt mediaLength displaySize Movie badge hlepText Open form Movie badge statusMsg ohelpText btnDn() ouseEnter mouseLeave mouseEnter buttondown mouseEnter statusMsg helpText mouseLeave statusMsg buttondown btnDn :PHYSSIZE helpText Show movie. mediaExt DTMedia\Sound\TUTORIAL\AUTHOR.doc DTMedia\Sound\TUTORIAL\PART3.AVI displaySize mediaLength displayType Popup controller AudT0305 ption Peter Fitzpatrick is an award-winning New York-based multimedia sound designer. popupText omediaExt, omediaLength, odisplaySize buttonUp buttonUp popupText mediaExt mediaLength displaySize hlepText Open form... helpText Display extended text. statusMsg ohelpText btnDn() ouseEnter mouseLeave mouseEnter buttondown mouseEnter statusMsg helpText mouseLeave statusMsg buttondown btnDn :PHYSSIZE helpText Display extended text. Page 6 of 94 AudTut03 HotGam Anti-Virus Solutions Naviga Arial Arial arial Arial System ncdLinkID versionID VOL4_4 ncdIssueID Small Fonts ncdIssueName BW Times System NautilusCD Vol 4_4 NautilusCD Vol 4_4 ncdDiskType Subscriber page id 6 of Book "C:\NCDBUILD\VOL4_4_.NCD" deptList Desktop Media,Entertainment,Education,Industry Watch,ComputerWare,Subscriber Guide deptNames 3,22,49,59,67,78,94 t,Education,Industry Watch,ComputerWare,Subscriber Guide deptPages 3,22,49,59,67,78 Desktop Media,Entertainment,Education,Industry Watch,ComputerWare,Subscriber Guide,Article Listing COVER title COVER COVER Page 1 of 94 COVER :PHYSSIZE Preview statusMsg "Show preview issue..." (objectFromPoint( ) <> previewMovie ouseEnter mouseLeave mouseEnter buttonUp mouseEnter statusMsg Show preview of this issue... mouseLeave statusMsg buttonUp 4previewMovie In This Issue... Go to any page... statusMsg str 4DEVELOP default = 1); openStartup btnDn obj playClick() (startPos H20,20 btnUp item1 item2 H20,20 ZKeyState(KeyLeftButton) H-20,-20 objectfrompoint( objDn H20,20 H-20,-20 goTOC goToPage " goDept deptName goSection sectionName popTOC popNames deptNames popPages deptPages popMenu popDept sectionNames sectionPages popSection articleNames articlePages popPos objectFromPoint( Hwid (pos) menuList, pageList, mObj , sysMagnification, = 0); enterPage btnUp goTOC leavePage goDept goSection enterBook popTOC popDept previous popSection popMenu statusMsg author btnDn reader objDn btnDn popPos statusMsg status enterBook DEVELOP enterPage default DEVELOP leavePage statusMsg DEVELOP previous openStartup DEVELOP btnDn playClick startPos startPos btnUp startPos startPos startPos btnDn playClick item2 item1 objDn playClick goTOC NegoToPage goDept NegoToPage deptName goSection section NegoToPage sectionName popTOC deptNames deptPages MpopMenu popPages popNames popDept sectionNames sectionPages MpopMenu popPages popNames popSection section articleNames section articlePages MpopMenu popPages popNames popPos popMenu popPos popMenu NegoToPage pageList menuList author sizeToPage reader sizeToPage TEMPLATE Standard Title left bar banner text Section Label column text 1 column text 2 heading text 1 heading text 2 TOC label Table of Contents Department Label Section Label :PHYSSIZE statusMsg ohelpText playClick() (objectfrompoint( ) <> goToPage mouseLeave mouseEnter buttonDown buttonUp mouseEnter statusMsg helpText mouseLeave statusMsg buttonDown playClick buttonUp 'oNegoToPage helpText Go to any page... status statusMsg ohelpText playClick() (objectfrompoint( ) <> mouseLeave mouseEnter buttonDown buttonUp mouseEnter statusMsg helpText mouseLeave statusMsg buttonDown playClick buttonUp previous helpText Go to previous page. :PHYSSIZE statusMsg ohelpText playClick() (objectfrompoint( ) <> mouseLeave mouseEnter buttonDown buttonUp mouseEnter statusMsg helpText mouseLeave statusMsg buttonDown playClick buttonUp helpText Go to next page. Tools statusMsg ohelpText playClick() (objectfrompoint( ) <> openTools mouseLeave mouseEnter buttonDown buttonUp mouseEnter statusMsg helpText mouseLeave statusMsg buttonDown playClick buttonUp openTools helpText Open Tools window. Tools statusMsg ohelpText playClick() (objectfrompoint( ) <> shutDown mouseLeave mouseEnter buttonDown buttonUp mouseEnter statusMsg helpText mouseLeave statusMsg buttonDown playClick buttonUp shutDown helpText Exit NautilusCD. Browse statusMsg ohelpText playClick() (objectfrompoint( ) <> openBrowse mouseLeave mouseEnter buttonDown buttonUp mouseEnter statusMsg helpText mouseLeave statusMsg buttonDown playClick buttonUp openBrowse helpText Open Browse window. Browse statusMsg "BackTrack Table Contents." btnDn sysLockscreen btnUp popTOC (objectfrompoint( ) <> goTOC useLeave mouseEnter buttonDown buttonStillDown mouseLeave buttonUp mouseEnter statusMsg BackTrack to Table of Contents. mouseLeave statusMsg buttonDown btnDn buttonStillDown btnUp popTOC buttonUp btnUp goTOC helpText Backtrack to Table of Contents. Department statusMsg "BackTrack " && dept & "." btnDn sysLockscreen btnUp popDept (objectfrompoint( ) <> goDept useLeave mouseEnter buttonDown buttonStillDown mouseLeave buttonUp mouseEnter statusMsg BackTrack to mouseLeave statusMsg buttonDown btnDn buttonStillDown btnUp FpopDept buttonUp btnUp goDept helpText Backtrack to this department. Section statusMsg "BackTrack " && section & "." btnDn sysLockscreen btnUp popSection (objectfrompoint( ) <> goSection useLeave mouseEnter buttonDown buttonStillDown mouseLeave buttonUp mouseEnter statusMsg BackTrack to section mouseLeave statusMsg buttonDown btnDn buttonStillDown btnUp popSection buttonUp btnUp goSection helpText Backtrack to this section. statusMsg "BackTrack Table Contents." btnDn sysLockscreen btnUp popTOC (objectfrompoint( ) <> goTOC useLeave mouseEnter buttonDown buttonStillDown mouseLeave buttonUp mouseEnter statusMsg BackTrack to Table of Contents. mouseLeave statusMsg buttonDown btnDn buttonStillDown btnUp popTOC buttonUp btnUp goTOC :PHYSSIZE startPos 45,1200 TEMPLATE Standard Title TEMPLATE Article Page V left bar banner text column text 1 column text 2 TOC label Table of Contents Department Label Section Label :PHYSSIZE statusMsg ohelpText playClick() (objectfrompoint( ) <> goToPage mouseLeave mouseEnter buttonDown buttonUp mouseEnter statusMsg helpText mouseLeave statusMsg buttonDown playClick buttonUp 'oNegoToPage helpText Go to any page... status statusMsg ohelpText playClick() (objectfrompoint( ) <> mouseLeave mouseEnter buttonDown buttonUp mouseEnter statusMsg helpText mouseLeave statusMsg buttonDown playClick buttonUp previous helpText Go to previous page. :PHYSSIZE statusMsg ohelpText playClick() (objectfrompoint( ) <> mouseLeave mouseEnter buttonDown buttonUp mouseEnter statusMsg helpText mouseLeave statusMsg buttonDown playClick buttonUp helpText Go to next page. Tools statusMsg ohelpText playClick() (objectfrompoint( ) <> openTools mouseLeave mouseEnter buttonDown buttonUp mouseEnter statusMsg helpText mouseLeave statusMsg buttonDown playClick buttonUp openTools helpText Open Tools window. Tools statusMsg ohelpText playClick() (objectfrompoint( ) <> shutDown mouseLeave mouseEnter buttonDown buttonUp mouseEnter statusMsg helpText mouseLeave statusMsg buttonDown playClick buttonUp shutDown helpText Exit NautilusCD. Browse statusMsg ohelpText playClick() (objectfrompoint( ) <> openBrowse mouseLeave mouseEnter buttonDown buttonUp mouseEnter statusMsg helpText mouseLeave statusMsg buttonDown playClick buttonUp openBrowse helpText Open Browse window. Browse statusMsg "BackTrack Table Contents." btnDn sysLockscreen btnUp popTOC (objectfrompoint( ) <> goTOC useLeave mouseEnter buttonDown buttonStillDown mouseLeave buttonUp mouseEnter statusMsg BackTrack to Table of Contents. mouseLeave statusMsg buttonDown btnDn buttonStillDown btnUp popTOC buttonUp btnUp goTOC helpText Backtrack to Table of Contents. Department statusMsg "BackTrack " && dept & "." btnDn sysLockscreen btnUp popDept (objectfrompoint( ) <> goDept useLeave mouseEnter buttonDown buttonStillDown mouseLeave buttonUp mouseEnter statusMsg BackTrack to mouseLeave statusMsg buttonDown btnDn buttonStillDown btnUp FpopDept buttonUp btnUp goDept helpText Backtrack to this department. 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Tools statusMsg ohelpText playClick() (objectfrompoint( ) <> openTools mouseLeave mouseEnter buttonDown buttonUp mouseEnter statusMsg helpText mouseLeave statusMsg buttonDown playClick buttonUp openTools helpText Open Tools window. Tools statusMsg ohelpText playClick() (objectfrompoint( ) <> shutDown mouseLeave mouseEnter buttonDown buttonUp mouseEnter statusMsg helpText mouseLeave statusMsg buttonDown playClick buttonUp shutDown helpText Exit NautilusCD. Browse statusMsg ohelpText playClick() (objectfrompoint( ) <> openBrowse mouseLeave mouseEnter buttonDown buttonUp mouseEnter statusMsg helpText mouseLeave statusMsg buttonDown playClick buttonUp openBrowse helpText Open Browse window. Browse statusMsg "BackTrack Table Contents." btnDn sysLockscreen btnUp popTOC (objectfrompoint( ) <> goTOC useLeave mouseEnter buttonDown buttonStillDown mouseLeave buttonUp mouseEnter statusMsg BackTrack to Table of Contents. mouseLeave statusMsg buttonDown btnDn buttonStillDown btnUp popTOC buttonUp btnUp goTOC helpText Backtrack to Table of Contents. Department statusMsg "BackTrack " && dept & "." btnDn sysLockscreen btnUp popDept (objectfrompoint( ) <> goDept useLeave mouseEnter buttonDown buttonStillDown mouseLeave buttonUp mouseEnter statusMsg BackTrack to mouseLeave statusMsg buttonDown btnDn buttonStillDown btnUp FpopDept buttonUp btnUp goDept helpText Backtrack to this department. 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